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Does anyone on here know how i can change the top strip colour on cardiffs home screen from red to blue and how i can change cardiff kit colours so i can make them play in blue at home ?
To fulfill stage a, download this file. I have used to editor to swap around the first and away kits and text colour, which will now see Cardiff's home kit and colour become blue and the away become red. Place this file in Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2013 > editor data. The last file needs to be created if it is not already there. Please note that this change will only work for new saves and not for existing save games.
For stage b, download the 3D kitpack for the Championship from here and swap the filenames of the Cardiff kits accordingly. This change will see Cardiff play in a blue kit by default and use red as the second, away kit. This change will work for existing save-games, happily, and does not need a new game to be started.
Hope this helps.
Also on the manager home page the top bar is now in a pale yellow how can i change that to white ? The blue for the cardiff page has worked looks much better
Could you give me a screenshot of the kit(s) which isn't/aren't changing? I'm not sure which they are.
To change the colour in the manager home page, load the editor, load the database then load the editor data file which I sent earlier. Navigate to the Cardiff home kit and modify the second colour of the text from yellow to white. Save it and start a new game.
i know im being stupid now but how do you do a screenshot in fm ? ive tried the ctrl & print screen but doesnt work ? Also how to i open the file you sent me ? its just saying windows cant open this file ?
You can have both the SS kits and the 3D kits in place at the same time as they can be run concurrently. Just make sure you have them in separate folders anywhere within the Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2013 > graphics path
thanks for that, do you how how to make the ss kits look like the original fm style ? And can you help me with that editor question as i dont know what to do ?
I just checked and it seems like you're in luck. The Standard Kits do just that
As a bonus, you can also get the current Premier League kits from this page
Here's the updated cardiff dbc file with the changes you requested. Just replace the previous file which I sent you.
Sorry for the delay but I had to extract them. fix them and upload them.
If you haven't yet, I recommend that you visit this page and download the real name fix file (which gives real names to all competitions AND fixes the fact that the German National team doesn't call up real players) as well as the Cut-out Facepack and Metallic Logo pack, which, given that you are a premium member, are both one-click downloads