FM24 Data Update
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- Updated 17 Feb 2025
- 104,978 Changes
- 586 Contributors
- FM24.3
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Here is the written evidence indicated by the French sports daily which indicates the end of the contract for players playing in French Ligue 1 including Thomas Meunier.
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Article sur les fins de contat:
its spam it states nothing to support your claims there is nothing online to support your claims either so no need to PM me stating the same thing.
stop spamming the forums with posts like this
Message privé 😉
![Thomas Meunier](
![Thomas Meunier](
ONCE AGAIN there is nothing in it to confirm your submission you were warned yesterday regarding this , it is just rumours this is spam do not tag me or PM regarding this either post proof of your submissions or they wont be confirmed This is from an online newspaper and is just an article PROOF is a club saying player x/y/z is being released you know this.
This is what your link says -
The Team takes stock of the latest developments concerning players at the end of the contract at PSG.
Nothing is moving for Thiago Silva, Cavani, Meunier and Kurzawa. All these players are at the end of the contract at PSG and "have in common the fact that they have not received any recent news from management" according to L'Equipe.
In recent weeks, however, the trend has been a possibility of extension for Thiago Silva and Cavani. “Regarding Thiago Silva, for the time being, PSG has not issued any offers. If his compatriots of the club would like to see him stay, today, the probability that he leaves France takes a little more thickness, "says L'Equipe. Cavani has offers in Spain, Italy, England and MLS.
For Meunier and Kurzawa, this will probably be the start. The Belgian could join Tottenham or Mourinho absolutely wants to. But Manchester United and Chelsea are also on the move. For Kurzawa, it could be FC Barcelona.