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Martin Benne
Hi guys.
I'm having some trouble getting the Facepacks to work.
I have downloaded the Active Style Pack + update 1, 2, 3 and also the OPZ pack + update 1 + 2.
But in game it only shows some of the pictures correct, first i unpacked the Active Style Pack to "Graphics/faces" and update 1 into the same folders choosing to overwrite changed files. Same for update 2 + 3. Result was no pictures in La Liga (Spain), the original game pictures in Ligue 1 (France) and Active Style in Premier League (England).
Then I deleted all again and started over, placing the files like the picture @lembergman posted with 00. 01. 02. and so on. (See attached picture).
Now I have Active Style pictures in La Liga, and some in Ligue 1 and some in Premier League. All newer signings in Premier League has no picture/black, at my first attemt they were shown as Active Style pictures.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
salut moi je peux pas d aider. Jai eu le même problème que toi et a la fin Jai lâcher l'affaire Jai mis les opz de l'année derniere.et j'attend le pack Active Style complet des 5 grand championnat pour me mettre a jour. Car Jai l impression que les deux ne sont pas compatible.
Martin Benne
Hi, Thanks for your answer… Did you get the Active Style pack to work with the updates? I suspect the config.xml file to be causing the trouble, but not sure.
The game reads from zero and up. All packs work fine. that's how it is installed for me
00. ASF (00. ASF + Episode 2) cut and paste with replacement
01. Action Style Facepack (01. Action Style Facepack + Update 1 FM21) cut and paste with replacement
These are different packs in different styles.
Martin Benne
@lembergman Thank you very much for your reply.
Still no luck with it working correctly 😢
Do I have to create a new config.xml file after I copy/paste the updates into the folders?
Or has the game has to be launched before each update to create the images?
EDIT: I think I have found the solution! testing right now… I copied all player images into the same folder, and then made a new config.xml file.
@lembergman .
In your examples that you pass you have a "Carlos_fierro's facepack" folder.
I looked for it on his site directly but the links are dead ... Could you share yours please ?
merci 👍👍👌👌
Edit :
It is a torrent file and I am not using this.
You don't have a rar file by chance ?
The file is to big to just upload as a .rar file. Just download utorrent and use that.
Ok no problem. Thanks anyway.
I will try Torrent software then…
Just downloaded Utorrent ....
Put the file in the download ...
NOTHING happens ... Download 0 %…
sorry, I don't know Utorrent at all ...
Well install Utorrent on your computer, then restart your computer. Then open the torrent from the previous post. Then it should look like this (in your own langues, not danish). My estimated download time is 1 hour and 15 minutes 👍
bonjour Qvordrup je suis comme toi jai les pack fierro mais les tiens ce sont ceux de l année dernière ou ceux de cette année??
I have no idea 🤷♂️. I have just used the link shared by @lembergman in a post prior on this thread.
Thank you very much.
It finally works.
With fiber, at home, I have around 20-25 minutes.
New update - Episode 3. The download link is available in my twitter account - @LuckyLukeFM. On this site (resource) will be posted a little later.
Enjoy the visual experience of the game. I remind you! This is a two-way road. I am waiting for your feedback and suggestions for the future. Next is the Bundesliga.
enfin merci pour ce boulot magnifique .dis moi par contre dans quel dossier ont dois mettre l episode 3 pour qu' il sois pris en compte car pour ma part pour l instant ce ne fonctionne pas.
installation guide in the archive. I don’t know how to explain it again.
00. ASF (00. ASF + Episode 2 + Episode 3) cut and paste with replacement
player 3488 + staff 166
franchement désolé de t'embêter mais jai bien fait comme tu m'as dis je te promet et pourtant cela ne marche toujours pas.et quand tu dis copier coller c est a dire copier les fichiers de l'episode3 et les coller dans le dossier épisodes 2 c est bien ca?
par avance merci de ta réponse et encore désolé.
you have to cut and paste in turn episode 2, and then episode 3 in the ASF folder. Do the same with the OPZ pack. As with any pack in general. They are all done according to the same principle. Roll on top of each other! If you don't understand this, then upload the config from Episode 3 to all folders 🙂
Download: ASF Episode 3: https://www.mediafire.com/file/llb7pc61ofhgopq/Episode_3.rar/file
Thank you for the update from the French teams.
Very nice job 👍👍
Jai tout fait mais cela ne marche toujours pas je sais pas pourquoi. Mais pas grave merci quand même.
Thanks for your work! Can you do this picture of Datro Fofana?
i have this. for my new pack
Awesome!! Keep up the great work!