This file is intended for FM13.3, and will need to be re-applied if/when patches/updates are released to ensure full compatibility. This is due to the fact that some files which are removed when installing this file are re-installed when patches come out.

Magrippinho very helpfully created a YouTube video on how this file should be installed. Some of the contents are different - but the procedure is identical.

Or, you can follow the below instructions to install this file:

Step 1: Go to

 Program Files \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ football manager 2013 \ data \ db \ 1300 
 Program Files \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ football manager 2013 \ data \ db \ 1330 
USERNAME \ Library \ Application Support \ Steam \ SteamApps \ Common \ Football Manager 2013 \ Data \ db \ 1300
USERNAME \ Library \ Application Support \ Steam \ SteamApps \ Common \ Football Manager 2013 \ Data \ db \ 1330
For Mac Lion users, the Library folder will be hidden. Use this link to find out how to show it.

Step 2: Delete the dbc, edt and lnc folders from the folder above

Step 3: Copy the dbc, edt and lnc folder from this download into the folder mentioned in step 1.

Step 4: Go to:

Documents \ Sports Interactive \ Football Manager 2013
Step 5: Open the folder named "editor data" contained therein. If it does not exist, then create it.

Step 6: Keeping the folder in step 5 open, go back to the file you downloaded and open the folder named "editor data files".

Step 7: Copy the 30 files in the folder from step 6 into the folder mentioned in step 5.

To check if the file is working, go to the Champions Cup and EURO Vase, and they should be renamed to Champions League and Europa League respectively. If you are in the middle of a save-game, German national teams will be populated in the next instance that players are called up, and not instantly.
babak g
13 years ago
2 years ago
Mons, so you managed to fix things? Is it save game compatible or I guess no?
18 years ago
9 hours ago
By ducc | Permalink | On 12 March 2013 - 23:40 PM
Sounds good. I guess it should be a fairly simple fix to the problem.

On top of this page it says the last update is from March 12th, but I think the downloadable file is older (Verdens Gang & TV2 Sporten have continental scopes, 2012 file modified dates). There are also 2 different Verdens Gangs (different IDs) - one in Norwegian Media.dbc (ex VestNytt) and another in Baltic, Scandinavian and Swedish Media.dbc. Do they have different functions or is it a duplicate error?

Would it help if the areas/cities/clubs that do not have Media Sources covering them had this coverage? It looks like for example Portuguese lower league teams have few if any Media Sources. Naturally identifying these medias would add to the tremendous amount of work it must have taken to compile the fixes file. Short of someone in the know supplying a list of newspapers/websites/tv channels, its not very difficult to find at least some real Media Sources by simply searching the net (for lists of medias working within countries).

The date of 12th March refers to the last comment and not the upload date of the file. This date is indicated in the thread title, to avoid confusion.

Keep in mind that the media files were originally created by separate people and that therefore some media sources may be duplicated across two or more files. It is not necessarily that simple a fix because I've had previous instances where I thought that a particular item was deleted or amended and this change was not displayed when starting a new game.

The point you make in the second paragraph is definitely valid. Although it is not that difficult to do, I do not have the time, however, to collect the media sources myself. If you, or anybody else, is prepared to do that, then I would be more than happy to add it to this file in future versions. If anybody is interested, feel free to PM me if you need assistance so that this thread isn't clogged with technical talk unnecessarily.

By Cengo | Permalink | On 13 March 2013 - 02:05 AM
Hi Mons. I am working Turkish translation for all int. competitions & awards terms. I will be able to send data tomorrow. If I will send data, could you add this? How can I send? PM or an e-mail adress? Thx.

Please use the format used in the Awards.lnc file to create any file you do so I can easily add it to the main file. Feel free to contact me via PM

By babak g | Permalink | On 13 March 2013 - 17:00 PM
Mons, so you managed to fix things? Is it save game compatible or I guess no?

