This is the match engine file modified for reality and adding much more interest in fm.

It changes everything in match, such as passing, moving, attacking, defending, 1 on 1, kill passing, buildup, one two passing, pressing, attacking moving, attacking switching, defending switching and so on. You won't see dumb and stupid playing anymore that all of FM series always had. All of moving and playing will be realistic or understandable at least.

All tactics can be played much better in match as real football playing or as you have imagined what you wanna watch in matches, which you wanted to see from this game and didn't know even this could be done in FM.
If you are football fan, it’s wasting of life not using this. With this one, I assure you don’t need to buy next series of Football Manager before SI done for much far better AI and match engine.

You can see short gif here:

More gif here:

While this is a free patch and will be more patches, if you wish to donate as way of thanking me for my time and my team you can do so by the link below.

How to apply: close football manager 2020. unzip and replace json file in this location. Then open again.
(No need to start new game. It applies on all save games)

Steam: Local disk:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Epic games: :/Program Files/Epic Games/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac steam: Library/application support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac epic games: Users/Shared/Epic Games/FootballManager2020/data/simatch/physics

Caution: Because this file fixes match engine, you might need to fix tactics. strongly recommended to modify your tactics (current latest patch version: v6)
Here is discord channel that you can freely download all developer's test engine and complete engine patches, also can read and talk freely all over the world with translation bot, though you are not good at English. I wrote how to use and it has great quality of translation. Also if you are developer or who knows the coding, here are people who are analying the match engines, welcome to join us. After joining, give private message to manager in channel.
And PS. If someone is interested in retexture of graphic files, please let us know after joining discord channel.
17 years ago
2 years ago
Does it mean that editing the Json files now has more potential but requires a lot of work and manpower?
5 years ago
4 years ago
Does it mean that editing the Json files now has more potential but requires a lot of work and manpower?

Yeah I guess you could say that. One thing is for sure. If we where to look at how my own and Billgates daily rhythm have changed, and how many hours we have used on this in 2 weeks. Is that not healthy or something we can maintain. Same goes for some of the other guys. We might be no life FM nerds, but we should eat and sleep normally, and neither of those things are happening.

Engine testers and just general helpers, that give objective feedback, is the best manpower to help us.

How many red cards, or yellow cards a game has. Is not really helpful, as we can test that easy with statistics. But how the game feel, where the game have odd animations, or the same repetitive things happening 6 times in a row, is the main problem, and the best feedback we can get. In other words, a story or video of what you saw, is better then numbers or calling a GK for too strong.

I look at it this way:

Unique situations = good
Repetitive situations = bad
Bad things happening in a game = can be a good thing for the overall realisme
Good things happening in a game = can be a bad thing for the overall realisme

Many seems to think, that only good things should happen in a game. And some of the feedback reflects that. That is not a realistic gameplay, players do make mistakes.

@Tommy Hughes
FM Archiver tool.

I tried that, but the file that overwrites our json, is hidden. I don't think we can overwrite it, at least not until we find it. I might be wrong, but so far have I not been able to make the new json work, without full competitive detail level.
In most peoples cases, is this not a problem, since they are managering in a League, with full competitive on, and if moving League, the League they move too, will automatically change to it. Pretty much any competition we as manager is in, should work fine with the new json. But I would have loved, if all simulated results in my save, was using it, anyhow.
Rich B
18 years ago
1 month ago
I’ve found that when my goalkeeper has got the ball on the floor. He stands up and the ball remains on the floor, then it jumps up into his arms.
Hope this is of some help
I absolutely love this mod so huuuuge thanks from me
5 years ago
4 years ago
I’ve found that when my goalkeeper has got the ball on the floor. He stands up and the ball remains on the floor, then it jumps up into his arms.
Hope this is of some help
I absolutely love this mod so huuuuge thanks from me

This is an animation and not physics bug. There are plenty of them, unfortunately nothing we can do much about from the current file.

