the file is for the game fm18, tested in my fm20, and works perfect


This mod turns FM 2020 generic adboards into club-specific colors, flags, and banners, giving each stadium its own flair and feel and adding some much-needed individuality to the 3D match-game engine.

With over 700 clubs and thousands of images, it's not a perfect duplication of a stadium's adboards or look, but at least offers up something new to look at.

1. Extract the contents of the file. You don't need special software for that as it's a .zip file.

2.Place the first "ads" folder (the one that has only the fm.xml file inside it) inside your FM20 user data folder, that by default is found at:
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2020

3.Place the large "pictures/ads" folder inside your "graphics" folder:
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2020 > graphics
If you already have a pictures folder, just place the large "ads" folder within it, so as not to erase whatever else is in your pictures folder, like stadiums, flags, city pics, etc.
If you don’t have a graphics folder, please create one. Graphics folder should now read graphics/pictures/ads.

4. Place the "simatchviewer_uncompressed" folder (this contains the video ads) into the "data" folder within your Steam installation folder (which is not located in the area of the first two folders):
[i]steam > steamapps > common > Football Manager 2020 > data

5.Please restart FM20 entirely. If you just refresh the cache, the game may still not realize there is an entirely new place to find its graphics. Only when FM20 is restarted will it find and read the new ads xml file, and also discover the video ads.

Go in-game to the Preferences > Interface screen; click on "Clear Cache". And then return to the same screen and click "Reload Skin".
Individual team banners and flags should now appear. Enjoy!

10 years ago
9 hours ago
Does anyone know if the "simatchviewer_uncompressed" folder (containing the video ads) is placed in either Program Files or Program Files (x86), or does it not make a difference?

I can create the proper string - steam > steamapps > common > Football Manager 2020> data>simatchviewer_uncompressed

18 years ago
2 years ago

This second step: 2.Place the first "ads" folder (the one that has only the fm.xml file inside it) inside your FM20 user data folder, that by default is found at:
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2020

This folder doesn't exist on my Apple Mac. Do you know the alternate folder for Mac to put this file in?

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago
10 hours ago

This second step: 2.Place the first "ads" folder (the one that has only the fm.xml file inside it) inside your FM20 user data folder, that by default is found at:
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2020

This folder doesn't exist on my Apple Mac. Do you know the alternate folder for Mac to put this file in?

Thanks in advance.

From FM20 onwards, there's been a substantial change to how Mac FM documents are stored. Previously the files would automatically go in the Documents folder here:

Users/YOUR Mac USERNAME/Documents/Sports Interactive

Now the files will instead appear in the following location:

Users/YOUR Mac USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive

By default this folder is hidden, so to access you need to do as follows:

Open Finder
Click ‘Go’ from the menubar
Press and hold down the ‘Option’ (Alt) key
This will bring up the ‘Library’, click to enter then go to ‘Application Support’ -> ‘Sports Interactive’ -> ‘Football Manager 2020’
10 years ago
9 hours ago
@strangerthankindness Hi there, I wonder if you could talk us through how to add a team to the fm.xml file that is not in the patch already.

I added aldershot in and created a folder within the correct English folder. Created about 14 ad-boards (numbering them 1.png / 2.png / 3.png etc ..) and then followed the guidelines of the other teams within the fm.xml of adding them in. Giving them new file i.d's that hadn't been used already. Then remembering the correct procedure when creating the integer value. Saved it all then loaded it up.

This obviously caused a conflict, as when I loaded the game and cleared the cache. Closed it down and loaded it up again, the team had Football Manager 2018 boards all the way around the pitch? ............

Do you need to start a new game completely for the ad-boards to kick in? Or is the clear cache thing enough (similar to kits and logo add-on's).

What could have caused the ad-board failure with the FM 2018 boards appearing?

Thanks in advance to Stranger or anyone else who may know the answer.
10 years ago
9 hours ago
Hi there stranger, got the pitch-side boards all working but not the one in the stands. I’ve given up trying to figure that one out now.
However I wish to add Aldershot into the equation. I have made good ad-boards and over-typed an existing club, in a league I wasn’t using. Changed to all the right Aldershot club i.d. and also ensured that the ad-boards were the same size and also the same number. The Shots ad-boards then had a folder added to the English folder and the route was correct so that the file would know where to look for them.

