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Delete all existing files and then added the latest download, if you're using any other downloads there may be conflicts which may prevent the update from working as intended.
Austria now added, continuing to work on the Europe file but some annoying bugs and quirks in this years editor are making it more difficult that is necessary!
Switzerland added.
Great job man, you are planning to do Brazil and Argentina soon? Cheers
When I move to South America updates those will be the first two I sort out 🙂
connor carey
im having the same issues here had to download the fmscout version for the promotions & relegations but soritoutsi update is usually my go to because of how precise it is, but the data update from here doesnt seem to have any promotion changes etc.
anyone know why this is? am i doing something wrong?
On what date did you download the update from here? If you download todays one it should work
I don't think there's any point attempting to do this yourself we should just use the one made by Dan.
Does he include the promotions/relegations for 22/23? If not I will just have to test compatibility when using both.
And you must always delete the old files to guarantee it works. Please be aware if you use different files from outside this update they may cause conflicts and prevent it from working as intended.
Christian Vietri
serie c and serie b in italy are not corrected. Palermo went up in Serie B. in serie c not Cosenza but crotone.
Hi Christian, I am going through existing files that were waiting for play offs to finalise today.
Promotion and relegation Slovakia?
Thank you so much for all your hard work mate.
joão bico
boa tarde. a liga inglesa está atualizadas?? o totenham não está na champions??
Italy and Spain updated to include conclusion to the play offs.
European qualified teams added.
European qualified teams (i.e. Spurs etc) will be included in the next upload when the site does its automatic update tomorrow morning. Took longer than expected due to some annoying quirks and bugs in the editor this year.
Slovakia has also now been added, but I could not find either MŠK Považská Bystrica or FK Slovan Ivanka pri Dunaji in the database so Slovan Bratislava U21 and Rohožník are currently not relegated from the second division. If you know their in-game ID (they may be under different names) then let me know and I'll also do them.
Promotions/Relegations added for Brazil.
Thank you so much man,i really aprecciate your job
Can you update this coefficient list as well when you have the time?
Once I know the Europe file is stable from people playing it, I'll add these too 🙂
Hey, Slovan Bratislava U21 is staying in league and 4th promoted team is Spartak Myjava and maybe you can add Spisska Nova Ves or Inter Bratislava they end 2nd and 3rd in 3 league instead of Rohoznik and also Senica is not in 2nd league they didnt get license and Sered also , you forgot to promote Fk Raca Bratislava
how can one make the confederation cup playable in career mode?
what has that got to do with this thread
Denmark, Czech Republic and Croatia now added.
Hi can you update Slovak 2nd league ? Thanks.
Can you also edit the turkish league foreign border rule, please? The rule is still limited to 14 foreigners in real life.Sorry for my bad English🙂
Hi can you update Slovak 2nd league ? Thanks.
There's an issue with Brazil relegations.
It only works if I start the save in 2020 or mid 21 (using an european calendar). If I choose to start in Dec 21 to play the season 22 It still shows Gremio in Serie A.