FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 08 Jan 2025
- 93,228 Changes
- 512 Contributors
- FM24.3
You are viewing changes for an older version of Football Manager (Version 22.4) which is no longer supported by our data update.
This page is here as a historical reference only.
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 30th June 2026 signed on 8th August 2022.
For everyone that can't wait, here's the daily update + Mertens and Torreira ๐
admin elimiz ayaฤฤฑmฤฑz titriyo bi gรผncelle 10 dk sonra geri dรผzelt ๐ geldi adamlar 3 lรผ รงektirdi bence gayet yeterli ispat ๐
Would you please update already?
mertens de disable yazฤฑyor nasฤฑl onaylandฤฑ ฤฑndฤฑrฤฑyorm mertens yok
yazdฤฑฤฤฑm saatte onaylanmฤฑลtฤฑ tekrar iptal etmiลler heralde ben yazฤฑnca ๐
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 6th August 2027 signed on 6th August 2022.
Dries Mertens onaylandฤฑ Lucas Torreira neden onaylanmฤฑyor bi aรงฤฑklama yaparmฤฑsฤฑnฤฑz acaba ?
mertens de disable yazฤฑyor nasฤฑl onaylandฤฑ ฤฑndฤฑrฤฑyorm mertens yok
Dries Mertens onaylandฤฑ Lucas Torreira neden onaylanmฤฑyor bi aรงฤฑklama yaparmฤฑsฤฑnฤฑz acaba ?
Guys stop spam-requesting please, we'll wait until official confirmation of contract details etc.
Admin torreira ve mertens iki transfer iรงinde kap baglantisini kanit olarak attim transferin resmiyeti iรงin baska biseye gerek yok diye dรผลรผnรผyorum
Admin can you enable it for god sake.
Excellent Transfer
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 30th May 2026.
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 30th June 2026 signed on 6th August 2022.
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 6th August 2026 signed on 6th August 2022.
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 30th June 2026 signed on 6th August 2022.
Lucas Torreira has had his loan terminated. Lucas Torreira has as future transfer to Galatasaray.
Lucas Torreira future role is as Player.
The transfer will go through on 01-07-2022 for a fee of £7m. With a contract until 31st May 2026.
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 6th August 2026 signed on 6th August 2022.
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 30th June 2026 signed on 10th July 2021.
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 8th May 2026 signed on 8th May 2022.
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 5th August 2026 signed on 5th August 2022.
@Emre Demir Seydan Please only request transfers that are 100% confirmed ๐
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 30th June 2026 signed on 28th July 2021.
Lucas Torreira has had his loan terminated.
@grgsfdewq Please only request transfers that are 100% confirmed ๐
Lucas Torreira now has a contract until 30th July 2025 signed on 1st July 2022.