Hello and welcome back to the most viewed database from FM21(on SI).

I will be working again with Karin again this year who will provide the databases for players, staff, referees etc.

The Players File has now been uploaded with over 8000 Real Players/Staff/Referees Media Sources (Media still in Japanese) and league histories!

despite it being a simpler file for faster processing it still includes all real competitions including all 47 Emperor's Cup Qualification tournaments.


The Advanced file has now got a beta file adjusted for the 2022 Season. (I have made primary promotions and relegations based on current data and will be updated)

1. Promotion to the JFL in the advanced file now follow real life rules where even if you win the regional champions league, you must also play a promotion/relegation battle with the JFL teams to get promoted.

2. U18 Leagues Premier, Prince and Prefecture Have been added with the real Club Youth Tournament (high school tournaments bugged in the editor at the moment). Also included are the J.Youth and J.Elite (U21) Divisions. Now japan has a complete Youth System in Place. 

3. A basic version of club licenses have been added (I.e clubs that don't hold a J3 license cant be promoted to J3 at the very start but can in the future. certain JFL teams from 2024/2026 and some regional teams from 2028 etc.) This also holds true For J3 and J2 clubs who done hold J1 Licences etc.

4. Instead of 55+ Qualifying cup competitions the Emperor's Cup, Shakaijin Cup and Club Team Tournament now do all of the qualifying rounds and main competition in one tournament. whilst this means that it won't be 100% accurate, i have managed to make it accurate enough (on average 43-47 prefectures are represented by the first round) that It is much more better way of doing it.

5. Now instead of 200+ competitions like in FM21 I have managed to include every tournament in FM21 and a few extra in FM22 in JUST 23 (YES 23) competitions. THIS MEANS the game even running on level 8 runs that much faster without slowing down like in FM21. 

6. (File is bug free cept for the fact that High School competitions don't work properly yet, and that due to the editor, some teams are playing in their 2021 divisions despite being adjusted for 2022) ive accoutered no crashed or anything else whatsoever so far after over 200 hours of editing and playtesting


1. FACEPACK FOR J1 LEAGUE (J2 coming later)


Required Download List (You can mix and match)

2. J.League ADVANCED (*A Level 8 Tier Pyramid)

3. J.League Countries (J league Partner Countries Agreement, meaning players from certain countries (Vietnam, Cambodia etc are not counted as foreign)

4. J.League MEDIA (Newpapers, Broadcasters etc you name it are here)

5. J.League Players (Over 8000 real Players, Staff, Scouts)

6. J.League Referees (All of the Referees who hold a Level 1 License including myself)

7. J.League Histories (League histories for some competitions)

8. J.League New Stadiums (These Contain stadiums that have been or are likely to be approved and are being built)

9. Club Overview Panel (So you can see club histories and information) by @wannachupbrew here at https://www.fmscout.com/a-wannachup-japan-club-fix.html

10. when its available a facepack by the awesome folks in this forum I will link you all later.

11. I have made a adboard pack (static and digital) it has been merged with the one on sortitout so find it yourself if you want to use it.

12. Game is encouraged to be played with the Realism Files made by @Daveincid as they adjust just about everything to make the game even more realistic and accurate than it already is. And that means a even more Epic experience in Japan. (will update a link to his thread once it becomes avaliable)

Lastly and the most important one 

13. leave feedback on any bugs or suggestions on what to do next.

Daniel Almandoz
3 years ago
3 days ago

Someone verified the files for version 22.4? I tried but I have an error with the file ADVANCED.fmf

Mochamad Rizky Ramdhani
3 years ago
3 weeks ago

its crash on 22.4

10 years ago
2 years ago

Needs to be 22.4 verified it seems

13 years ago
1 year ago

Is it possible to create an alternative version of "01. J.League 2021 FM22 ADVANCED.fmf" with 0 db changes (just pyramid unlocked)? I appreciate your work @Robert Lovell Thanks

6 years ago
6 months ago

Hello, I downloaded and added all files to the editor data folder but when I try to start a game it sayss on the “advanced" file: 'This data file needs to be tested and verified in the editor before it can be used with this database'  

How do I fix that? 



Adam Bowller
2 years ago
7 months ago
By calito990 27 April 2022 - 20:10 PM UTC 

Hello, I downloaded and added all files to the editor data folder but when I try to start a game it sayss on the “advanced" file: 'This data file needs to be tested and verified in the editor before it can be used with this database'  

How do I fix that? 





I've just downloaded the files & also have this issue, grateful for any help.



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