Hi @Patchanga hope you’re well and had a good holiday
I just had these fantastic kits made for my save and I was just wondering if somebody could convert them to 3D. Even if it’s just the home one so it’s in the office and start screeb. Home one if it could be done twice once with the scudetto shield and one without. the home kit is the grey one.
Hello. Can it's Possible to have kit of "Paotred Dispount Ergue-Gaberic" (ID : 50045947) ? It's a french regional 1 team. Il play with this team. Thanks
Home :
Home RectoHome VersoHome Kit
Away and third
Third kitAway Kit
made some fantasy kits but kept the sponsors
sorry if they aren't good; it's the first time i make 3d kits and i use fm kit creator because i don't have photoshop.
Hi @Patchanga hope you’re well and had a good holiday
I just had these fantastic kits made for my save and I was just wondering if somebody could convert them to 3D. Even if it’s just the home one so it’s in the office and start screeb. Home one if it could be done twice once with the scudetto shield and one without.
the home kit is the grey one.
thabks guys
Hi @Patchanga
Can you please make these kits for me in 3D
home kit is very dark grey and gold trim, shorts gold with dark grey trim, socks gold with grey trim
Away kit is gold with very dark grey trim shorts dark grey trim with gold trim, socks grey trim with gold
The team is Wanderers F.C.
my 2d kits and club logo is attached and the mini logo is as well
Thank you in advance
Hi @Patchanga,
Can you do this kits with the actual sponsors of FC Barcelona?
Home Kit:
Away kit:
ayyoub adam
Hi @Pachanga, how are you ?
I made 2D kits “Saint-Etienne -the new logo”
but I didn't know how to make them 3D
Can you make please this 3D kits ?
Thanks so much
Good morning,
could someone create these milan kits?
Hello erveryone and happy new year 🙂 ! Does anyone can make tose 2D kits in 3D version like the white one plz 🙂 ?
Shorts and socks have same colors as the kit 🙂
Thans a lot 🙂
Someone Please ?
someone made me these kits for ss lazio on the fantasy kits thread and i'd love them in 3d since i don't know how to recreate them.
bsae used for home was porto home and for away was liverpool away.
made some fantasy kits but kept the sponsors
sorry if they aren't good; it's the first time i make 3d kits and i use fm kit creator because i don't have photoshop.
hope you like them!
Very nice men keep trying i need help in this thread DUDE!!
i can only make really basic kits but i'll give them a go when i can!
i've tried to make them myself but i couldn't so help is appreciated
Jamie Lavin
Hello there, would love it if these excellent kits could be made into 3D kits for my Preussen Munster save.
For the shorts could I ask for white with the green shirt, green with the white shirt and black with the red shirt? Thanks in advance!
thanks man!
Can sameone make please this 3D kits?
hello guys, can anyone do this for fm 22? thank you😀
Lallanas in Pyjamas
Hi guys, can anyone do this for FM22? Greatly appreciated 🙂
Hi @Pachanga, how are you ?
Can you make please this Valencia 3D kits ?
Thanks so much 😉
IK Oddevold (ID: 1808)
Semi-fantasy, based on real life kits but with added elements and removal of logos.
happy to see one of the old guard help in this thread men…\
Hi all.
Can you make please this Ferrari Fantasy Team 3D kits?
Thanks so much 😉
Jonas Skaaning
Hi. Could anyone make 3d kits of these barca fantasy kits?
Laurent Czerwinski
Here is Austria shirt at the WC90, home and away: