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I upload my Macedonian leagues, down to 2nd level. Tested to the year 2035.



How to unlock the FM22 Cyprus lower leagues (down to 4th level) on FM2022

1) Download the Data File.

2) Drag the file into your "Editor Data" folder. located at \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\editor data. If this folder doesn't exist, create it.

3) Open Football Manager 2022 and start a new career, In the top right of the screen, under "Database", make sure this Data File is selected.

4) Click "Advanced Setup" in the bottom right.

5) Once the database is visible, pick Macedonia fmf file.



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A little rules fixes.



Enjoy and let me know what you think!

14 years ago
5 hours ago

Thank you for sharing your file @szymanski9966 

3 years ago
3 weeks ago

Thanks! Glad to receive some kind words!

11 years ago
8 hours ago

Thank you for this work, I've been feeling a soft spot for Macedonian football lately, it came at a good time!

3 years ago
3 weeks ago
By Lugui 12 November 2021 - 14:50 PM UTC 

Thank you for this work, I've been feeling a soft spot for Macedonian football lately, it came at a good time!


Enjoy mate 🙂

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