SS' Kits

We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.

  • 2,472
  • 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025
SS' Kits
NEW Submission System

A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.

1. Extract folder to Documents/Sport Interactive/Football Manager 20##/graphics/kits/put in here!

( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" )

2. FMXX - click 'Preferences' > 'Interface' > unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' > click 'Reload Skin' for first your time.

THEN ALWAYS when you download other packs, DO Click 'Preferences'>'Interface'>'CLEAR CACHE then again click 'RELOAD SKIN' AS ALWAYS after downloading to folders.

Enjoy 🙂

Any problem - please go to this thread - SS Help/Discussion Thread or PM hammer9.

Or if kits not showing or not add third kit..please go to this thread -
Any problem - please go to this thread - SSKCC Thread for FM20 or SSKCC Thread for FM21 or PM hammer9.
7 years ago
1 week ago
There is not every team, I spotted that Incheon is missing, and some hom/away kits too.
6 years ago
3 weeks ago
17 years ago
5 days ago

Can you tell me what updated for kits? some added kits, remade kits? added third kit? thanks
6 years ago
3 weeks ago
ok It added 4 new kits.
No more updates required

reason for K1 3D update is the same
17 years ago
5 days ago
Korea - K1 League SS'2020 Relink! (21/04/20) - Not SSKCC yet!
(updated - added 4 new kits)
Jorge Adrian Conde
3 years ago
1 year ago

TE hago una consulta.
Lso packs de las camisetas tengo que bajar con las carpeta o sacar los archivos de la carpeta y ponerla en la direccion mencionada? (Documents / Sport Interactive / Football Manager 20 ## / graphics / kits /)?
O sea… Documents / Sport Interactive / Football Manager 20 ## / graphics / kits / Corea - K1 League (y asi con cada archivo que baje)
O Documents / Sport Interactive / Football Manager 20 ## / graphics / kits / (los nombres de los clubes)

Espero tu respuesta

18 years ago
9 hours ago
By Jorge Adrian Conde 11 May 2021 - 13:12 PM UTC 

TE hago una consulta.
Lso packs de las camisetas tengo que bajar con las carpeta o sacar los archivos de la carpeta y ponerla en la direccion mencionada? (Documents / Sport Interactive / Football Manager 20 ## / graphics / kits /)?
O sea… Documents / Sport Interactive / Football Manager 20 ## / graphics / kits / Corea - K1 League (y asi con cada archivo que baje)
O Documents / Sport Interactive / Football Manager 20 ## / graphics / kits / (los nombres de los clubes)

Espero tu respuesta


This is an English-language forum, so please post in English 👍


As long as each folder is within Documents / Sport Interactive / Football Manager 20 ## / graphics / , then the game will read them. I prefer to have them in the highlighted format so that they're easily categorised, but it's just personal preference.

3 years ago
1 week ago
By mons 11 May 2021 - 14:11 PM UTC 

This is an English-language forum, so please post in English 👍


As long as each folder is within Documents / Sport Interactive / Football Manager 20 ## / graphics / , then the game will read them. I prefer to have them in the highlighted format so that they're easily categorised, but it's just personal preference.


after creating the graphics folder should I also create the kits folder

18 years ago
9 hours ago
By LolongDonaire 07 June 2021 - 17:54 PM UTC 

after creating the graphics folder should I also create the kits folder


As long as the downloads are extracted within the graphics folder, it should be fine. It's good to have them in a kits folder, but it's not strictly necessary.


Can I have screenshots of the location? You shouldn't usually need to create the graphics folders as it should be created automatically.

17 years ago
1 day ago
By LolongDonaire 08 June 2021 - 14:57 PM UTC 

bro im struggling to plug any of the downloads into fm20.

I always clear cache then reload but nothing shows


If you are on a Mac, the folder in which the files are placed has changed since FM20, otherwise the below folder applies. 


Users > YOUR Mac USERNAME > Library > Application Support > Sports Interactive > graphics


By default this folder is hidden, so to access you need to do as follows:


  • Open Finder
  • Click ‘Go’ from the menubar
  • Press and hold down the ‘Option’ (Alt) key
  • This will bring up the ‘Library’, click to enter then go to ‘Application Support’ -> ‘Sports Interactive’ -> ‘Football Manager 2020’


Then do the following (if you haven't already done so):


  • Launch Football Manager 20xx. When loaded go straight into game preferences from the intro screen.
  • Click on ‘Advanced’ from the top tab.
  • Click on ‘Interface” from the drop-down list on the right
  • Scroll to roughly half-way down the list
  • Make sure that you un-tick the box saying ‘Use caching to decrease page loading time’ and you the box saying ‘Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences'.
  • Now press confirm on the tree menu.
  • There should be a box that pops up saying 'loading image data for the new skin'.


The above was taken from the Cut-Out faces megapack read me file

3 years ago
1 week ago


3 years ago
1 week ago

lettssssssssss fuckiiinnnnnnggggggggggg gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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