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William Patton
So, either pre-game,half time or post match, after i have spoken to the whole team if i select "individual" from the options to speak to a single player directly, all players become ticked. This means i have to untick all the players separately until only the player i want to speak to remains ticked, then, after i have spoken to him all the other players become ticked again which means i have to go through the whole unticking routine if i want to speak to another player, becomes very tedious very quickly.
Am i missing something i should be doing/choosing ? is this the same for everyone ?
I've attached apic in case my description isn't very good, you can see in each players name section the small blue box with a black tick, these are the ones i have to untick everytime.
Yes, annoyingly, this is the same for everyone. This is only the BETA, remember, and it was picked up fairly quickly so I am confident it will be fixed for full release in the coming few days.
William Patton