Data Update Poll!
Hello, there is currently an important debate going on regarding how to manage the FM24 Data Update going forward, particularly in the case of modifying the ages and contract dates by 1 year. Please can you vote in the poll and join in the discussion.
- city of birth for newly created people is not present
- nation contract for a newly created non-player is not available
- future transfer for a newly created non-player is not available
- preferred formation for a newly created non-player is not available
- tendencies for a newly created non-player are not available
- relationships for a newly created non-player are not available
- playing and non playing history for newly created people are not available
- achievements for newly created people are not available
- areas covered for newly created media source are not present
- international data for a newly created journalist is not possible to specify
- current employer for a newly created journalist is not present as an option
These were all available options with FM 2020 pre-game Editor.
Do you also have these problems?
Are you sure? I am speaking about last update of editor and new created people, not duplicate.
No issues at all as stated
I suggest you report as a bug to si