This is the match engine file modified for reality and adding much more interest in fm.

It changes everything in match, such as passing, moving, attacking, defending, 1 on 1, kill passing, buildup, one two passing, pressing, attacking moving, attacking switching, defending switching and so on. You won't see dumb and stupid playing anymore that all of FM series always had. All of moving and playing will be realistic or understandable at least.

All tactics can be played much better in match as real football playing or as you have imagined what you wanna watch in matches, which you wanted to see from this game and didn't know even this could be done in FM.
If you are football fan, it’s wasting of life not using this. With this one, I assure you don’t need to buy next series of Football Manager before SI done for much far better AI and match engine.

You can see short gif here:

More gif here:

While this is a free patch and will be more patches, if you wish to donate as way of thanking me for my time and my team you can do so by the link below.

How to apply: close football manager 2020. unzip and replace json file in this location. Then open again.
(No need to start new game. It applies on all save games)

Steam: Local disk:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Epic games: :/Program Files/Epic Games/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac steam: Library/application support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac epic games: Users/Shared/Epic Games/FootballManager2020/data/simatch/physics

Caution: Because this file fixes match engine, you might need to fix tactics. strongly recommended to modify your tactics (current latest patch version: v6)
Here is discord channel that you can freely download all developer's test engine and complete engine patches, also can read and talk freely all over the world with translation bot, though you are not good at English. I wrote how to use and it has great quality of translation. Also if you are developer or who knows the coding, here are people who are analying the match engines, welcome to join us. After joining, give private message to manager in channel.
And PS. If someone is interested in retexture of graphic files, please let us know after joining discord channel.
4 years ago
1 year ago
Yes and no.

This is version 6 string with what we think changes our problem.
"theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 375, // 1s - 4 slices
"theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 750, // 0.3s - 1.2 slices
"theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 250, // 0.625s - 2.5 slices
"theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 750, // 0.275s - 1.1 slices

This is version 7 string
"theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 875, // 1s - 4 slices
"theoretical_average_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 1250, // 1s - 4 slices
"theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 3500, // 0.3s - 1.2 slices
"theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 1000, // 0.625s - 2.5 slices
"theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 2000, // 0.275s - 1.1 slices

So billgates have added a new average to the string, and the numbers are increased, but the increased numbers to delay is more complex and got to do with other changes too. But so far, would I say the idiotic behavior of them kicking the ball out at odd times, is reduced, but not gone. To be honest, many of the stupid behaviors, is not something that will probably ever be fixed completely by psychical ME changes, but at least we can smoothen the edges.

What about players just standing there and letting opposition take the ball, Is there anyway to stop this?
15 years ago
9 hours ago
please can users note several posts have been removed due to bad language etc do not do this again please as these forums are used by people of all ages and wont be tolerated

I appreciate some people are emotive over this (I am too) I fully agree SI are blase and have been for sometime now and it isnt good enough but please no more offensive posts
5 years ago
4 years ago
What about players just standing there and letting opposition take the ball, Is there anyway to stop this?

Mmm that is not a problem I have noticed all that much my self in either V6, or newer versions I have tested, but I'll make sure to look out for this behavior, as I think this is something we indeed can change if it occurs to often.

We are going for realisme. Completely removing / stopping something, is not really the intention. Smoothing the edges and making it flow better, is the main key.
In real games, do players loose there brain, and just stand there doing nothing getting nicked ... but not as often as in the original ME, I agree.

please no more offensive

I'm for sure one of those. My bad, I'll do better.
15 years ago
1 week ago
Just to add to this I'm Si49 on FM Scout & I fully support this mod. SI's take on this looking at their forum is very shoddy to say the least.

Terrific work guys, looking forward to the new version no end. If you need any feedback come seek me out.
14 years ago
2 months ago
The moderators over on the SI forum also edited my post.

I put in a spoiler the possible changes this patch file makes, I copied over the original physical constraints file that SI used and stated" These are some of the things the patch is altering which we surely can agree affect the match engine and if not, then the ME dosent get effected by physics."

A mod removed the information and this was the reason "Removed a copy of the changed file" The file was the SI original!!

It seems they are now trying to cover SI games complacency regarding the ME.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
15 years ago
1 week ago
The moderators over on the SI forum also edited my post.

I put in a spoiler the possible changes this patch file makes, I copied over the original physical constraints file that SI used and stated" These are some of the things the patch is altering which we surely can agree affect the match engine and if not, then the ME dosent get effected by physics."

A mod removed the information and this was the reason "Removed a copy of the changed file" The file was the SI original!!

It seems they are now trying to cover SI games complacency regarding the ME.

My advice would be to enjoy the work that is being done here and let them stew on their shoddy work. The point has been made. They are well known for their censorship and protection of their product, let them be.
14 years ago
2 months ago
I totally agree Yams,

I was just trying to make the point that the physical file that is being altered must affect the match engine or else the match engine does not require physical constraints which we now know is obvious that it does.

