Nik33 has released his Media Update for FM22. The file is MajesticEternity's massive project with work by Nik33 and joe5p for FM22.


The update includes 4,250+ sources, over 100 bookmakers and around 1000 journalists/pundits etc. Lots of duplicates removed and tidied up. 


Place the downloaded file inside the ‘editor data’ folder. The file cannot be used with a saved game, you need to start a new game for the file to take effect. 


Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\editor data


This thread is an attempt to encourage users to contribute to keeping the pack up to date and relevant. The initial aim is that the pack will be as accurate as possible, so missing media can go in, and redundant media can be removed. Rolling updates are then likely. 


As the pack has evolved over a number of years, it is possible that some of the sources are outdated or inaccurate. There may also be new sources in real life that are not captured in the pack. 


You can request inclusion of new sources via this thread. For now, SI know of a bug preventing new journalists from being included. When they resolve that issue, the thread will open up to include new journalists as well as sources. 


Please check in game by using the pack first in case the source you are requesting is already part of the file. For any errors with current sources, a PM might be easiest. 


If you can't find the media you are looking for and want to request a new source, please post here as follows:


Source Name:


Source URL (if relevant):


Attends Press Conferences: Yes or No (if no, it may be something like a podcast, or club level fan media, they can be included but will only show via social media and news items rather than attend press conferences).


Period (one of): Anytime (most media these days unless no online presence or Sunday press), weekday morning, weekday evening, specific day of week, monthly, bi monthly, quarterly, annually


Scope (one of): Worldwide, Continental, National, Regional, Local, Competition, Club

For fan based club media, it is club. Competition seems to work best in game for most of the other sources. 


Style (one of):  Tabloid, Broadsheet, Formal, Casual, Popular, Analytical


Type (as many as are relevant): TV, Newspaper, Website, Fanzine, Bookmaker, Radio, Magazine, Social Media, Podcast


Areas Covered: If this source always covers specific regions, competitions or clubs please specify


Credit to creators of previous media packs used with permission in majesticeternitys FM21 file that is now Nik33s FM22 file (click spoiler):


Innumerable alterations, additions and updates and hopefully still active: MajesticEternity 

RussianMedia - Footmob               
Indonesia Media - rio_pl             
Greek Media by         
Hungarian Media - CormakRepublicAvatar    
World Media - Nik33              
Media - Sangue Blu                 
Irish League - TheGavinMaxwell       
Media - sortitoutsi           
Polish Media - FM Revolution      
Argentina media - prestige087   
Parche Liga Chilena - Tapia        
Medios de comunicación - Migue_poli      
Real Media Sources - ducc             
Real Portuguese Media - kojuropp      
Swedish media sources  - mattep74       
 Serbian Media Pack - gamingfreak       
 Turkish Media Pack - mentese             
 Irish Fantasy Pyramid - BoyinGreen   
 Brazil Update  - Adriano Roberto
 Canada             - yellowsweatygorilla
 Italy                 - FUSIONDB

English and Scottish - joe5p

6 years ago
1 day ago

Is there a list of current media in the pack? Like a spreadsheet or so? I'm happy to work out one for the Netherlands in fmf format, but I need to make sure there are no duplicates 🙂

12 years ago
1 day ago
By wfm18 05 December 2021 - 21:56 PM UTC 

Is there a list of current media in the pack? Like a spreadsheet or so? I'm happy to work out one for the Netherlands in fmf format, but I need to make sure there are no duplicates 🙂


There is no definitive list, as the pack was initially created by majestic using her own sources and an amalgamation of various smaller packs. NIk33 also had a pack and I added England and Scotland so too many different packs coming together and the sheer scale of 4000 plus sources meant that there was no single directory outwith the editor. I have a file with almost all of England and Scotland but not Dutch. There are a number of Dutch sources in the file though. 


If you have an excel list or just a list here I don't mind checking for you. In time, and maybe by FM23 there could be a shareable directory to help but we are working in reverse to an extent.