However, it shows the Football Manager 2028 repeat ad-boards and so something isn’t being done right.

Do you have any ideas?

Ideally I was looking to do all of the Conference teams stadiums to match the rest.
17 years ago
1 year ago
Hi there stranger, got the pitch-side boards all working but not the one in the stands. I’ve given up trying to figure that one out now.
However I wish to add Aldershot into the equation. I have made good ad-boards and over-typed an existing club, in a league I wasn’t using. Changed to all the right Aldershot club i.d. and also ensured that the ad-boards were the same size and also the same number. The Shots ad-boards then had a folder added to the English folder and the route was correct so that the file would know where to look for them.

However, it shows the Football Manager 2028 repeat ad-boards and so something isn’t being done right.

Do you have any ideas?

Ideally I was looking to do all of the Conference teams stadiums to match the rest.

This is down to an error in your xml file, look at your code again, chances are you’ve missed a “/> after assigning a graphic to an id number
10 years ago
9 hours ago
This is down to an error in your xml file, look at your code again, chances are you’ve missed a “/> after assigning a graphic to an id number

Is it best to just add a whole new line of code on, or over-typing a team in a league that I am not going to use better?

Is it important that the ad-boards are the same size as the club I am swapping them with?

Thanks in advance.

15 years ago
1 month ago
i have a macbook pro and i am comfused about so many adboard packs and their instructions.
can anybody help me? i want adboards in the game. it's very realistic to have adboards.
thank you

Basically, there are two major adboard packs. This one and @rabcp one.
The pack from @rabcp is getting frequent updates so I recommend that one. Instructions on how to install them, you find in the specific topic.
13 years ago
1 month ago
Link does not load!
13 years ago
4 years ago
I would like to have just club banners not the ADS'. Can i do that, how?
16 years ago
1 day ago
Sorry how do I get rid of the default video ad boards when I download this?

7 years ago
4 years ago
Video Add Is working for me but Not Club banner , before it used to work in FM20 Not Since the Update
Tiago Mota Da Cruz
6 years ago
10 months ago
Does anyone know how i can just have the adboards and not the club banners? in my game they sometimes cover the adboards and i cant see the ads on the side pitch..I prefer just to have the adboards only
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I found some new adboards and banners from clubs, but i have no idea what to do with them. If anyone knows how please create those.

12 years ago
1 month ago
Buongiorno a tutti, io l'ho installata e funziona tutto perfettamente. Peccato che non compaiano gli striscioni delle squadre che giocano in trasferta ma va benissimo così. Qualcuno sa se con qualche programma di editor si possa intervenire sui singoli striscioni per poterli modificare?

Grazie per la eventuale risposta e buon gioco a tutti
9 years ago
10 months ago
Basically, there are two major adboard packs. This one and @rabcp one.
The pack from @rabcp is getting frequent updates so I recommend that one. Instructions on how to install them, you find in the specific topic.

this is my result! May i make somewhere wrong?
6 years ago
4 months ago
we need more more more
6 years ago
4 months ago
It's nice, but when playing with some clubs, there are no ads on the field,they are replaced by supporters banners.
It looks a little bit weird with no ads and only banners.

edit : I found away to make ads work in minor league, by forcing led screens in the config .xml file. Supporters banners are only in the stadium now, not around the pitch.

how did you fix this problem ...
11 years ago
1 year ago
Is anyone making custom adboards by any chance I’m playing with a team that’s not got personalised adboards ie lower league team and have just got promoted to league two looking to mix it up a bit
7 years ago
4 years ago
hi i have the video boards working around the pitch however the stadium adboards are defaulting to standard fm boards and not the club ones , what i am doing wrong?

See picture below
Change Graphics to graphics this issue happens for that error, even i faced the same issue
7 years ago
4 years ago
Hey AmDaddy -

Thanks for your messages and interest. Sorry for delay in responding to everyone; I've been off the board for quite some time, and am just logging on now. To tell you the truth I don't know how this got onto the FM2020 boards, I had made this years ago for FM14-15 and updated it again for FM18, but never bothered creating one for FM20. It does work with it, but I'm barely playing either FM20 or any FM anymore due to some life changes (kids, man). I didn't actually upload this here to FM2020, the mod was indeed 'created by strangerthankindness' but someone else must have placed it on this thread? I didn't even know that was possible.

