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Can you create these in 3D kits please @Pachanga @Pachanga
Just wait men the oficials…w.i.p
Please 3d jerseys of Kaiserslautern FC
1 # jersey, sorts, socks - all red 2 # jersey, sorts, socks - all white 3 # jersey - gray, sorts - black, socks - gray
Thank you
Can someone help me with thsi fantasy kits for St. Louis SC?
Could someone do these Auxerre kits in 3D? It would be greatly appreciated 😉
Home Shirt: https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/media/6pEuT3pr24gnfchxFAePhJtXW62iY11NYExhyR2T.png
Home Shorts: White
Home Socks: White
Also, one the home shirt can you make the sponsor match the away kit by putting the Playstation symbol above the letters 'PS5' like it is in the away kit.
Away Shirt: https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/media/npwVauHTGqn0DyEYtQpnUTnpZUa1gBbZH3ysTTL2.png
Away Short: Navy Blue
Away Socks: Light Blue
Thanks in advance.
Hi guys I hope that you all are ok
I start my 5th season with Racing Santander and I would like to change kits
if one of you can make me the home, away and third kits in 3D and 2D that would be wonderful
Puma branded kits with main sponsor cazoo
thank you in advance
can make this fantasy 3d kits for fm 2020 harimau muda & Lion XII
ayo could anyone do these kits?thanks
Hi guys I hope that you all are okI start my 5th season with Racing Santander and I would like to change kitsif one of you can make me the home, away and third kits in 3D and 2D that would be wonderfulPuma branded kits with main sponsor cazoothank you in advance
can anyone do this fantasy kits (Kedah FA) for me..pleaseee helppp
ROMA adidas next year…
@Pachanga Lovin' these fantasy serie A kits!
Thanks dude still learning to create to be like you… trying my best but my boomer brain is malfunction mode haha
Hi, Can someone help me with thsi fantasy kits for St. Louis SC?
Hi Guys, Anyone can help me with these?
Hi could someone make this kit, please in 3D?
can you stop posting this in fantasy threads it's an actual kit
GENOA reality fantasy
Please make guys
Fifa 2022 Toty kits and Icon kits
Hi, Can any kit makers please help create 3d kits for these 3 designs for my Red Bull Manchester fantasy file.
Not requiring for anything too detailed - just looking for something so the shirts are visibly decent enough in game during match engine.
I have shared the kit details set up from in game editor that I have set the shorts and socks too for ideas on colours and style.
Home Shirt - See image of SS shirt
Home Shorts - White with Red trim
Home Socks - Black with Red trim
Away Shirt - See image of SS shirt
Away Shorts - Navy with Red trim
Away Socks - White with Red trim
Third Shirt - See image of SS shirt
Third Shorts - Light Blue with Red trim
Third Socks - Light Blue with Red trim
Thank you in advance 🙂
Hello ,
Can anyone make these kits in 3d ?
Thanks in Advance !!!!!
PAOK and AEK fantasy
super DEPOR in my save just diferent sponsor request
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Just wait men the oficials…w.i.p
Please 3d jerseys of Kaiserslautern FC
1 # jersey, sorts, socks - all red 2 # jersey, sorts, socks - all white 3 # jersey - gray, sorts - black, socks - gray
Thank you
Eloy Gabriel Nuñez
Can someone help me with thsi fantasy kits for St. Louis SC?
Could someone do these Auxerre kits in 3D? It would be greatly appreciated 😉
Home Shirt: https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/media/6pEuT3pr24gnfchxFAePhJtXW62iY11NYExhyR2T.png
Home Shorts: White
Home Socks: White
Also, one the home shirt can you make the sponsor match the away kit by putting the Playstation symbol above the letters 'PS5' like it is in the away kit.
Away Shirt: https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/media/npwVauHTGqn0DyEYtQpnUTnpZUa1gBbZH3ysTTL2.png
Away Short: Navy Blue
Away Socks: Light Blue
Thanks in advance.
Hi guys I hope that you all are ok
I start my 5th season with Racing Santander and I would like to change kits
if one of you can make me the home, away and third kits in 3D and 2D that would be wonderful
Puma branded kits with main sponsor cazoo
thank you in advance
can make this fantasy 3d kits for fm 2020 harimau muda & Lion XII
ayo could anyone do these kits?
can anyone do this fantasy kits (Kedah FA) for me..pleaseee helppp
ROMA adidas next year…
@Pachanga Lovin' these fantasy serie A kits!
Thanks dude still learning to create to be like you… trying my best but my boomer brain is malfunction mode haha
Eloy Gabriel Nuñez
Hi Guys, Anyone can help me with these?
Richie Joshua Kimbumina
Hi could someone make this kit, please in 3D?
can you stop posting this in fantasy threads it's an actual kit
GENOA reality fantasy
Please make guys
Fifa 2022 Toty kits and Icon kits
Hi, Can any kit makers please help create 3d kits for these 3 designs for my Red Bull Manchester fantasy file.
Not requiring for anything too detailed - just looking for something so the shirts are visibly decent enough in game during match engine.
I have shared the kit details set up from in game editor that I have set the shorts and socks too for ideas on colours and style.
Home Shirt - See image of SS shirt
Home Shorts - White with Red trim
Home Socks - Black with Red trim
Away Shirt - See image of SS shirt
Away Shorts - Navy with Red trim
Away Socks - White with Red trim
Third Shirt - See image of SS shirt
Third Shorts - Light Blue with Red trim
Third Socks - Light Blue with Red trim
Thank you in advance 🙂
Lefteris Chrysomytis
Hello ,
Can anyone make these kits in 3d ?
Thanks in Advance !!!!!
PAOK and AEK fantasy
super DEPOR in my save just diferent sponsor request