But the good news is, we do know where the animation file is, and possibly how to change them. But this would be a second project on its own. The file consist of 120k line of coding. So right now, is our focus on getting the next couple of releases out to streamline and give more options in overall gameplay. If FM21 files is not locked behind a wall of new decoding to be done, is this also priority when that hits.
10 years ago
2 months ago
I’ve found that when my goalkeeper has got the ball on the floor. He stands up and the ball remains on the floor, then it jumps up into his arms.
Hope this is of some help
I absolutely love this mod so huuuuge thanks from me

I made the same experience as you mentioned. In V7.2 that was, but neither in V 6 nor in 6.9 so far in my saves.
5 years ago
4 years ago
I made the same experience as you mentioned. In V7.2 that was, but neither in V 6 nor in 6.9 so far in my saves.

Can someone please make a clip of this? We are aware of a GK bug, where they freeze and is going to be changed for the next beta, but this do not sound like that. But I could be mistaken, and it could be the same thing.
11 years ago
9 months ago
From what I've read, you are after abberations within the game concerning your physics mod. I'm uncertain if this is apart of that, however, I've tested it several times with the same tactics and other tactics (all tactics I've used in orignial FM) and noticed the Box to Box role seldom has or passes the ball; it's as though he has become the striker in the orignial FM where he seldom had the ball. I've taken two pictures for you to look at: the first with S. Longstaff as B2B and then subbed for his brother, M. Longstaff, neither of which performed well -- despite the rest of the team out performing the opposition.

p.s I play short passing, build up play and passing is concentrated through the middle.
5 years ago
4 years ago
From what I've read, you are after abberations within the game concerning your physics mod. I'm uncertain if this is apart of that, however, I've tested it several times with the same tactics and other tactics (all tactics I've used in orignial FM) and noticed the Box to Box role seldom has or passes the ball; it's as though he has become the striker in the orignial FM where he seldom had the ball. I've taken two pictures for you to look at: the first with S. Longstaff as B2B and then subbed for his brother, M. Longstaff, neither of which performed well -- despite the rest of the team out performing the opposition.

p.s I play short passing, build up play and passing is concentrated through the middle.

I absolute need to remember that word "aberrations." That is the correct word, to have in mind when testing, or just playing. Physics do aberrations to the way animations look. But some animations are just bugged, or flawed. And some behaviors can we not change, such as the pointless stop to a ball at the sideline, where the player turns so slowly that the oppositions player can run half the field, and still get to it before he turned. We all hate that repeateable situation, and it happens to often.

When we are talking tactics, roles, instructions and all that jazz. Will the physics more then likely influence how they work. But we have not tested it ...actually, I'm testing tactics right now, but I think it will take days for me to conclude anything real, as I need quite the games played as a manager, and not only simulated to get the results I want. Not even sure how to test roles or instructions yet, but I'll figure it out somehow. But I think the box to box midfielder, by default is running more then he should with the ball, but knowing how much more or less, with our json files, is going to take long to figure out ... At least, I don't see any way to test this, but the hard way. The real hard way
14 years ago
4 days ago
Hi. How can I download the different versions?
Discord won't let me do it because I don't have permissions.
Excellent work
5 years ago
4 years ago
Hi. How can I download the different versions?
Discord won't let me do it because I don't have permissions.
Excellent work

Billgates v6.0
Verge v6.9
Billgates v7.2 beta2 "Template/test"

Are all downable without a role on the discord server, in the channel #downloads-beta-json-engine

If you want Thiago v1.2, can you PM me or Thiago on the discord.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Just played a couple of games with 7.2 and really enjoyed them. Three of the four goals I can’t remember seeing before, including the opposition target man bullying my two centre backs to head it in from 5 yards out. Good stuff.
14 years ago
4 days ago
Billgates v6.0
Verge v6.9
Billgates v7.2 beta2 "Template/test"

Are all downable without a role on the discord server, in the channel #downloads-beta-json-engine

If you want Thiago v1.2, can you PM me or Thiago on the discord.

