Søren Vormstrup Larsen
4 years ago
6 days ago

Hello everybody,


I'm very new on this website, so I would like to apologize if this done in some sort of wrong way - know that it is solely because of ignorance, no malice. 


I want to create a database where you replace the Champions League and Europa League with one big European Tournament that is knockout (1 leg) only. It would have 64 teams in it and if it's possible some sort of a seeding system. If people are aware of American sports, I want the March Madness type bracket in European football. 


Back in the day I used to be good in the editor but I stumble into trouble at every corner.


So my first question. Is it possible?

Can someone help explain to me how it can be done? - if possible of course


If it's extremely difficult and way out of my zone of competence and someone is out there who would like to help me create it, I would of course compensate that person. Although I am not rich, I must add.


I hope it makes sense and if not, my apologies. 

15 years ago
22 minutes ago

yes you can do this set it up in basic rules first infact I may be able to load an old file for you to use as a template it is in advanced rules but I will set it back to basic for you- [no idea what march madness is but this can be set up NB do some thorough checks in game that there are no clashes with international games etc]


firstly add all the nations you want to send clubs to take part [usually there is 54 nations for UEFA comps so you can decide who gets allocated the extra 10 places, or you can select less nations its up to you]


 remove the Europa league - so its not playable


you can change the format from group/KO to all knockout rounds which is simple as 64 to 32 to 16 is easy to do[set the draw to be seeded not random]


and NB the Super Cup would no longer take place unless you changed it to be winners of this new comp and winners of conference league


so this is all straightforward


I am going to be away for several weeks without any access to the editor etc so  read the FAQ I set up here and download @Carlito85  file to see what can be done especially with advanced rules if you want to go into detailed stuff-what you want is achievable in basic rules and wont get complicated so stick to those





Søren Vormstrup Larsen
4 years ago
6 days ago

Wow, thanks Kingrobbo. That was exactly the kind of answer and help I was dreaming of. I will try to download Carlitos file and give it a go. All of a sudden the task feels achievable, so you couldn't have done a better job. Now it's up to me to live up to your guidance. 

15 years ago
22 minutes ago
By Søren Vormstrup Larsen 22 March 2022 - 22:03 PM UTC 

Wow, thanks Kingrobbo. That was exactly the kind of answer and help I was dreaming of. I will try to download Carlitos file and give it a go. All of a sudden the task feels achievable, so you couldn't have done a better job. Now it's up to me to live up to your guidance. 


I will load the file for you have a play around with it


yes this is pretty straight forward have a go at it 😉



15 years ago
22 minutes ago

would help if I attached the file😉 this was just a test file I had used in default 22 DB it says advanced rules but those have been removed, its basic rules only

15 years ago
22 minutes ago

Ive quickly cleaned up the file so it has all the rounds set for you correctly just edit to suite your needs



Søren Vormstrup Larsen
4 years ago
6 days ago

Thanks, robbo. I really appreciate you taking your time to help me. Although I probably must admit that it seems like I am too much of a novice to do much in the editor these days. I have downloaded your basic rules test and trying to do everything according to your brilliant guide but I just do not know where to do those things. If you have the time to help me even more, I would appreciate it but sounded like you are going away, so also understood if this is too tiresome of a task.




"firstly add all the nations you want to send clubs to take part [usually there is 54 nations for UEFA comps so you can decide who gets allocated the extra 10 places, or you can select less nations its up to you]"


Where do I add the nations? When I go into the Uefa Liberty Cup that you have created, it doesn't allow me to do much in - what I assume is the basic rules. Is this just in the “teams for next season”? and do I just add all the countries and the game will figure out the rest? I understand the risk that I am not working at the correct place. 


remove the Europa league - so its not playable


By pressing the “is extinct” button when I go into the tournament? 


you can change the format from group/KO to all knockout rounds which is simple as 64 to 32 to 16 is easy to do[set the draw to be seeded not random]


This one is the most frustrating. I know because of your guide that it's easy to do but I just cannot find the spot where you would do these changes. 



If you find the time, know that it is much appreciated. And I apologize for seemingly not knowing anything. 



Søren Vormstrup Larsen
4 years ago
6 days ago

Robbo, from stumbling into things and not knowing much, I think my question can be boiled down to.


How do I select the tournament “UEFA Liberty Cup” in the advanced rules settings? I have tried to follow your FAQ guide but fall short. I have taken a picture of my screen where I'm stuck. I think if I can get over this roadblock, I might go somewhere.



