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jamie marris
Hi mate could i also get a link to skin buddy?
I don’t have one I’m afraid. That’s all I have. Sorry
Bielsa is a legend
can someone share a screen shot of his explorer mac os window of the ipad please ?
i don't understand how sould i name the main folder ? pictures or graphics ?
pictures and places all other sub folders in that folder
Hi Matt,
ok for pictures then, but do i create a folder graphics ? or just put logos faces etc into the pictures folder ?
No need to create a graphics folder. Just have pictures folder and place logos, faces into the pictures folder
Bielsa is a legend
It works them all in separate folders, faces, logos, kits etc
Makes it easier to update if you change anything, and makes reloading the cache quicker
Bielsa is a legend
I really can’t get my logos kits or faces to appear in game. I’ve attached a photo of my iPad FMT structure. I think I’ve done it right. So in the Pictures folder I’ve got sub folders of logos, kits, faces all in lower case.
I’ve done the clear cache in game and quit FMT app and opened it again but still new logos etc do not appear.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Bielsa is a legend
Yeah I’m sorted thanks. Where is the dark grey skin? Have you got a link...?
And a link to the city pics?
Bielsa is a legend
New to the forum and this thread led me here (along with Covoid-19 downtime
There seem to be a lot of questions here that aren't answered specifically and it'd be great to put this all to clear this all up for everyone First, the file path, which one is it.....
Lastly the "skin_config" file renaming, should it be 20.0.0, 20.1.4? The latest version according to app store is 20.4 so would it now be 20.4.0???
And is the file path for skins on the ROOT folder or under Pictures??
Hey, any chance of a step by step as to how you got the logos working?
I have FMT20 and have downloaded the packs you have mentioned but they have given me some old badges, have you got a file for all the modern ones? Is this the high capacity pack you talk about it?
Also, to install the high capacity pack, do you have to delete FMT off of your iPad before downloading it. Firstly where is that pack as I can not find it on the Korean page it sends you to and secondly I'm really afraid of deleting it as I have had a lot of issues getting badges and pics already! Do you have to delete it?
And lastly, is there any way of getting the realtime for Juventus and the Brazilian teams?
Any help would be hugely appreciated!
I started with FMT on iPad mini 4, due to lack of time for the full version.
I sucessfully installed a logo pack, then tried to install facepacks with different sizes, 6 - 16 GB. Even after adding a the smallest facepack, I’m still just seeing the loading screen with the circle going round and round for hours and hours...
What is the maximum loading time I can expect? Is there any restriction for the iPad mini?
Thanks for any advice.
Paul Biggin
If anyone is interested on the packs I used. Just make sure you extract them in the folder structure.
(Went for the 20/21 kits)
Pictures (folder inside of Graphics)
Bielsa is a legend
Hi Paul, exactly the same packs i use
if only there was a data editor, whilst it looks great now, i hate my team not having current squads etc / promotions and the like
Paul Biggin
I did look to see if I could fix it. Will just have to wait for FMT21 and see if we can lob a water bottle at anyone with the new gestures.
For someone who is looking to play FM Touch on iPad this year, it would be great to see some screenshots of your game showing off the added graphics. There isn't much content around to show how good FM can look on iPad.
I also assume the 30 min loading time for the game was just the first time you loaded the game and it doesn't take this long every time?
Paul Biggin
The next restart is fine as everything is loaded.
See the attached pics for how good it looks.
The kits, logos, faces, trophies and stadiums.....
Paul Biggin
Paul Biggin