It might be quicker to load the game and use the search bar there though. RTV is in, with various regional versions, so are omprop and omroep. Guess those ar obvious ones though.

15 years ago
46 minutes ago

Thanks for this 👍

18 years ago
4 hours ago

@Joe5p it should be possible to create a list of what's in the file at the moment, I have tools to read XML files and put them into CSV format.


Doing so might also allow for some sort of online tool to be used to create this file each year similar to our own data update.


Do you want me to look into it?

12 years ago
1 day ago

@Footygamer, that sounds great as a starting point, I think I should be able to do that, I had just never thought of conversion to CSV. Let me try tonight and I will let you know how I get on. For now, if I can even create a directory that can be viewed online (I would probably just share via cloud this year and discuss with Nik33) it would help figure out which media need added etc.

Deleted Account #1359833

Media´s and journalists have Logos and Pictures/Faces in that Mod?

for my immersion, it would be fantastic, if (Example) Sky Germany Logo has the Sky Logo and the Sky Journalist has his Face…

thanks for Infos…

12 years ago
1 day ago
By Mr. old_school 07 December 2021 - 17:51 PM UTC 

Media´s and journalists have Logos and Pictures/Faces in that Mod?

for my immersion, it would be fantastic, if (Example) Sky Germany Logo has the Sky Logo and the Sky Journalist has his Face…

thanks for Infos…


It is not really possible for the journalists, as you cannot click on their profile in game and there is no static UID for them. Basically, from one PC to the next, the UID (Unique Identifier) will be different depending upon which additional files are used by the user in their editor folder. 


There may be a workaround, but as they don't have profiles that are visible, it is a bit of a guessing game. 


For the actual media source, it would be possible to create a background pack, so that if you click on their profile you see a background image. There is one out there somewhere for the 100 or so sources that come automatically, but for the other 4300 in this pack it would take a lot of time and would probably be something that need be worked on by one user for a good while. That user would need to create a background pack using the UIDs that they get and then release a pack that others would need to alter to match their UIDs. 


If SI opened journalists up so that you could view profiles (like players, agents, managers etc.) it would be possible. 

12 years ago
1 day ago
By Mr. old_school 07 December 2021 - 17:51 PM UTC 

Media´s and journalists have Logos and Pictures/Faces in that Mod?

for my immersion, it would be fantastic, if (Example) Sky Germany Logo has the Sky Logo and the Sky Journalist has his Face…

thanks for Infos…


If you want me to add specific journalists or additional sources for Germany, then please send me a pm and I will add them to the next update if the editor errors have been fixed. 

Deleted Account #1359833

Thanks for your Messages! 🙂


“editor errors”?  what do you mean?


Germany journalists and media sources = i mean the main big Parts: Sky, DAZN, ARD, ZDF, Kicker…..and then for that the journalists

but, if that not possible (ID Problems) - okay, maybe someone report that to SI, so they include that in FM23

+ hopefully with more stadium athmosphere in 3d match !!!!!


12 years ago
1 day ago
By Mr. old_school 07 December 2021 - 18:18 PM UTC 

Thanks for your Messages! 🙂


“editor errors”?  what do you mean?


Germany journalists and media sources = i mean the main big Parts: Sky, DAZN, ARD, ZDF, Kicker…..and then for that the journalists

but, if that not possible (ID Problems) - okay, maybe someone report that to SI, so they include that in FM23

+ hopefully with more stadium athmosphere in 3d match !!!!!



The FM22 editor is broken in that it will let you create new players, staff, journalists, but does not port them into the game even if they show in the editor. SI Games are aware of this and have said that they hope to fix it. They released an update today, and I intend to test it tonight but if that does not work, it will not be possible to add any new journalists until they fix the error. It may be that the issue is resolved for playing staff but it was not working for journalists. 


In terms of including full profiles in FM23 for journalists, SI know that users want to see this feature but it is one of thousands they are asked to consider. So far, they do not appear to want to open it up in this way. 


