FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2

Skin for FM 2020 regular career mode and widescreen (1920x1080).

This is the FLUT Skin ("dark" version) for FM20. As usual, the Flut skin is completely full of changes when you compare with the default skin.

For many years I keep trying to edit a skin who can help FM Fans to better enjoy our game.
With the direct or indirect help of many FM players and FM skinners (thank you all) I created many stuff (such as the citypics, the rotating images of stadiums in club overview panel or the back and front kits displayed in player overview panel, just to mention some of the ones I consider most relevant).

Therefore, now, in FLUT Skin you can find the instant result option, the background/opacity selector, compatibility of player picture (in player overview panel) with DF11 and Scope facepacks styles, the animated intro match, front and back kits displaying in player overview panel, compatibilty with citypics and much…much more!!!

And now you can personalize FlutSkin more than ever!!
I included 14 alt folders in this pack. You just need to read the read me file in order to know how you can use them:
1. Alt. for sidebar - alt FM20 FlutSkin sidebar matching club colour (works only with the no hidden sidebar)
This folder is for those who want to use a coloured sidebar according each club colour.
2. Seven alts. for club overview panel - club overview alt1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
Seven different layout for the club overview panel
3. Alt. for player overview panel layout - player overview alt - flutskin 18
Files for return to the player overview layout I used in FlusSkin 1.8
4. Alt for attributes panel - alt for player overview without background boxes as default and for player profile and player popup without background boxes
Contain files for those who prefer playing with player attributes panel without background boxes
5. Alt for player overview panel without CA and PA values
6. Skin without background pictures
An alt client object browser.xml file for those who prefer playing the game with a solid background instead of pictures backgrounds (stadiums, cities, players, etc)
7. Alts for No Hidden Sidebar (the default sidebar) - for light and dark skin
8. Alt for playing with the tactics panel as in the 2.1 version (only displaying the back kit)

The Skin pack also includes:
1. “Round country flags”, “round continents logos” and default logos specially made in metallic style by @Qvordrup from sourtitoutsi. Those graphics will be displayed in the title bar.
2. Background maps for confederations, also made by @Qvordrup . Thank you @Qvordrup by your great work and for your collaboration!!!

You can download the 2D packs prepared for Flutskin (titlebar and player overview panel) here in sourtitoutsi. HERE
However, if you prefer edit your own kits, I also included in the pack a .pdf file explaining how you can edit the kits for Flutskin.

The logos in country locators are now updated by @Qvordrup according the last version of metallic logos.

You also can download the stadiums megapack and the citypics released by @DazS8 (thank you, my friend) HERE and HERE

And @geordie1981 has made a pack for inside "small" stadiums HERE

As always FlutSkin is completely free[/b] to download and I hope you enjoy it. However, if you want, you can reward my work donating whatever amount you wish. Any small amount is really appreciated.

You can do so by clicking the button down below:

Main changes in 2.2 version
- Tactics overview panel (front kits included; position colours changed)
- Instant result in match included
- Text font
- Hidden sidebar
- New alts.
- Tweaks here and there

Once again I would like to thank you to all FM Fans who support my work and also to all skin makers. A special thank you to PATRES10 from fmslovakia for the 2D default kits (especially tailor-made for FlutSkin).

Resolution requirements:
This skin was made to work properly in 1920x1080 (1080p) full screen mode, sidebar icons only. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions (and also in 1920x1080 windowed mode).

How to add Flut Skin in FM20
Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Place the "fm2020flutskin_dark" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020\skins

  • Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
  • Start FM20 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
  • You should see FM 2020 Flut Skin dark - Version 2.2 as an option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
  • Hit the Confirm button.

  • Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.
    17 years ago
    6 hours ago
    Any idea how to fix this?

    Yes... Your stadium pictures has a wrong config. Delete your stadium pack and download this one :
    16 years ago
    1 month ago
    Brilliant I'll give that a go thanks
    16 years ago
    52 minutes ago
    Still the king of skins. Often threatened but never beaten !
    Deleted Account #1228603
    Hi my friend, one question.

    How to change this black color in white?

    because my stadium background give me this problem.

    Thanks a lot
    6 years ago
    9 months ago
    hi my friend, why my tactic section become empty?

