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Bielsa is a legend
They are a pain in the arse aren’t they
I'm having the same issue. Driving me nuts!
Nathan R King
Same here I know how to play this. Glad I'm not the only one
Nathan R King
So just in case you don't know but to be able to turn off Induction is the Question Mark in the top right corner, & select tick expeirenced.
Gino Mourinho
This is winding me up now as well - I don't have any question mark showing on my screen to turn it off. Is there any other place this might be to turn this off?
Hi guys! Do you find any workaround on this?
Mick the Miller
me neither
Mick the Miller
Ive sussed it out. When you start a new save and then it takes you to the ‘Inductions’, there is now a button in the centre which allows you to ‘set to experienced’.
I hope this helps!
Guys, you set this up usually at the beginning where you set up you game manager face etc, there is a box to tick/untick that says teach me about new concepts
Mick the Miller
You will need to be on the original FM skin to do this though!