It is possible to add new media sources, Sky (shows as Sky Deutschland), ARD, Kicker and ZDF are all in this file, so if you load a new game you should see them. DAZN is not. Is DAZN mainly a streaming video service? If so, I can add them to cover the Bundesliga. 

17 years ago
1 year ago

Fantastic addition to the game this 👍🏼

Deleted Account #1359833

DAZN shows Bundesliga matches, but also other League Matches. for the 1. and 2. Bundesliga is Sky the main TV Media Partner ( but maybe in next years, dazn replace sky as the biggest media player, you know.)  🙂

12 years ago
1 day ago

Minor Update - Sorted some Scottish and English media that were not appearing properly and added DAZN. Please note, it is not currently possible to add journalists until SI fix an issue with the editor. It is possible to request sources and I will add those. 

12 years ago
1 week ago

I am using the media file from the name fix from here. Are those also included in this one ? 🙂 

12 years ago
1 day ago



The default FM22 database with no media add on has 109 media sources.


The name fix file update has 2203 media sources.


This file has 4200 media sources. 


There may be some sources covered in one file and not another, but the chances are that this pack will have almost all of those in the name fix plus another 2000.


As well as sources, journalists are included in this pack. I can't figure out how many are in each file overall. I can say that for the UK alone in this file there are over 300 journalists and pundits linked to specific sources. 


It is entirely up to each individual user in terms of what they prefer.  Your best bet would probably be to load a game with one, test it, and then do the same with the other. Compare media input. Use the file you prefer thereafter. 


The final point is that this file includes media and bookmakers in one file. If you end up preferring the name fix media file then use both the media and bookmaker files together from the name fix. If you prefer this one, then you would use this instead of both the media and bookmaker files from the name fix download. 


Basically you either use this file alone, or you use the media and bookmaker name fix files together. If you try to use this with those, you will end up with duplicate media and bookmakers which could become irritating in game. 


More broadly, it would be good to hear from anyone using the pack so far, as when packs go out feedback is rare (either positive or negative).

16 years ago
2 years ago

Started a new game in Scotland specifically to see how well it worked and I've fallen out with Kris Boyd already so it's an absolute treat!!!

Thorough and expansive in the Scottish game and European coverage is good too, must say I have been impressed with it, well done @Joe5p and anyone else involved. 🙂


18 years ago
10 hours ago

To be perfectly honest, the media file included in the sortitoutsi real name fix is one which was collected many years ago and merged into one file for ease of reference. It is not a file I have updated too often and one which may not necessarily reflect today's realities. It is not a priority for me to update it, truth be told.


In view of the very many excellent similar files released of late, I was considering not having it in the FM23 version of the file - or maybe even replacing it with a file such as this one which does a better fist of the same job, should the authors (i.e. @nik33  and @Joe5p) wish to collaborate on a no-obligation basis with full credit given to them. This is not something I wish to do at this point in time or for FM22, to avoid confusing users unduly. The media file in the real name fix does a good enough job, but this is preferable imo.

12 years ago
1 day ago

The issue preventing users from seeing all created people from editor files will have gone in the next official patch for the game. 


That means I can now take requests to add journalists to sources. If you have used the file and can see the sources you want in game, but not real journalists for those sources, then send me a pm. I don't want to bog the thread down with detail needed for each journalist. We will get them in. 


You can also request sources, but I haven't had any requests yet, which makes me think that source coverage is probably pretty good. 

Deleted Account #1359833

in this forum i find something: in the metallic logo pack they have not only club logos, they have also media folder inside.

are your media files other parts of media for the FM22? so that the combination from your File + metallic logo pack is perfect for most of Immersion?

thanks for helping me with Infos..

12 years ago
1 day ago
By Mr. old_school 10 December 2021 - 21:54 PM UTC 

in this forum i find something: in the metallic logo pack they have not only club logos, they have also media folder inside.

are your media files other parts of media for the FM22? so that the combination from your File + metallic logo pack is perfect for most of Immersion?

thanks for helping me with Infos..