    11 years ago
    3 years ago
    Thanks - Great Skin !

    with this new Skin Version 1.8,
    i have one Issue with Stadium Picture
    The Switch Idea: from Stadium Inside "and" Outside Pictures is great
    - but the Stadium Outside Picture not showing
    - i see the right Inside Picture, but Outside only blue Screen Picture ( i test every Club)
    = it is a Skin Issue, or Stadium Pictures Files Issue?
    i use these Files:

    Inside Stadium Picture:

    Outside Stadium Picture:

    Bayern M. is one example:
    here it is in the SaveGame, with another Team, but same Issue
    15 years ago
    3 hours ago
    Hi bartdude: many thanks!!!!!!

    gaetan0: the colour of that numbers are white. I don't know why they are black in your game. Try to clear the cache and reload the game.

    ltwkluv85: I really don't know. Everything is okay in my game. Try to clear the cache and reload the game.
    15 years ago
    3 hours ago
    11 years ago
    3 years ago
    Hi Flut, i wrote in my Post, that i use them, too.

    Maybe with your Skin 1.9 - the Issue is gone - i will try now
    15 years ago
    1 year ago
    THANKS mate fot the best Skin FM 20
    Tommy Hughes
    12 years ago
    10 hours ago

    Thank you very much for the skin and for the latest update! Seeing the player's shirts frnt and back is a really nice extra bit of detail. Flut skin has been my number one choice for FM 2020.

    There is one thing that's been bugging me, though:
    For some reason player height is not shown on the player profile popup that appears when you hover over the small spot at the beginning of a player's name. I often like to browse opponents or players of interest quickly to see whether someone poses significant aerial threat or not (and which of my players should be posted to defend aerial balls and which ones should be placed higher up in defensive corners or freekicks) and not seeing their height in the popup forces me to click into every player's profile, then back out and check the next player etc. instead of a quick glance at their popup info. This is especially time-consuming when setting up set pieces.

    I've been trying to find the file that holds the key for this feature but haven't been succesfull. Would you happen to know what line to edit and in which file in the skin? Thanks!
    Hopping Witch
    13 years ago
    3 years ago
    Hey Flut, thanks a lot for your efforts to make this great skin better and better!

    In respect to the new player overview panel of version 1.9, I have one question:
    How can I make the background of "A" or "Player Flut Stadium" (on top of the page in the middle with the player picture) to be transparent?

    Greetz and thanks again!
    17 years ago
    6 hours ago
    Thanks - Great Skin !

    with this new Skin Version 1.8,
    i have one Issue with Stadium Picture
    The Switch Idea: from Stadium Inside "and" Outside Pictures is great
    - but the Stadium Outside Picture not showing
    - i see the right Inside Picture, but Outside only blue Screen Picture ( i test every Club)
    = it is a Skin Issue, or Stadium Pictures Files Issue?
    i use these Files:

    Inside Stadium Picture:

    Outside Stadium Picture:

    Bayern M. is one example:
    here it is in the SaveGame, with another Team, but same Issue

    The inside and the outside stadiums can also be referred to as small and big stadiums. They have different configs.

    The inside stadiums (small) : <record from="xxxx" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/xxxx/stadium"/>

    This part is covered by the pack you are using :

    The outside stadiums (large): <record from="xxxx" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/xxxx/background"/>

    You need a pack that covers that.

    At the current time we don't have a pack on our site, so try looking here :

    We have a background pack at our site :

    But at the moment is not working properly so I would not recommend using it with flut skin. Hopefully It will be upgraded/changed/fixed in the near future.

    11 years ago
    3 years ago
    Now, it works, thanks !!!
    both Files are needed

    so, now, it shows inside and outside Stadium Pictures - great !

    Edit: the Google "Background" Files = thanks, but no, i don't like background Pictures, because i can not read all Text, if the Background is not clear (one colour)
    you know what i mean?
    11 years ago
    3 years ago
    I would like to thank you for the great work you have done so far. But I have one wish.
    I hope you work on the graphical user interface while watching the 3d-Match.
    I would be very happy if this one looks more realistic. What I mean there in detail is the following:
    There are certain scoreboards, so you get the feeling you are watching a football match on TV.
    You can see a TV logo and the topmost bar shows for example the club name and the club logo.
    Also an improved view of for example players who score a goal or get a yellow card.
    The view should be a bit bigger and not be shown in the top bar.
    Thanks !
    15 years ago
    3 hours ago
    Hi all: since some of you expressed your preference for the old player overview panels and club overview panel, I decided to do some alts for you. Here are the alts (3 different alternative club overview panels and 1 alternative player overview panel). Enjoy it.

    15 years ago
    3 hours ago
    Hey Flut, thanks a lot for your efforts to make this great skin better and better!

    In respect to the new player overview panel of version 1.9, I have one question:
    How can I make the background of "A" or "Player Flut Stadium" (on top of the page in the middle with the player picture) to be transparent?

