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FM24/25 Update Players to avoid
FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
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Bielsa is a legend
Editor data files overwrite the default SI data. The SI winter transfer update includes player transfers, some player attribute and ability changes, club changes etc.. If you have any editor data files in place which makes changes to FM database entries (players and/or clubs), then they will take priority over the existing data.
Editor data files don't change the whole database, but just those particular entries which are edited therein. So you can have an editor data file transferring Messi to Sunderland and making him a right-footed full-back born on 1st January 2000. Using that file with FM18, FM19 and FM20 would be possible, and he would have all those changes effected.
Added leagues are not necessarily compatible from one version of FM to another due to the fact that it is rather more complex than just bolting on changes to the database.
In your case, Haaland will be at Dortmund with any and all changes made by the respective SI researcher.