Brendan Giblin
5 years ago
2 weeks ago

Is it possible to change a clubs name already in a saved game file, (using fm21), trying to do a Red Bull styled save (different company, I'm gonna use) but once I acquire clubs I just want to change the name of it and I'm kind of stuck at the moment.

15 years ago
1 hour ago
By Brendan M Giblin 29 June 2021 - 23:54 PM UTC 

Is it possible to change a clubs name already in a saved game file, (using fm21), trying to do a Red Bull styled save (different company, I'm gonna use) but once I acquire clubs I just want to change the name of it and I'm kind of stuck at the moment.


what do you want to change


give the current name and what you want it changed to



Brendan Giblin
5 years ago
2 weeks ago

I was gonna change Grasshoppers to RB Grasshoppers


15 years ago
1 hour ago
By Brendan M Giblin 30 June 2021 - 00:37 AM UTC 

I was gonna change Grasshoppers to RB Grasshoppers


I will try something now 

15 years ago
1 hour ago

thought you could with IGE but you cant its just comps/stadiums


you should be able to do it using @mons  real name fix file and edit the club there directly it should be save game compatible 

Brendan Giblin
5 years ago
2 weeks ago

I shall, check it out


15 years ago
1 hour ago
13 years ago
1 year ago

Lnc files are used for this sort of editing, also for already ongoing games. The syntax is rather tedious. I have made a Windows Application for creating lnc files.


You can try it if you want. Just let me know and I will make a zip package for you.

6 years ago
3 months ago
By Brendan M Giblin 29 June 2021 - 23:54 PM UTC 

Is it possible to change a clubs name already in a saved game file, (using fm21), trying to do a Red Bull styled save (different company, I'm gonna use) but once I acquire clubs I just want to change the name of it and I'm kind of stuck at the moment.


Yo cogí un archivo INC y cada vez que veo un nombre que no me gusta añado el club al registro, coje un archivo de estos, bórralo todo menos lo del principio, que es lo que configura el archivo para que haga el servicio y en tu caso sería algo así.


"CLUB_NAME_CHANGE"  1855  "Red Bull Grasshopper-Club Zúrich" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1855  "RB Grasshopper" ""


En el de arriba pones el nombre que quieras que tenga el club en general y en el de abajo el nombre corto, que es el que se ve en los calendarios y en el historial. Te adjunto mi archivo para que veas la dínamica, borra los que no quieras  y haz los que te gusten.

Hay algunos clubs que no sé muy bien porqué no cojen el cambio, me pasa a mí con el Vicenza, pero suelen ser casos aislados.


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