Sorry, but I don't really understand how discord works. I don't see the way to download the files ... could you help me?
17 years ago
2 days ago
Sorry, but I don't really understand how discord works. I don't see the way to download the files ... could you help me?

You click on the link provided ( and you go to the download section. Easy and simple............
5 years ago
4 years ago
Sorry, but I don't really understand how discord works. I don't see the way to download the files ... could you help me?

Link to the discord, is in my description, just bellow this text.
14 years ago
4 days ago
You click on the link provided ( and you go to the download section. Easy and simple............

13 years ago
4 days ago
Hi all. I'm using this patch and until now just wonders. Now it's more realistic play. I played 2 games with my FC Porto save on second season and 2 wons against Chaves (H) 6-1 and Celtic (H) 4-1 for Champions League. Great job with the patch, keep going with good work
17 years ago
2 years ago
over in SI forums it seems they are doing all they can to descredit this patch. some developer also mentioned this values in Json files only changes the 3D animations and not the core ME calculation.

im currently loving this patch and hope it gets better and better.
5 years ago
4 years ago
over in SI forums it seems they are doing all they can to descredit this patch. some developer also mentioned this values in Json files only changes the 3D animations and not the core ME calculation.

im currently loving this patch and hope it gets better and better.

They don't know what they are talking about then.

I'm not going to post on SI forums. I don't even see a point following what happens over there. Most people know that the real FM forums, is here, on FM scout, FMbase, and many more national forums. That is where the real fan base is, and where the truth are spoken about the game, both the good and the bad.

The 3D animations is not in the physic json file, but in a fmf file that needs to be unpacked with FM20 resource Archiver before you can see it. We know we can change the animations, but right now are we 100% not changing the animations, rather the opposite as they got their own speed values, durations, blends, pathing and all that good jazz. They are not influenced by physics one bit. Here is an example of how the animations coding look like for one animation: (note, there are proberbly 10k of those animations, if not more.)

author_speed : 2.610386,
behaviour_flags : 6,
category : "Pass Ball - Moving",
data_path : "anims/animations/pass/move_forward_in_270d_out_90d_softer_10cm_outstep_02a",
duration : 1.95,
events : [
time : 0.5833334,
type : "BlendStart"
time : 1.183333,
type : "BlendEnd"
absolute_pos : [0.161, 0.12, 0.09200001 ],
pos_relative_bone_ids : {
id : 3759965473,
mirrored_id : 2476108732
relative_pos : [0.1568171, 0.01036953, 0.1208007 ],
time : 1.12676,
type : "Contact"
footfall : [
[0.2666667, 0.2666667 ],
[0.65, 0.7666667 ],
[0.9833334, 1.016667 ],
[1.366667, 1.55 ]
[1.783333, 1.9 ]
linear_path_info : "linear_0d",
name : "pass_move_forward_in_270d_out_90d_softer_10cm_outstep_02a",
overall_distance_covered : 5.090252
Guido Fantin
10 years ago
19 hours ago
hello, is it possible to explain the differences between the various versions?
5 years ago
6 months ago
just wanted to share my appreciation here because over at SI forums the mods are definitely pissed off that someone did for free what SI apparently pays good money for!

absolutely wonderful work everyone involved, things like this make FM a community.
15 years ago
1 hour ago
just wanted to share my appreciation here because over at SI forums the mods are definitely pissed off that someone did for free what SI apparently pays good money for!

absolutely wonderful work everyone involved, things like this make FM a community.

agree 100%
they were the same with those of us involved with advanced editing back in the day they tried their best to close it down rather than work with us(and we didnt want any £££ just a better product for the community)
the number of quality users who left the editing community is down to SI's attitude as shown once again with this great feature,which improves their game for the community as a whole...their attitude stinks and has done for many years they are totally blase
4 years ago
2 years ago
Hi, where can i find the different versions?
17 years ago
2 days ago
Hi, where can i find the different versions?