4 years ago
1 year ago

He has give you everything you need he do all the rounds for you; change dates 


he said add more nations 


he say dont use advanced rules why you want to do that you cant do basic rules


Søren Vormstrup Larsen
4 years ago
6 days ago

Aaaah, I think something clicked in my bad editor-brain and you helped me figure out how much of a helping hand kingrobbo actually gave me. Thanks FatherTed and especially thank you to kingrobbo again. Taking time to help novices like me is greatly appreciated. 

4 years ago
1 year ago

you add the nations you want to be in usually it is 54 in UEFA 

Søren Vormstrup Larsen
4 years ago
6 days ago
By FatherTed 23 March 2022 - 20:49 PM UTC 

you add the nations you want to be in usually it is 54 in UEFA 


If I only add like 45 nations or something like that, does the game figure out which country gets more spots and so on? What if I want the big leagues to get more than one spot in the tournament? 


I figured out that it will just give me an error in the test, so do not waste energy on my stupid question!

Søren Vormstrup Larsen
4 years ago
6 days ago

So I have progressed quite a bit, if I say so myself, and I can taste the finish line but I have one final (maybe) hurdle.


I struggle with the qualification system teams. This is what I have it set up as. I want the top teams from the best leagues to get in. So 3-4 teams from each of the top league as an example and then fewer teams from the rest. Here it's 3 from the best 16 and 1 from each of the last. 


But when I enter the game and go to the tournament, you find teams like Brentford, Aston Villa and teams like that in the tournament, so I have obviously done something wrong but I cannot seem to figure out what the issue is.



Does anyone have any suggestions?

15 years ago
22 minutes ago

glad you are finding out how to edit


but I am really confused with what you are doing now…  you state in your opening post this-


I want to create a database where you replace the Champions League and Europa League with one big European Tournament


now you have a ‘FIFA World madness’ comp including teams from Mexico/Brazil/Europe etc ??


the file I gave you is a continental rules file set to Europe if you want clubs from nations all over the World you need to do it differently as you may impact on their continental comps[unless you know what your doing] and you could end up either with the UEFA structure not playing out at all, or just this one comp or with clubs playing in multiple comps at the same time so it would be chaos 


think you need to reflect on what your idea is exactly, use the files I gave you to play around with, and as said look at Carlito85  file to see what can be done- infact he usually has files in it  going back to older European set ups such as 1 round knockouts like the old European Cup etc he has many many options


and if you want World club tournaments there are already mods out there, download them and look how they were made and adapt them.


Right I am away from tomorrow happy editing 

Søren Vormstrup Larsen
4 years ago
6 days ago
By kingrobbo 23 March 2022 - 22:58 PM UTC 

glad you are finding out how to edit


but I am really confused with what you are doing now…  you state in your opening post this-


I want to create a database where you replace the Champions League and Europa League with one big European Tournament


now you have a ‘FIFA World madness’ comp including teams from Mexico/Brazil/Europe etc ??


the file I gave you is a continental rules file set to Europe if you want clubs from nations all over the World you need to do it differently as you may impact on their continental comps[unless you know what your doing] and you could end up either with the UEFA structure not playing out at all, or just this one comp or with clubs playing in multiple comps at the same time so it would be chaos 


think you need to reflect on what your idea is exactly, use the files I gave you to play around with, and as said look at Carlito85  file to see what can be done- infact he usually has files in it  going back to older European set ups such as 1 round knockouts like the old European Cup etc he has many many options


and if you want World club tournaments there are already mods out there, download them and look how they were made and adapt them.


Right I am away from tomorrow happy editing 


Thanks for the answer, robbo. I have read through your FAQ a lot even though I was only basic editing just to see if I could learn something additional and it said I had to save frequently, so when I stumbled onto the roadblock of which teams got into the tournament, I saved it and thought to myself that I wanted to try to see if I could add in teams from other continents as well. I can see in your answer that I probably do not have the skills to do that - BUT the original idea is still my main focus. My apologies for posting pictures of the other idea, I can see where things got confusing. 

Søren Vormstrup Larsen
4 years ago
6 days ago

I can try showing what it happening in the game and where I clearly go wrong. I know kingrobbo is away but I'm being hopeful that one of the many with more knowledge in here can help me. So I tried messing around with qualified teams (this time actually in the new Champions League kingrobbo made for me) but Osasuna gets in the tournament, Barcelona do not. Brentford is in the tournament, Manchester City is not. When you add a manager, it says Barcelona is in the tournament but they just do not show up in the tournament. 


It says that their continental tournament is the Champions League



These are the teams in the tournament. What I tried to do in the editor in this instance pictured was to get the 3 best teams from nation 1-16 and then the 1 best team from nation 16 to 33.


 I have tried changing it up in every kind of way but everytime I look over my shoulder in the game, I see Brentford in there, so I have come to the conclusion that I do not understand what these values translate into (not really a shocker given my obvious lack of ability). 

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