FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
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FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
FM24/25 Update Free Players
FM24/25 Update Bargains
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FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
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I'm trying to add my own ads in to this for a club which has no adds, but I can't get them to show up (just showing fm2008 ads). I've made them png files 1024 x 128, added these line to the code:
<!-- Berwick ads -->
<record id="10310" path="pictures/ads/europe/scotland/clubs/berwick/berwick1"/>
<record id="10311" path="pictures/ads/europe/scotland/clubs/berwick/berwick2"/>
<!-- Berwick, rabcp -->
<list id="1543">
<integer value="10310"/>
<integer value="10311"/>
I've picked the record id number as a random number that is not used anywhere else in the code, is that right?
Can you see anything I might have done wrong?
Want heb 2 á 3 ringen adboards nu wou ik de 2de ring een kleur geven en dan de naam van de stadion in het midden ter hoogte van de middellijn hebben aan beide kant en daar omheen dan de gewonnen prijzen met jaartal.
Kan iemand mijn hier misschien mee helpen of uitleggen hoe ik dat moet dan?
Thanks but for some reason i cant download them
There will be an error in your code, can you post the full code for Berwick
Have a look at the 'Positioning Adboard's' post on page 1, that will expain the process, please post in English next time, use google translate
These are the only lines I've added to the fm.xml file, should I have added something else?
<!-- Berwick ads -->
<record id="10310" path="pictures/ads/europe/scotland/clubs/berwick/berwick1"/>
<record id="10311" path="pictures/ads/europe/scotland/clubs/berwick/berwick2"/>
<!-- Berwick, rabcp -->
<list id="1543">
<integer value="10310"/>
<integer value="10311"/>
Your have not ended the list of Berwick ads, copy the code below
<!-- Berwick, rabcp -->
<list id="1543">
<integer value="10310"/>
<integer value="10311"/>
Nice one! Now, is there way to make it show generic Scottish league adds as well or do I have to add each ad board I want shown in?
The code below will add the Scottish generic ads to Berwick Rangers
<!-- Berwick, rabcp -->
<list id="1543">
<integer value="10310"/>
<integer value="10311"/>
<!-- Scottish ads -->
<record id="scotland" />
I had an issue with the xml file which has now been resolved, V1.3 should be released this evening but will be after 10PM UK time
New Leagues/Cups
Croky Cup (DylaanAG ads)
Updated Leagues/Cups
Jupiler Pro League (DylaanAG ads)
Super League Greece (Mysterio ads)
Russian Premier League (map788 ads) (Video ads)
Russian Football National League (map788 ads)
Russian Cup (map788 ads)
Slovenian PrvaLiga (Aljo24 ads)
Updated Clubs
Akhmat Grozny, Arsenal Tula, CSKA Moscow, Dynamo Moscow, Krasnodar, Krylia Sovetovy, Lokomotiv Moscow, Orenburg, Rostov, Rubin Kazan, Spartak Moscow, UFA, Ural Yekaterimburg & Zenit Saint Petersburg (all map788 ads) (all Video ads)
New Clubs
Anderlecht, Antwerp, Cercle Brugge, Charleroi, Club Brugge, Eupen, KAA Gent, KRC Genk, KV Kortrijk, KV Mechelen, KV Oostende, Royal Excel Mouscron, Sint-Truiden, Standard Liege, Waasland-Beveren & Zulte Waregem (all DylaanAG ads)
Paris FC
Bayer Leverkusen (Video ads), Bayern Munich (Video ads) & FC Koln (Video ads)
AEK Athens, AEL Larissa, Aris Thessaloniki, Asteras Tripolis, Lamia, OFI Crete, Olympiakos, Panathinaikos, Panetoklikos, Panionios, PAOK Thessaloniki, Volos & Xanthi (all Mysterio ads)
FC Porto (Video ads)
Aluminij, Celje, Domzale, NK Bravo, Maribor, Mura, Olimpija Ljubljana, Rudar Velenje, Tabor Sezana & Triglav Kranj (all Aljo24 ads)
FC Tambov (map788 ads) (Video ads) & PFC Sochi (map788 ads) (Video ads)
International Teams
Fixed issue with French Ligue 2 ads not displaying
Video Installation Guide
I have dedicated 1000's of hours, making and coding adbaords for Football Manager since 2008. These adbaord patches have attracted over 100,000 downloads and remain the only real way to inject some personality into the Football Manager match engine. While this is a free patch if you wish to donate as way of thanking me for my time you can do so by the link below.
Hi rabcp
thanks for you`re fantastic work is it possible for the next update to put in updated led adboards for vfb stuttgart? They are now back in 1 Bundesliga.
Thanks guys, there will be more German ads being produced for V1.4 including Stuttgart and Wolfsburg!
Great news Rab!!!
thanks for you`re fantastic work is it possible for the next update to put in updated led adboards for TSV 1860 Munich?
Everything seems to be in order with .3, but I'm getting the black screens for the Leverkusen video ads based off of a quick check. The files are showing up in the correct place and I am using the club specific .xml file. This seems to be the only issue so far.
Thanks Andy,
I wouldnt be able to make video ads for 1860 Munich but I could possibly make some static adboards for them
It looks like SI have hardcoded some ads for dutch players, if your reapply the bidstack fix it may solve this issue for you
Your welcome, have a look at the FAQ on page 1 of this thread it may provide a solution
So, I've downloaded this for the first time with all due updates... But! It didn't work, the moving pictures were blank, and the static ones didn't show, So i've deleted the folders after a long while of trying... When I've only put the first version without any update, it finally worked. It seems as if the updates break something!
missed one off
would it also be possible to get a generic ifollow added into a future update?
Peter William
In my Oldham Athletic save, we have video ads boards (unsure why?) of the generic variety and its ruining the immersion
The updates do not break anything, you have either not installed them properly or installed them in the wrong order.
Unfortunately, while SI have given us the function to turn on video ads for any club, they have neglected to give us the function to turn them off, I'm afraid you are stuck with them.
Peter William
Thanks for the swift reply. Also patch is awesome. Having dl'd the 1.2 update, its not so bad. Just seeing 'watch Oldham vs Maccelsfield on board your Emirates 1st class flight to Dubai' wasn't cutting it.
I have just noticed you can toggle video hoardings on or off for each specific stadium (well Boundary Park) via the editor. Haven't tested as this would mean restarting the save.
Your welcome, I’ve tried turning them off in the editor and it doesn’t work either unfortunately. Once your climb the leagues with the mighty Oldham it’ll look less out of place 👀