So many SI moderators have said its not effecting the ME so either they are agreeing physical constraints does nothing (which we now know it does alter things) or are just plain lying to appease the SI developers and fanboys
5 years ago
4 years ago
I totally agree Yams,

I was just trying to make the point that the physical file that is being altered must affect the match engine or else the match engine does not require physical constraints which we now know is obvious that it does.

So many SI moderators have said its not effecting the ME so either they are agreeing physical constraints does nothing (which we now know it does alter things) or are just plain lying to appease the SI developers and fanboys

Physics values in the ME file, 100% change the engine. We are currently testing some faulty strings, and understanding of what numbers we can use, and not use. One thing is obvious to us, extreme numbers, do extreme things to the game, not only the graphical or physics, but do stuff indirectly to plenty of other things, such as animations. Probably what they worry about us testing, and getting an understanding of, not being on their payroll. (Witch is sort of understandable.)

@update v7, is delayed for a while. The things we have learned tonight, kind of changes things, and what we can do and balance. For the better, but it will take some time to test all the strings, and then balance them to give a more realistic gameplay.
11 years ago
1 month ago
Thanks to Billgates and all the people at FMKorea and everyone who's working on improving this mod, it's very appreciated.
guy vaar
4 years ago
1 year ago
Hi, normally I just lurk on these forums, but this file made me register. Dont know why I didnt before, maybe because I seldom post in forums anymore and dont really kit out my FM's with mods. I am glad I did though.

This tiny file changes the gameplay on the pitch quite drastically.

The normal ME experience is coded in a way that it guarantees a more or less a fast paced, action packed experience (if not on full view) whatever the tactics and whatever the players. This is, for the broader general userbase actually the sensible way to approach the ME coding. They experience a game that is fun, fluid and mistake-friendly.

The patched file however provides a much much more realistic experience. You will see less goals, more mistakes, more blocks and in general a much more realistic movement of the players. As a result, the game feels and looks much more realistic.

Its not perfect, there are some small issues here and there, but tbh, this single tiny file makes me question if I need to buy any other FM forthgoing. As some1 who wanted his games to play out like this (aka more realistic looking and playing) for a long time, it might be premature, but I do not see SI being able to give us such an authentic gaming experience with their new FM21. It will probably again be coded for a large, broader audience and therefore be more action football than simulation.
Which is perfectly fine by me, but I'd hope that our boys here will continue their work on FM21 should that version be a worthwhile purchase - not necessarily for the ME - but for the rest of the game. Let's hope SI wont be dicks and patch this method to manipulate the ME.

Alright, gotta go, I need to heave my lower league team out of the swamp that is lower league football.
4 years ago
3 years ago
How to register membership of without mobile comfirmation ?
12 years ago
1 month ago
The moderators over on the SI forum also edited my post.

I put in a spoiler the possible changes this patch file makes, I copied over the original physical constraints file that SI used and stated" These are some of the things the patch is altering which we surely can agree affect the match engine and if not, then the ME dosent get effected by physics."

A mod removed the information and this was the reason "Removed a copy of the changed file" The file was the SI original!!

It seems they are now trying to cover SI games complacency regarding the ME.

They also hide my post replying yours. Remember guys that they are the ones who need our money not the opposite. FM without its comunity is nothing.

I think it's better to stop posting in SI forums as their moderators and admin are a joke. The are showing that they are quite nervous with this.

Just lets enjoy this wonderfull work. I would also recommend to stop the automatic updates for this game.
4 years ago
1 year ago
I wish my set piece routines would save. Have to keep redoing them and why can’t I have short corners? Player there waiting and ball goes into box?
15 years ago
1 week ago
I totally agree Yams,

I was just trying to make the point that the physical file that is being altered must affect the match engine or else the match engine does not require physical constraints which we now know is obvious that it does.

So many SI moderators have said its not effecting the ME so either they are agreeing physical constraints does nothing (which we now know it does alter things) or are just plain lying to appease the SI developers and fanboys

They are appeasing their fanbase definitely, just leave them be.
15 years ago
1 week ago
They also hide my post replying yours. Remember guys that they are the ones who need our money not the opposite. FM without its comunity is nothing.

I think it's better to stop posting in SI forums as their moderators and admin are a joke. The are showing that they are quite nervous with this.

Just lets enjoy this wonderfull work. I would also recommend to stop the automatic updates for this game.

Definitely turn off auto steam updates or load the game with Internet connection off just in case they patch this. I doubt they will but better to be safe.
13 years ago
7 months ago
fyi upload on fmscout is gone now
7 years ago
1 year ago
Last Updated: 07 Oct 2020

What was updated? The files are identical

fyi upload on fmscout is gone now

Yes, the page about this mod on FMScout does not open.
11 years ago
1 week ago
For network play does everyone need it or just the host for it to work
15 years ago
1 week ago
For network play does everyone need it or just the host for it to work

Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
9 hours ago
Definitely turn off auto steam updates or load the game with Internet connection off just in case they patch this. I doubt they will but better to be safe.