Interestingly, the link it's sending people to, FM_18_2, isn't even the most updated version. I did create and share an update for FM19 on another site, which has even more teams and leagues....

I don't know if it's allowed to mention other sites, but I've put this on both SI Forums and FMSCOUT, and it has more detailed instructions than what is here, which will hopefully address some of the issues people are having. (Especially that 'starting out' glitch, it does seem like you have to shut down and restart the program to get them to appear, I think because it's during start-up that the game reads and processes the ads xmf file, and knows where to find them). Just do a search under adboards and you should find the uploads with more detailed instructions. You can also find more detailed info on how to ad your own team if it's not in there, or even more teams in the division you're playing in. Also, this mod works under the same principle and rules of rabcp's great adboard pack that can be found here; if you follow those general directions, it should be the same. (This mod pretty much ignores realistic ads in favor of club-specific imagery drawn from scarves, supporters clubs, tifos, banners, etc).

To answer some of the questions:
FM08 adboards show up when there's a home game with a team that does not have graphics in the pack, ie. your Mineros de Zacatecas and many other of the Mexican 2nd division clubs. (I tried to get most of the LIGAMX teams in there, at least). It could also happen if you're using a separate adboard pack (like the great rabcp one) and the ID's are competing.

Regarding the iTunes stuff, StuartNG, I have no idea on that one, you're making me feel old, man; I had no idea you could do something with iTunes and FM. Also, I have no idea if this works with FM Touch or on iPad, as I don't know if the files are stored in different areas? Sorry I can't help with that.

Apologies again for anyone frustrated with it, but hope that everyone who's downloaded it has gotten it to work, and is enjoying it. (It just hit 25k downloads from the sites its been shared on, which is a good milestone). I wish I could help more, but I've not touched FM2020 in about four months and my son needs to be put to bed right now.
I cant download from this link it will stop at 95%
Jay White
7 years ago
2 years ago
Hello! I am having trouble with this as I am a Mac user as well. On part 4:

4. Place the "simatchviewer_uncompressed" folder (this contains the video ads) into the "data" folder within your Steam installation folder (which is not located in the area of the first two folders):
[i]steam > steamapps > common > Football Manager 2020 > data

I only have "ads, editor data, games, graphics and skins in my Football Manager 2020 folder. Do I put it in the editor data folder?
12 years ago
4 months ago
hi all my problem is that the led video panels work well but the banners around and place in the stands do not work .... you have to install everything and restart 2 times the game for it to work ?? i'm on FM20

15 years ago
6 months ago
hi all my problem is that the led video panels work well but the banners around and place in the stands do not work .... you have to install everything and restart 2 times the game for it to work ?? i'm on FM20


Hapend the same to me...

Any one can help?
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I’m on Windows and don’t have a “user editor” folder. I have “editor data”....... is that the same thing?
8 years ago
1 year ago
8 years ago
7 hours ago
Hello! I am having trouble with this as I am a Mac user as well. On part 4:

4. Place the "simatchviewer_uncompressed" folder (this contains the video ads) into the "data" folder within your Steam installation folder (which is not located in the area of the first two folders):
[i]steam > steamapps > common > Football Manager 2020 > data

I only have "ads, editor data, games, graphics and skins in my Football Manager 2020 folder. Do I put it in the editor data folder?

you are in the wrong folder, in this step, you need to go to the Steam folder, you are going to the documents folder
10 years ago
9 hours ago
I’ve now changed over to playing FM Touch on a PC laptop due to the restrictions with iOS.

Got this all working. Changed videos to only SD but had to lower the graphics quality from high to medium to get them to work in-game. The static adboards all worked fine but perhaps the high graphics demands were too much.
Bizarre as I have a new Dell gaming laptop and the graphics quality is showing as high for the game.
I tried lowering crowd graphics quality and shadows but that didn’t do much but as I said medium setting on graphics in preferences seemed to do the job.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Hey so I tried creating a live ad board for monaco but it seem to be in .ivf but I don't know how to convert to that who created this pack can help me pls?

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