    Greetz and thanks again!


    for player flut card ( "A" ) go to player overview panel and change (in line 1201)

    <container class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/bordered/standard/a" red_replacement="primary" priority="1" default_height="-5" id="plfb" minimum_height="20">


    <container class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/bordered/standard/a" red_replacement="primary" colour="primary" priority="1" default_height="-5" id="plfb" minimum_height="20">

    For "Player Flut Stadium" i don't know how to it. However, in my game that title does't appear since hit is behind the stadium picture.
    15 years ago
    3 hours ago
    I would like to thank you for the great work you have done so far. But I have one wish.
    I hope you work on the graphical user interface while watching the 3d-Match.
    I would be very happy if this one looks more realistic. What I mean there in detail is the following:
    There are certain scoreboards, so you get the feeling you are watching a football match on TV.
    You can see a TV logo and the topmost bar shows for example the club name and the club logo.
    Also an improved view of for example players who score a goal or get a yellow card.
    The view should be a bit bigger and not be shown in the top bar.
    Thanks !


    First of all thanks for you words and suggestions.
    I already used scoreboards of different competitions and tv logos in the skins for previous FMs. However, this year I prefer to use the scoreboard I did (also with the club logos and names) and I don't intend to use different scoreboards and the TV logo (for now...I don't know if in the future I will change my decision). Sorry.
    Regarding the other questions, I don't know how to do in order to not disturb other stuff in the panels. Sorry again.
    16 years ago
    3 years ago

    Any idea why this badge is showing in from of the back of the shirt? and how to get rid of it?

    13 years ago
    10 hours ago

    Any idea why this badge is showing in from of the back of the shirt? and how to get rid of it?


    Have a look at this:

    1. Firs of all go to a player who don't have the 2D kit. In that case the default front kit will be shown. The logo is too big but is the logo for the kit (I had to do that trick because, as you know the default kits don't have the team kit - the exception is the kits showed in the kits panel). Thus, for adjust it you should go to kit icon16.xml and adjust (by trial and error) the place and the dimension of the logo, in the following code:

    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="-43"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="110"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="86" />
    16 years ago
    3 years ago
    First of all thanks Flut for this skin, I love it. Makes the gameplay so much better!

    Thanks vonreichsm for helping with that, I have now managed to remove that badge now from the back of the shirt, however, I have another problem.

    The name and number on the back of the shirt doesn't fit the name of the players. It seems to show 3 letters and the rest is cut off, whilst the numbers are very small. Any idea why this is or how to fix it? (screenshot attached).

    I am on a MAC and the resolution is full screen 1440 x 900, and zoomed out to 85% in the preferences if that helps?

    Also, any idea how to find this default background picture of the player doing a scissor kick? I want to change it to my own one if possible (screenshot attached).

    Thanks again.
    11 years ago
    3 years ago

    it is possible to change some Files for 3d Match?

    1) on the Top "left": the club Logos, club Names and result
    = change to the Top middle

    2) Goal Scores Picture, Yellow Cards Picture, Changing Players out/in
    from on the Top right - to at the bottom middle

    Thank you so much - if it is possible

    15 years ago
    3 hours ago
    Hi 18*EVERTON*78 : for the name in the kit go to generic folder and open kit icon14.xml. Change the value in (use trial and error method) <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="59"/>
    Regarding the picture, I really don't know where it is.

    HI "Ich bin Groot" :
    1. in the next relaese the scorebaord will be on the top middle
    2. Is not a good idea since in order to work with the right height implies to change the height of the footer panel and that made the panels of match inbetween highlights much small and the match comments bar too high. I put that panel displaying in the top middle. is not the solution I prefer but for now I couldn't another....
    11 years ago
    3 years ago
    Thank you very much !!!
    i wait and enjoy with your coming Skin - then i start my first Career in FM20.
    12 years ago
    1 week ago
    Apologies if it has already been asked

    Anyone know how to change the background pic from ronaldo?
    14 years ago
    6 months ago
    reallt good skin for FM20.. Thx so much Flut
    11 years ago
    3 years ago
    Thanks for the Skin 2.0
    i use / test the light Skin:

    can you change that, like in picture: it is not good to read the Text

    - and yes, i clean the Cache fourtimes, before start new Career ....

    15 years ago
    1 year ago
    Superb Skin!!! thanks mate
    17 years ago
    3 weeks ago
    Love the skin, amazing
    11 years ago
    3 years ago
    i use your light skin, because the dark skin is for me too dark...
    but, the light skin, all background wallpaper pictures, i think, are okay, but not really clean, to read all the text in front...
    so, in my case, i change one background wallpaper picture and use this in the game.

    for me, i can much better read all
    if you want to use them, no problem.

    install steps:
    first: delete the file "3.jpg" in: ...\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020\skins\fm2020flutskin_light\graphics\backgrounds
    second: put my file into that path
    third: start FM, clear the Cache, Reload the Skin, and then you can change the Background Wallpaper Picture to the "new" 3.jpg

    here some Pictures:

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