Andy2883 Activity
Could it be that the national team of Germany is still missing
Kann es sein das die Nationalmannschaft von Deutschland fehlt noch
until when will an update rabcp come
My question was whether it is possible to set 2 backgrounds, because I have no idea my last post was...
you can also put in 2 or 3 in an interview and press conference such as Germany, Schalke and champio...
Von Vassilis_3 28. März 2021 - 14:32 UTC Wenn du kannst auf Englisch mein Freund I would b...
ich würde mich freuen wenn Deutschland von der Nationalmannschaft und RB Leipzig noch dazu kommen wü...
By DazS8 27 March 2021 - 16:38 PM UTC ? When I start with Schalke and do the first press c...
irgendetwas stimmt nicht wenn ich mit schalke starte und vor die Presse stehe ist dass von Barcelona...
muss man dort ein neues spiel beginnen? weil wenn ich den skin neu lade ist es immer noch der Standa...
By rabcp On 03 December 2020 - 13:42 PM UTCWithin the ‘football manager 2021/ads’ folder...
By rabcp On 03 December 2020 - 08:52 AM UTCYou are using the wrong xml file, switch to the clubs xml...
Hi rabcp this is how it looks when I play in Leverkusen there are no boards from the club or there a...
there are no club gangs near Cologne and Leverkusen
Something is wrong with the band advertising from Leverkusen, Cologne and the dfl Supercup @ rabcp
[quote name='rabcp' user_id='22465' id='545590' timestamp='1593522204']
Thanks Andy,
I wouldnt be able to make video ads for 1860 Munich but I could possibly make some static adboards for them
It looks like SI have...
Hi rabcp
thanks for you`re fantastic work is it possible for the next update to put in updated led adboards for TSV 1860 Munich?