Dan Hartley - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



This image is part of a pack: Tadcaster Albion
Pending by MattAesir on 18 Jan 2021 21:00:10
Rejected by mons on 19 Jan 2021 08:32:31
18 years ago
3 minutes ago
@mattdonne, in addition to my other feedback, every cut must contain a collar. At the same time, the ideal cut only contains 2-3 pixels beneath the chin. Since in some sources like this one, the person in the image may have a longer neck than usual, this would be quite difficult to achieve naturally.

Watch this video to see how you can nudge the collar upwards and ensure both above requirements are maintained:


Try to leave no more than 2-3 pixels above the head as well. The canvas is 250x250, and as much of the height as possible should be taken up by the face. Having 'dead' space like this really serves no purpose at all 😉

Your cuts are pretty good, but once you tweak them by following the feedback provided they'll be even better and ready to be added to the megapack 👍
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
@mons I've struggled with doing the collar adjustment. So just uploaded this as a source for someone else to cut whilst I carry on playing around.

For Tadcaster Albion players and staff I have 5920x3947 pixels images for future use
18 years ago
3 minutes ago
@mons I've struggled with doing the collar adjustment. So just uploaded this as a source for someone else to cut whilst I carry on playing around.

For Tadcaster Albion players and staff I have 5920x3947 pixels images for future use

Those kind of sources would be great 🙂

Can I ask which bit you struggled with? It's a 10-second job which I could do for you easily, but that wouldn't help you do other cuts. It's something which I believe is quite straight-forward and really easy to do, but perhaps in the below video I wasn't particularly clear in describing what you need to do. I'm a big believer in the old 'teach a man how to fish' philosophy, because in that way not only won't you depend on us, the community, doing cuts for you but perhaps we can also gain a new cutter 😉
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Those kind of sources would be great 🙂

Can I ask which bit you struggled with? It's a 10-second job which I could do for you easily, but that wouldn't help you do other cuts. It's something which I believe is quite straight-forward and really easy to do, but perhaps in the below video I wasn't particularly clear in describing what you need to do. I'm a big believer in the old 'teach a man how to fish' philosophy, because in that way not only won't you depend on us, the community, doing cuts for you but perhaps we can also gain a new cutter 😉

I'm not that good with the lasso tool and I think aligning it with the skewed collar doesn't help. I suppose it's just I need some more practice
18 years ago
3 minutes ago
I'm not that good with the lasso tool and I think aligning it with the skewed collar doesn't help. I suppose it's just I need some more practice

Practice always helps, true. What I would suggest is that you lasso from where the neck joins the shoulder outwards - then nudge it upwards using the arrow keys. In some cases, you may then need to nudge it a couple of times inwards so the join is natural.