Have you read any of the messages here? ;-)
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
16 minutes ago

SI are really concerned about fm21 judging by the comments and reaction to their poorly structured forum.
they won’t accept any criticism of the match engine, licensing etc
all the upgrades are poor interactions, rather than improving the game
Andrew Fox Russell
8 years ago
11 months ago
Hi ... first time poster, but casual FM veteran from way back (CM 01/02, FM06, FM11, FM14 - 18 and now FM20).

I just wanted to say thanks to BillG, RellomQ, Thiago and all those who worked on the physical constraints JSON file. I have the BillG 6.0 version and am currently 10 league games into the season and it has been great.
To me, the patch is worth downloading for just one reason alone ... it removes one of my pet hates in recent FM versions ... the ridiculous rebound distance of the ball.

Ever had the situation where the opposition is packing the bus and your midfielder's shot on the edge of the 18 yard box is blocked by an opposition player only for the ball to bounce all the way to the halfway line where their lone striker is waiting to pounce?
Well that ridiculous bounce no longer occurs and it makes the game so much less frustrating.

That alone makes the patch worth downloading.

Now if only I can get my players to not do a backpass to the keeper from the 18 yard box when we are 0-1 down ...
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
16 minutes ago
Hi ... first time poster, but casual FM veteran from way back (CM 01/02, FM06, FM11, FM14 - 18 and now FM20).

I just wanted to say thanks to BillG, RellomQ, Thiago and all those who worked on the physical constraints JSON file. I have the BillG 6.0 version and am currently 10 league games into the season and it has been great.
To me, the patch is worth downloading for just one reason alone ... it removes one of my pet hates in recent FM versions ... the ridiculous rebound distance of the ball.

Ever had the situation where the opposition is packing the bus and your midfielder's shot on the edge of the 18 yard box is blocked by an opposition player only for the ball to bounce all the way to the halfway line where their lone striker is waiting to pounce?
Well that ridiculous bounce no longer occurs and it makes the game so much less frustrating.

That alone makes the patch worth downloading.

Now if only I can get my players to not do a backpass to the keeper from the 18 yard box when we are 0-1 down ...

Just don’t tell SI they take offence 😂
4 years ago
1 year ago
So who’s getting fm21 then?
5 years ago
4 years ago
So who’s getting fm21 then?

Well, if all the blogs and twitter updates so far is keeping the promises with their big words of change with body language, media, scout center, and all that fluff + the xG, then sure, let me spend those 40£ or how much it will be. Hopefully will I be 100% convinced when I see some video highlights of the (new) animations, though the lighting and Match UI is more exiting to me.

But before I even consider buying, will I find out if we can change the json file. If we can, ALL good then, and I'll throw them money around, if not ...yeaaarhhh I'm a pirate, or possible on a late sale.
FM20 ME with Billgates 7.4 or Thiago 2.0, is more then likely gonna be a more overall enjoyment to play with for a another year then FM21, if that is the case. I would be surprised if they actually got the physics right in FM21.
4 years ago
1 year ago
Well, if all the blogs and twitter updates so far is keeping the promises with their big words of change with body language, media, scout center, and all that fluff + the xG, then sure, let me spend those 40£ or how much it will be. Hopefully will I be 100% convinced when I see some video highlights of the (new) animations, though the lighting and Match UI is more exiting to me.

But before I even consider buying, will I find out if we can change the json file. If we can, ALL good then, and I'll throw them money around, if not ...yeaaarhhh I'm a pirate, or possible on a late sale.
FM20 ME with Billgates 7.4 or Thiago 2.0, is more then likely gonna be a more overall enjoyment to play with for a another year then FM21, if that is the case. I would be surprised if they actually got the physics right in FM21.

Fm is on cdkeys for £25.99. I assume demo comes out around 5th November.
Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
16 minutes ago
Fm is on cdkeys for £25.99. I assume demo comes out around 5th November.

Support the site. £29 is a good deal. Keep Siosi going

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