I think I might have, but I still have to confirm. It's not save-game compatible, but it's not exactly a gamebreaker tbh imo.
15 years ago
1 day ago
If I use this file, will it stop me playing Network games?
18 years ago
9 hours ago
By mark_evans7 | Permalink | On 13 March 2013 - 22:04 PM
If I use this file, will it stop me playing Network games?

Not if everybody has it as well.
12 years ago
9 years ago
18 years ago
8 months ago
Guys, I don´t know if someone have spot this...

So I´m managing FC Porto B, in Portugal, but when I talk to the media about a player or an opposite staff, the media that "gives" the news are from Croatia, Serbia or Austria instead of being from Portugal (like the newspapers ABola, Ojogo, or other).

18 years ago
9 hours ago
By gs1728 | Permalink | On 14 March 2013 - 18:16 PM
Guys, I don´t know if someone have spot this...

So I´m managing FC Porto B, in Portugal, but when I talk to the media about a player or an opposite staff, the media that "gives" the news are from Croatia, Serbia or Austria instead of being from Portugal (like the newspapers ABola, Ojogo, or other).


If there's any specific media names which have this issue, then I'd be more than happy to see if I can correct that.
18 years ago
8 months ago
mons here goes a print screen of what I´ve reported earlier... This happened before the meet with the media.

Among the interested media it has two or three north-american news papers.

PS: If you guys need some feedback for other portuguese media sources, names and reportes, just say.
18 years ago
9 hours ago
The main issues seem to be related to the American and the Brazilian media sources files. I've individually changed the offending entries in the editor but when I start a new game, these changes do not seem to be affected.

I want to check if it's a universal matter or if it's something which is only happening to me. Is anybody interested in receiving the latest versions of the media sources file and starting a new game to check this?
16 years ago
1 week ago
Hİ again mons. I sent files with PM. Thx
11 years ago
8 months ago
Hi there,

First of all I must say that despite having average intelligence and all having all my faculties, my brain sometimes fails to interpret the simplest of information. So basically sorry if am being an idiot and the answer is staring me straight in my face.

So I want only ever use the default database on FM because I do not want the January Transfers updated, so obviously I want to use these files for that database.

Back on FM11, the last version I brought, there were two folders now there is a "DBC" folder. I presume this contains hot fixes, and data error fixes for database, which I would like to keep if that is the case. The DBC folder downloaded from here has the same files from 1330 and differs from 1300.

So what do I do?

Still replace all three folders has stated in Step two of the instructions?
Just replace the edt and lnc folders like in simpler times?
Or am i just stuffed for not getting these files earlier before the January update came out?
14 years ago
1 month ago

I've downloaded this file and followed the steps - including copying this into both 1300 and 1330 files, and into the separate editor data files.

Although I have the full competition names etc, the German and Japanese national teams still have the fake player names.

What am I doing wrong? Can you help, thanks.
18 years ago
9 hours ago
AndreaModaRules, there is a YouTube video in the OP on how to correctly install these files. Please watch it, pay attention throughout and follow the instructions therein. The only difference is that the files in the OP go into the 1330 folder instead of the 1300 folder, since this is the folder which is used by the latest patch. The system for FM11 was slightly different, so forget that for the moment.

If you want to use this file for the default database, then go back some pages in this thread to find the sendspace link for a version of this file which can be used with it.

If you want to, you can even use the lnc files in the 1330 version with the default database.

Hope this clarifies.

HappyDude88, please note that the instructions say that you delete the default dbc, edt and lnc folders and replace them with the new ones. Otherwise the files created by the game, and which make the German and Japanese national teams have fake players, will be retained. Hope this clarifies.
12 years ago
8 years ago
I have applied this before in the 1300 file and it worked, i started a new game and the folder is 1330 & 130 i applied for both along with editor files and it isnt working any ideas???
18 years ago
9 hours ago
Could I have a screenshot of the lnc folder in 1330?
13 years ago
3 weeks ago
When will the update released? We are waiting for turkish fixes
18 years ago
9 hours ago
New, and final, version of the file has been released.

