Ivan Lozyuk - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack


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Rejected by mons on 01 Oct 2021 17:34:49
18 years ago
1 hour ago

@D_i_M_o_N, if it were just a bit off the top of the hair which was missing, I'm sure it could be clone stamped but there's practically no hair in this source.

4 years ago
5 days ago
By mons 01 October 2021 - 17:35 PM UTC 

@D_i_M_o_N, if it were just a bit off the top of the hair which was missing, I'm sure it could be clone stamped but there's practically no hair in this source.


@mons this is the best i found

18 years ago
1 hour ago
By D_i_M_o_N 01 October 2021 - 18:09 PM UTC 

@mons this is the best i found


I've had a look too and didn't find any better, but we can't have a cut with half the head missing. If something better is available in the future, I'm sure it'll be cut 👍