18 years ago
1 hour ago

The FM22 BETA database is now available to browse on our website:


Some of the data may be inaccurate, but please do report any major issues you find.


This will of course be updated again once the full version of FM22 has been released including the Pre Game Editor.

18 years ago
2 hours ago
By Footygamer 24 October 2021 - 06:28 AM UTC 

The FM22 BETA database is now available to browse on our website:


Some of the data may be inaccurate, but please do report any major issues you find.


This will of course be updated again once the full version of FM22 has been released including the Pre Game Editor.


Lovely stuff 👏


I've noticed that most players on the cut-out request forum appear as Gamer, Footy, while a minority appear as Footy Gamer. It's quite minor, but something to keep in mind and standardise when the full database is released, perhaps 👍

18 years ago
1 hour ago

Urgh I just noticed that. Not sure why that's happened ill try and revert it.

18 years ago
2 hours ago
By Footygamer 24 October 2021 - 07:42 AM UTC 

Urgh I just noticed that. Not sure why that's happened ill try and revert it.


No biggie, perhaps you can keep it in mind for the next version of the db.

18 years ago
1 hour ago

The database has now been updated with the full release data.

Let me know if you spot any issues!

12 years ago
5 months ago

Nice, is there an ETA for data update release for 22 already? Thanks

10 years ago
1 day ago
By Footygamer 09 November 2021 - 06:06 AM UTC 

The database has now been updated with the full release data.

Let me know if you spot any issues!


Thanks - can we expect a data update file in the coming days?

18 years ago
1 hour ago
By LBOW6 09 November 2021 - 12:40 PM UTC 

Thanks - can we expect a data update file in the coming days?


Usually SI release another update in a couple of weeks so it's not really worth starting before then only to reset again.

12 years ago
5 months ago
By Footygamer 09 November 2021 - 21:29 PM UTC 

Usually SI release another update in a couple of weeks so it's not really worth starting before then only to reset again.


Im not really sure if I understand it correctly, but are you saying that current FM2022 release has “more recent” db than last data update published here (1/11)?  

18 years ago
1 hour ago
By vomaczka 09 November 2021 - 21:43 PM UTC 

Im not really sure if I understand it correctly, but are you saying that current FM2022 release has “more recent” db than last data update published here (1/11)?  


Yes of course it does because our most recent data update is for FM21 and was released on November 1st and the game was released yesterday on November 9th…


To be clear there's a difference between a “data update” and a “database"


The Database is a way to view the entire FMDB online. It's is available for FM22 and FM21 


What this topic is discussing is the browseable FM22 Database and has absolutely nothing to do with the data update.


The Data Update is for FM21 and we stopped updating it at the end of October when the FM22 BETA was released.


We will release an FM22 update as well as further FM21 updates in the next couple of weeks when we're sure it's stable and SI aren't going to release any hot fixes.

10 years ago
1 day ago
By Footygamer 09 November 2021 - 21:29 PM UTC 

Usually SI release another update in a couple of weeks so it's not really worth starting before then only to reset again.


Fair enough - I look forward to it! 😃


Do we know the date of the SI data cut-off? Just so I can work back and update my own data file as accurately as possible. 

17 years ago
1 week ago

@Footygamer Chloe Bailey (2000145042) a data analyst at Tottenham is still not appearing for me to add an image…

12 years ago
5 months ago
By Footygamer 10 November 2021 - 05:35 AM UTC 

Yes of course it does because our most recent data update is for FM21 and was released on November 1st and the game was released yesterday on November 9th…


To be clear there's a difference between a “data update” and a “database"


The Database is a way to view the entire FMDB online. It's is available for FM22 and FM21 


What this topic is discussing is the browseable FM22 Database and has absolutely nothing to do with the data update.


The Data Update is for FM21 and we stopped updating it at the end of October when the FM22 BETA was released.


We will release an FM22 update as well as further FM21 updates in the next couple of weeks when we're sure it's stable and SI aren't going to release any hot fixes.


Oh I understand now. I worded that very badly, thats on me. Thanks for clarifying.

15 years ago
1 year ago

can someone make a list of playable leagues in fm22? Is there third croatian league?

15 years ago
3 hours ago
By Alen1989KC 11 November 2021 - 23:14 PM UTC 

can someone make a list of playable leagues in fm22? Is there third croatian league?


regards Croatia on normal set up its the first 2 leagues you would need to activate the lower leagues


as regards total playable leagues looks the same as FM21



17 years ago
1 week ago
By tv_capper 10 November 2021 - 14:00 PM UTC 

@Footygamer Chloe Bailey (2000145042) a data analyst at Tottenham is still not appearing for me to add an image…


@Footygamer Any update on why she is missing from the Db? - Mons is unable to add my cut for her to the megapack until she is on the site

18 years ago
1 hour ago

@tv_capper  I've figured out what happened here, it won't be fixed till tomorrow though unfortunately.

17 years ago
1 week ago
By Footygamer 14 November 2021 - 00:58 AM UTC 

I've figured out what happened here, it won't be fixed till tomorrow though unfortunately.


Its great to know its getting fixed though, an extra day or two won't be an issue

18 years ago
1 hour ago

@tv_capper this should hopefully be resolved now 🙂

10 years ago
1 day ago
By Footygamer 10 November 2021 - 05:35 AM UTC 

Yes of course it does because our most recent data update is for FM21 and was released on November 1st and the game was released yesterday on November 9th…


To be clear there's a difference between a “data update” and a “database"


The Database is a way to view the entire FMDB online. It's is available for FM22 and FM21 


What this topic is discussing is the browseable FM22 Database and has absolutely nothing to do with the data update.


The Data Update is for FM21 and we stopped updating it at the end of October when the FM22 BETA was released.


We will release an FM22 update as well as further FM21 updates in the next couple of weeks when we're sure it's stable and SI aren't going to release any hot fixes.


Is the 22.1.1 that very update you refer to? 🙂

18 years ago
1 hour ago

Our Browseable DB has now been updated with 21.1.1 data.


FM22 Data Update Launching soon 🙂

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