I have purposely not included the American, Argentinian and Brazilian media sources files as there are a number of items in there which, despite having been changed, are still being displayed incorrectly in the game. It doesn't really affect gameplay in a major way, but some entries were being displayed in far-flung countries/divisions where they really shouldn't. For those who have them in their editor data file, they can choose whether to delete them or choose them when next starting a new game.

Thanks to everybody for their feedback and suggestions
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
How do I merge this with my own editor file that I have just created? Will it intefere in any way?
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Also, when I go into my editor or start a new game, they are all seperated - is there anyway I can merge them all into one DB? How does this affect computer performance?
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
One more thing! I have started a new game, and everything except the competition name and club real names has worked. what could be wrong? Thanks, and sorry for the three seperate posts!
18 years ago
9 hours ago
Rolan, you can run the editor data files from this download alongside any other you have created or downloaded. I have 68 editor data files in all, for example. You can choose to not include any of them, naturally, but they won't affect computer or game performance.

How can you tell that the competition names aren't working? Please watch Magrippinho's video in the OP, and also install the dbc, edt and lnc folders in the 1330 folder, and not just in the 1300 folder.
12 years ago
7 months ago
An update seems to have worked after downloading this (i.e. the naming to champions league and such), but it seems like their is an inability to control germany and they do not call up real players.

Would anyone care to help explain how to get around this, i think im using the 13.3.0 database
16 years ago
1 week ago
Mons, there are mistake some letters in Turkish characters.



Thx for all.
15 years ago
4 days ago
@ Mons - Are the media files in your file the same as Nik33's or are they your own work?
18 years ago
9 hours ago
By Deadlydiego | Permalink | On 23 March 2013 - 01:57 AM
An update seems to have worked after downloading this (i.e. the naming to champions league and such), but it seems like their is an inability to control germany and they do not call up real players.

Would anyone care to help explain how to get around this, i think im using the 13.3.0 database

I need more info, and ideally a screenshot of the 13330/lnc folder, but I suspect that you have not deleted the lnc folder, prior to copying the one in this download. Merging or copy/pasting is not enough.

Also, if this update was done in the middle of a save-game, then you have to wait for the next call-ups for the German national team to be populated with real players.

By Cengo | Permalink | On 23 March 2013 - 02:16 AM
Mons, there are mistake some letters in Turkish characters.



Thx for all.

I suspect that Notepad does not allow the use of the symbols in the second column. Speak to me via PM so I can correct them.

By Gee_Simpson | Permalink | On 23 March 2013 - 03:43 AM
@ Mons - Are the media files in your file the same as Nik33's or are they your own work?

They are not the same as Nik33's, but they can be safely utilized alongside them.
12 years ago
7 months ago
By mons | Permalink | On 23 March 2013 - 12:07 PM
I need more info, and ideally a screenshot of the 13330/lnc folder, but I suspect that you have not deleted the lnc folder, prior to copying the one in this download. Merging or copy/pasting is not enough.

Also, if this update was done in the middle of a save-game, then you have to wait for the next call-ups for the German national team to be populated with real players.

Thanks Mons, Havent tried this yet, but you suspected correct, I did just copy the Inc folder over instead of deleting and pasting in, will give it a try later and let you know how i get on

Cheers mate
12 years ago
7 months ago
Absolutely spot on Mons

Much appreciated for the info!
18 years ago
9 hours ago
15 years ago
4 days ago
By mons | Permalink | On 23 March 2013 - 12:07 PM
They are not the same as Nik33's, but they can be safely utilized alongside them.

Won't there be duplicates?
18 years ago
9 hours ago
There might. I've not used nik's media file, but I doubt it's as comprehensive as this one so you can easily choose not to use it.

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