FM File Editor lets you easily manage lnc files typically for real name fixes and such. Normally you have to open the lnc files in an text editor such as Notepad and edit the lines yourself, remembering the different syntax, delimiters and everything.  FM File Editor makes this a lot easier.


FM File Editor is a simple Windows Application where you can easily create new, open existing and save lnc files. Right now you can edit:




Stadiums (where applicable)






It also handles short and long names very easily. For example, a club will have one entry and you can then give both long and short name and the program will make the two lines when saving as lnc file.


It does support languages as well but you can only have one language variant for each item in a single file. If you need to add more languages then just create one file per language.


You will need to download zip package and extract the three files and then run the .exe file. The program requires .NET 5 Framework installed on your Windows PC.


DISCLAIMER: Use it at your own risk but lnc files are more or less risk free because you can add and remove them from your save games whenever you want to.

6 years ago
1 day ago

This is very interesting! @mons, would be great if we could turn something like this into an online version where people can submit changes and you/a team can moderate those. Little bit like the data update.

15 years ago
1 day ago

Would be great if i could get it to open, followed it step by step but it keeps looking to download the NET 5 Framework 

13 years ago
1 year ago
By Carsie 15 July 2021 - 17:52 PM UTC 

Would be great if i could get it to open, followed it step by step but it keeps looking to download the NET 5 Framework 


So have you downloaded the .NET 5 framework? You should be able to find it here:


Then the application should be able to run. Otherwise please provide me with any error message or such that you get on screen.

17 years ago
12 hours ago

@mons Perhaps this can be of use to you?

18 years ago
12 hours ago
By wfm18 15 July 2021 - 09:42 AM UTC 

This is very interesting! @mons, would be great if we could turn something like this into an online version where people can submit changes and you/a team can moderate those. Little bit like the data update.


By Qvordrup 16 July 2021 - 04:19 AM UTC 

@mons Perhaps this can be of use to you?


I didn't have the time to get a look at it yesterday, but it might well be a useful tool.

Abhi Pkh
3 years ago
2 months ago

Why am I not able to find any .inc file in FM? and where am I supposed to save files once I edit a new player? Please I need help understanding how to use this.

15 years ago
1 day ago
By keallu 15 July 2021 - 20:58 PM UTC 

So have you downloaded the .NET 5 framework? You should be able to find it here:


Then the application should be able to run. Otherwise please provide me with any error message or such that you get on screen.


Downloaded the Run console apps instead of the desktop one.

13 years ago
1 year ago
By Carsie 16 July 2021 - 13:35 PM UTC 

Downloaded the Run console apps instead of the desktop one.


So did you get it to work?

13 years ago
1 year ago
By Abhi Pkh 16 July 2021 - 10:24 AM UTC 

Why am I not able to find any .inc file in FM? and where am I supposed to save files once I edit a new player? Please I need help understanding how to use this.


.lnc files are located and should be saved here if you have the game from Steam:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2021\data\database\db\2111\lnc\all


Notice 2111 depends on which version of the database you wanna use. 2140 is the newest.

Abhi Pkh
3 years ago
2 months ago

Thank you I found it. But Im not sure how is this edit gonna help the game? Can I add new clubs to a nation using this software?  I'm new to this editor so need some help. 

6 years ago
1 day ago
By Abhi Pkh 18 July 2021 - 10:41 AM UTC 

Thank you I found it. But Im not sure how is this edit gonna help the game? Can I add new clubs to a nation using this software?  I'm new to this editor so need some help. 


This program is solely for changing exisiting club, throphy and stadium names. Adding or modifying the database itself should be done with the pre-game editor.

Abhi Pkh
3 years ago
2 months ago

Got it. Thanks alot mate

13 years ago
1 year ago

I've just posted an updated version, 1.0.1, which handles import errors a bit better and some other changes as well.

Patrick Agerde
11 years ago
2 months ago

is it possible to change the skin's colour of players?


13 years ago
1 year ago
By Patrick Agerde 21 July 2021 - 19:08 PM UTC 

is it possible to change the skin's colour of players?



13 years ago
1 year ago

Version 1.0.2 released.

13 years ago
1 year ago

Version 1.1.0 released with support for six letter name for clubs and competitions.

3 years ago
2 years ago
By keallu 15 July 2021 - 20:58 PM UTC 

So have you downloaded the .NET 5 framework? You should be able to find it here:


Then the application should be able to run. Otherwise please provide me with any error message or such that you get on screen.


Can you show me how to use it?


13 years ago
1 year ago

.NET 5 framework or the application? The application should be pretty self-explainatory when you download it. You can find my examples of of lnc-files here:


These can be opened and edited by the editor.

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