3D Kits
3D Kits are special kits designed to make the match engine look even better, with the players wearing customised and improved kits on the pitch.
- 880 Downloadable Packs

Spain - La Liga 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 by chris New! (15/10/20)
1. Extract folder to Documents/Sport Interactive/Football Manager 20##/graphics/kits/put in here!
( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" )
2. FMXX - click 'Preferences' > 'Interface' > unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' > click 'Reload Skin' for first your time.
THEN ALWAYS when you download other packs, DO Click 'Preferences'>'Interface'>'CLEAR CACHE then again click 'RELOAD SKIN' AS ALWAYS after downloading to folders.
Enjoy 🙂
1. Extract folder to Documents/Sport Interactive/Football Manager 20##/graphics/kits/put in here!
( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" )
2. FMXX - click 'Preferences' > 'Interface' > unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' > click 'Reload Skin' for first your time.
THEN ALWAYS when you download other packs, DO Click 'Preferences'>'Interface'>'CLEAR CACHE then again click 'RELOAD SKIN' AS ALWAYS after downloading to folders.
Enjoy 🙂
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no one at the moment, they are busy so they are still in 3D WIP waiting lists 🙂
Hi Diego, please contact me if you want help in searching for photos of each and every kit of segunda division, I will be happy to help a little in order to have the spanish second division in 3D
Thank you
Download winrar to extract them.
I have that one worked but 8 say that message, so annoying help
use the unarchiver then, or try other similar programs.
ive placed the download into :
Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\kits
I have also got England, France, Germany, Spain and Italy 3D kits in the same folder and they are all working, just the Spain kits not loading??
Some teams working, some aren't.. checked certain teams dont have competition kits so not sure what else is the problem?
C:\Users\[name]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 20XX\graphics\SS kits\put in any SS leagues packs
C:\Users\[name]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 20XX\graphics\3D kits\put in any 3D leagues packs
click 'Preferences' > 'Interface' > unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' > click 'Reload Skin'
Without doing the above they are now showing... weird
Inglés por favor
English please
As I understand your query with my limited Spanish you are missing an editor file that adds the kits to the database in order to see them in the 3D engine.
I'm sorry, because where or what is that file to be able to see them when playing a game. With this file it should also be seen in the profile of a team? I don't know if you understand me on the main page of a team. Sorry for my English.
los 3D sólo son para ver en los partidos, para lo que dices son los SS kits
Hi there, can someone upload the 20/21 Espanyol Barcelona kits please?
Thanks a lot
hi ,can you create 3d kits for la liga smartbank pls?
PLEASE second league!!!
hi is it possible to have the Deportivo al corone jersey please ? (it was done it's good thank you)
would you share psd file these 3D kits for me ?
I can't see the LaLiga 3D-Kits in the game too. At the moment, i am wondering what went wrong?!
Sorry to ask again. Can some please write me, how i can get 3d kits working? Do they really need an extra folder? I can see many other 3d kits in the game, but not this one.
download to your folder - C:\Users\[name]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\3D kits\ put in this
make sure - unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences? then reload skin.
I think i still have to put the extracted folder into the kits folder. I don't have to clear cache again and then reload skin for the second time?
Is it really neccesary to seperate SS-kits and 3d-kits in two folders? If that is the case, what problems would it cause? I can see austrian ss-kits and 3d kits in the “normal” kits folder. What is the kit i will in the 3d game? Download description says put (all) into the “kits” folder.
Howsoever, i have followed your description (+way i described also in post “serieB italy”) and still can't see the spanish kits. Please be so kind and help again. Thanks!
U need separate like this..
3d kits - C:\Users\[name]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\3D kits\ put in this (3d leagues packs)
SS kits - C:\Users\[name]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\SS kits\ put in this (ss league packs)
Yes, they are seperated like this.
I can't see any kit (only the game's standard kits without sponsors), when i have to select my team at the beginning! Strange is, i can see all 3d-kits of spain's second division.
So, what can i do next?
Screenshots of the respective folders, and maybe also in-game, would help us identify the issue 👍
Just caught this conversation now, so apologies if they've been provided already.
I now read an earlier comment about this problem. It was a little confusing for me that I couldn't see the kits at the beginning when I have to choose a team. Furthermore the jerseys of Spain's 2nd division appear in the selection.
I can see the jerseys immediately afterwards and they appear in the match. They also don't appear in club's information then.
I guess this is also the problem with the other kits (packs) that you can't see at the beginning? I will taste that later and comment again. Could this be fixed?
kit 3D de atlético madrid 2½2 please,,!!!