I looked at the FM 20 properties in my Steam library and there are only three different options under Updates: 1) Always keep this game up to date, 2) Only update this game when I launch it and 3) High priority - always update this game before any others.

I think Steam used to have a "do not update without my permission" or something like it before, but alas, not anymore. Therefore it would be quite easy for SI to just force and update on FM 20 and ram it down our throats. Unless, of course, we the players were to prevent FM 20's files from making connections online by creating a specific rule in the firewall..?
17 years ago
1 day ago
Such a sign of weakness that FMScout would remove the page under pressure of SI (if that is what happened here).
Sports Interactive must realize that FM 2020 with a superior match engine versus Football Manager 2021 and later with only a “standard match engine” is an easy choice for the real fans.

If this saga continues I will seriously reconsider buying new versions of FM in the future.

If developers don’t listen to users and implement changes that greatly improve the game experience this is a logical reaction.
I’m on FM Korea and FMNation and both have the ME fixes on their site with multiple updates, luckily SI’s influence doesn’t reach that far.

Great work by the creators of this enhancement and hopefully this community will not “bow to the mighty powers” of SI.

SI: you should have patched and updated a “ridiculous” match engine instead of forcing everyone to keep using it.
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
56 minutes ago
Such a sign of weakness that FMScout would remove the page under pressure of SI (if that is what happened here).
Sports Interactive must realize that FM 2020 with a superior match engine versus Football Manager 2021 and later with only a “standard match engine” is an easy choice for the real fans.

If this saga continues I will seriously reconsider buying new versions of FM in the future.

If developers don’t listen to users and implement changes that greatly improve the game experience this is a logical reaction.
I’m on FM Korea and FMNation and both have the ME fixes on their site with multiple updates, luckily SI’s influence doesn’t reach that far.

Great work by the creators of this enhancement and hopefully this community will not “bow to the mighty powers” of SI.

SI: you should have patched and updated a “ridiculous” match engine instead of forcing everyone to keep using it.

they do this often, recall the graphics debate where they took down all replica kits after MUscum complained
5 years ago
3 years ago
6 years ago
1 year ago
I hope we save a tons of gameplay compararison between the edit and non-edited match engine patch so that we can open the eyes of other players who refuse to use it and support it because they "afraid" of corrupting their save files or thought it not legit just because the official dev say so ( which is not true)
4 years ago
1 year ago
I hope we save a tons of gameplay compararison between the edit and non-edited match engine patch so that we can open the eyes of other players who refuse to use it and support it because they "afraid" of corrupting their save files or thought it not legit just because the official dev say so ( which is not true)

It would be good to see the difference.
15 years ago
1 week ago
I looked at the FM 20 properties in my Steam library and there are only three different options under Updates: 1) Always keep this game up to date, 2) Only update this game when I launch it and 3) High priority - always update this game before any others.

I think Steam used to have a "do not update without my permission" or something like it before, but alas, not anymore. Therefore it would be quite easy for SI to just force and update on FM 20 and ram it down our throats. Unless, of course, we the players were to prevent FM 20's files from making connections online by creating a specific rule in the firewall..?

There are other more complicated ways to do it in Steam but the best I am currently doing is select option 2 from your list and start the game with internet connection off. This stops Steam looking for updates, you can switch your internet back on when loaded.
15 years ago
1 week ago
Such a sign of weakness that FMScout would remove the page under pressure of SI (if that is what happened here).
Sports Interactive must realize that FM 2020 with a superior match engine versus Football Manager 2021 and later with only a “standard match engine” is an easy choice for the real fans.

If this saga continues I will seriously reconsider buying new versions of FM in the future.

If developers don’t listen to users and implement changes that greatly improve the game experience this is a logical reaction.
I’m on FM Korea and FMNation and both have the ME fixes on their site with multiple updates, luckily SI’s influence doesn’t reach that far.

Great work by the creators of this enhancement and hopefully this community will not “bow to the mighty powers” of SI.

SI: you should have patched and updated a “ridiculous” match engine instead of forcing everyone to keep using it.

FM Scout do this kind of thing, yes. They avoid any potential controversy.
Gustavo Monteiro Passos
9 years ago
2 days ago
Please, can anyone share the original FMKorea link for me?
14 years ago
2 months ago
Here is a quick video I made highlighting some goals using this Match Engine Patch

** I had this video taken down at the SI forums
" I've hidden your post due to the fact we've mentioned as before its not something we're actively looking to have supported/endorsed on the forums.
But I watched the video you linked, it really isn't showing anything that advocates for changes. Those passages of play weren't anything different from what you'd see already. "

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