This pack does not contain any logos. It will add media and journalists to the game where they are not in the game already. The logos in the metallic pack will probably be for the 100 or so media sources that come with the game by default. 


There are another 4150 media sources in this update, and their logos will probably not be part of the metallic pack. Adding logos might be something that I look at in the future, but for FM22 the priority will be adding media and journalists and removing redundant media and journalists. 

Deleted Account #1359833

Thanks your your answer! but, i am little bit confused.

so, your File include massive of new media ( that are not default in FM22) =  because for the default media, then it make sense, to use the metallic logos pack (that include media files), right?

= so, when i use both files ( your files and metallic pack) then i have the best combo right?

default media pack + more media stuff


but, i find two other media packs, what are that? the same like you, or like a three thing, to use in combination, with the two things, i wrote before?


"Sortitoutsi Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.0 for FM22.2" = FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - media files.fmf (for editor data Folder)

in Meistertrainerforum in germany: "Mediendatei 1.1. Deutsche Medien & Journalisten" (for editor data Folder)


= so in that Case, we have just to select, so only one of them is working? (in Combination with the default media pack from metallic logos pack)

your Media Pack for FM22


"Sortitoutsi Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.0 for FM22.2" = FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - media files.fmf 


"Mediendatei 1.1. Deutsche Medien & Journalisten" (.fmf File)


** i asked you, because, i think, when i start a long career in FM22, then all files works fine together and not after played many hours: oh no, that Combo ruins the Game…


12 years ago
1 day ago
By Mr. old_school 10 December 2021 - 23:19 PM UTC 

Thanks your your answer! but, i am little bit confused.

so, your File include massive of new media ( that are not default in FM22) =  because for the default media, then it make sense, to use the metallic logos pack (that include media files), right?

= so, when i use both files ( your files and metallic pack) then i have the best combo right?

default media pack + more media stuff


but, i find two other media packs, what are that? the same like you, or like a three thing, to use in combination, with the two things, i wrote before?


"Sortitoutsi Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.0 for FM22.2" = FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - media files.fmf (for editor data Folder)

in Meistertrainerforum in germany: "Mediendatei 1.1. Deutsche Medien & Journalisten" (for editor data Folder)


= so in that Case, we have just to select, so only one of them is working? (in Combination with the default media pack from metallic logos pack)

your Media Pack for FM22


"Sortitoutsi Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.0 for FM22.2" = FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - media files.fmf 


"Mediendatei 1.1. Deutsche Medien & Journalisten" (.fmf File)


** i asked you, because, i think, when i start a long career in FM22, then all files works fine together and not after played many hours: oh no, that Combo ruins the Game…



I would need to check, but I don't think the metallic logo media you mention is a media file, is it not just logos? If it is a media file, I would need to load it and see. 


A comparison between the sortitoutsi file and this one was covered above, both by me and by mons (creator of sortitoutsi file). 


There are then lots of small nation specific packs out there, which can be fantastic. I have not looked at the German pack you mention. 


The worst thing that can happen if you use more than one media file at the same time is that you get duplicate copies of media sources and journalists. It should not result in a crash.


EDIT - I looked at the german forum and file. Personally, if I wanted full German coverage, that file looks brilliant. You could then use it with one of the others. This file is very, very broad, in that it covers many nations. Ideally, users here will contribute to get as many new sources and journalists in as possible, but you would be fine to use the german file with this file if you can live with some duplicate media source (because this file will contain some of the sources in their file). 


Alternatively, you could use the German file for a German save and this one for any other nation. It is really up to you. 

Deleted Account #1359833

Thanks.  🙂

i have to correct my last Message.

  • FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - media files.fmf
  • Nicks Media Overhaul.fmf
  • german File: Mediendatei FM 22 1.1.fmf


  • the Files inside the metallic logos pack are for the graphics/pictures Folder ( they are for the default media in the FM22 Game - so, they are Logos, not a .fmf File)


Result: you are the Professionell with media. you think the other fmf Files Creators have your Data or other Data, so it make sense to use all three fmf files or maybe you update your file, so it just need, to use your file, because then all data are inside one (your) File 🙂

12 years ago
1 day ago
By Mr. old_school 10 December 2021 - 23:41 PM UTC 

Thanks.  🙂

i have to correct my last Message.

  • FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenses Fix - media files.fmf
  • Nicks Media Overhaul.fmf
  • german File: Mediendatei FM 22 1.1.fmf


  • the Files inside the metallic logos pack are for the graphics/pictures Folder ( they are for the default media in the FM22 Game - so, they are Logos, not a .fmf File)


Result: you are the Professionell with media. you think the other fmf Files Creators have your Data or other Data, so it make sense to use all three fmf files or maybe you update your file, so it just need, to use your file, because then all data are inside one (your) File 🙂


I had edited my post while you were entering this one. 


I think the German file is more extensive for German football than this one. This file is very extensive for English, Greek, Scottish, and many more countries (albeit some are more up to date than others). 


In an ideal world, there would be one huge media file, but that would require all those creating small packs to give permission for their files to be included in a larger file, whether that be this one or another one. 


Obviously, no one owns the sole right to include media sources in their files, so any one can add any media to the files that they put out. It has always been my intention to try to make this file a rolling update and I will add to this file, but I won't have the local level of knowledge that some of those creating very specific nation packs might have. 


You can use both, but you will see some media outlets appear more than once. So:


Either Nik33 (this file) + German



Sortitoutsi file + German


Would be my advice, if you can live with some duplicates. 


If you want me to add German sources and journalists to this file, then send me a PM with the details but I won't just load in other people's work. If anything is added it will be manually so that it is not taking the work of another without permission. 

Deleted Account #1359833

Respect for all Creators, right  👍


17 years ago
2 years ago
By MrGizMo 09 December 2021 - 06:46 AM UTC 

I am using the media file from the name fix from here. Are those also included in this one ? 🙂 


Using the same one and wondering the same thing

12 years ago
1 day ago
By CyberOps 11 December 2021 - 07:37 AM UTC 

Using the same one and wondering the same thing


Mons (Creator of sortitoutsi file) has commented on this above, and shared his opinion. He has said that the sortioutsi file was last updated a few years ago. I cannot comment for certain on every single media source, but it is highly likely that this pack has all of the ones in the sortitout pack plus another 2000. If you use them both together, you will get duplicate entries. Mons has also said I can use the sources he has if any are missing, which I intend to look at in the coming weeks, but I am fairly certain that almost all will be covered here, plus the additional 2000 this file gives. 

12 years ago
1 day ago

Another minor update, also on Steam Workshop. Resolves some issues with some sources appearing in game but not contributing. 

17 years ago
2 years ago
By Joe5p 11 December 2021 - 08:13 AM UTC 

Mons (Creator of sortitoutsi file) has commented on this above, and shared his opinion. He has said that the sortioutsi file was last updated a few years ago. I cannot comment for certain on every single media source, but it is highly likely that this pack has all of the ones in the sortitout pack plus another 2000. If you use them both together, you will get duplicate entries. Mons has also said I can use the sources he has if any are missing, which I intend to look at in the coming weeks, but I am fairly certain that almost all will be covered here, plus the additional 2000 this file gives. 


Ok thanks, so all i have to do is use this one and remove the media file from the other pack right ? and what about niks agent pack do i also remove that is it included in this one ?

12 years ago
1 day ago
By CyberOps 11 December 2021 - 17:10 PM UTC 

Ok thanks, so all i have to do is use this one and remove the media file from the other pack right ? and what about niks agent pack do i also remove that is it included in this one ?


Yes, if you want to use only this one, remove the media and bookmaker files from the other pack. 


This has nothing to do with agents. Agents is a separate pack, and you would need the agents pack loaded too. 

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