Metallic Logos Pack

Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.

  • 432,610
  • 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
Metallic Logos Pack

8 years ago
13 hours ago

For some reason i dont have the “Grazer AK” logo in my game. Could someone help me with that one? 

3 years ago
1 week ago

Hi, I recently downloaded the metallic v7 update... since then, no club logos are displayed in any size in my game. so I redownloaded the whole package again this didn't help. Then I uninstalled my game and redownloaded also that led to nothing. Then I reset my PC but even that didn't work. Can anyone help me? Thank you.

Emir Bayram
4 years ago
3 days ago

hello there,

do i need to download every  logo change file or can i just download the latest one.

18 years ago
6 hours ago
By Rimmshot1973 20 June 2022 - 07:38 AM UTC 

For some reason i dont have the “Grazer AK” logo in my game. Could someone help me with that one? 


Do you have the image itself within your folder structure? If not, it's just the case of downloading it from this site.




By Ben Mühlau 21 June 2022 - 20:31 PM UTC 

Hi, I recently downloaded the metallic v7 update... since then, no club logos are displayed in any size in my game. so I redownloaded the whole package again this didn't help. Then I uninstalled my game and redownloaded also that led to nothing. Then I reset my PC but even that didn't work. Can anyone help me? Thank you.


Can we see the location where you installed the files? Showing clearly the full path please.




By Emir Bayram 29 June 2022 - 15:44 PM UTC 

hello there,

do i need to download every  logo change file or can i just download the latest one.


It is recommended that you download the base megapack via torrent by going to the download page. After which, you should then download all the update packs released to date and apply them chronologically.

3 years ago
1 week ago
By mons 29 June 2022 - 17:13 PM UTC 

Do you have the image itself within your folder structure? If not, it's just the case of downloading it from this site.





Can we see the location where you installed the files? Showing clearly the full path please.





It is recommended that you download the base megapack via torrent by going to the download page. After which, you should then download all the update packs released to date and apply them chronologically.


I got the problem fixed. I installed the TCM Logo Pack and reloaded the skin then I deleted it and reloaded the skin again. but thanks anyway for the offered help

2 years ago
2 years ago

Is there anywhere that actually has a full working pack of logos for download and now a pack that is corrupted like all for 22 seem to be, I am after the English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and Dutch club logo's if someone knows where I can find them.  Thanks

2 years ago
2 years ago

Hey I downloaded a logo pack from here before, decided to replace it with the metallic logos pack but this pack has many more folders. This pack came with a '"metallic logos", “flags”, “media”, and “trophies” folders. Dragging all of these into my graphics folder did not seem to work. Do I need to rename certain folders inside my graphics folder to get these to work? thanks


17 years ago
8 minutes ago
By kobiboazman 16 July 2022 - 03:26 AM UTC 

Hey I downloaded a logo pack from here before, decided to replace it with the metallic logos pack but this pack has many more folders. This pack came with a '"metallic logos", “flags”, “media”, and “trophies” folders. Dragging all of these into my graphics folder did not seem to work. Do I need to rename certain folders inside my graphics folder to get these to work? thanks

First of all.. your right about the file structure… it is unnecessary complicated and that is something we been aware of for some time now and hope to fix before the release of FM23. But if you retract first the folders “flags”, “trophies” and “Media” to your graphics folder and then all the folders inside the “metallic logos” folder (clubs, comps, confeds, default, and nations) also to your graphics folder then it will work if done right. The unnecessary folders are the “picture” and “metallic logos” folders.

Jamie O'Sullivan
2 years ago
2 years ago

Hi there. I am new to FM and want to add alll logos. I am struggling to find the file to upload to do this. Can you help please?

Deleted Account #1094108
By Jamie O'Sullivan 19 July 2022 - 13:15 PM UTC 

Hi there. I am new to FM and want to add alll logos. I am struggling to find the file to upload to do this. Can you help please?


There are a lot of logo packs with different styles, you can download one from this page that you like:


Then extract the downloaded file to the following location: Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2022/graphics 

If you don't have a “graphics” folder simply create it yourself


Unfortunately even though you have the folder in the right place Football Manager won't automatically pick up the new files. You're going to have to go in and tell Football Manager to reload your graphics.


Simply follow these instructions:


a) Open Football Manager

b) Click Preferences on the start screen (or if you're already in a game FM Logo > Preferences)

c) Click the “Advanced” tab

d) On the right hand side select “interface”

e) Scroll down the Skin Heading

f) Uncheck “Use caching to decrease page loading times”

g) Tick “Reload skin when confirming changes to preferences”

And now your graphics should be appearing 👍

Jamie O'Sullivan
2 years ago
2 years ago

Amazing thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I am aware of the steps as I have found a “trophy” pack and that works fine!

Do I have to pay for the packs in the link you provided?

Thanks again for taking time out to help

Deleted Account #1094108
By Jamie O'Sullivan 19 July 2022 - 13:30 PM UTC 

Amazing thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I am aware of the steps as I have found a “trophy” pack and that works fine!

Do I have to pay for the packs in the link you provided?

Thanks again for taking time out to help


Nope, all logo packs are absolutely free 🙂

Deleted Account #1094108

@RobCZ @DaFo83 Guys you can just use the browsing system here to check what logos are currently in 👍

13 years ago
1 day ago

Is it just me or the browse section doesn't work properly anymore?

17 years ago
8 minutes ago
By Chris93 27 July 2022 - 09:27 AM UTC 

Is it just me or the browse section doesn't work properly anymore?

You are completely right 😕, the browsing system is broken at the moment. I really hope that @Footygamer fixes this ASAP 👍


hariz zakwan
5 years ago
5 days ago

Guys, Where I can download old metallic logos? I only found metallic logos from 2011. The other links are dead.

18 years ago
2 hours ago

It's a bug related to using NGINX to generate thumbnails that isn't working with paths that have spaces. I haven't been able to figure it out since we moved server and i'm loath to build something entirely new when the solution is probably something incredibly simple. Having said that, I simply cannot figure out what's wrong and have no timeframe for a fix.

18 years ago
2 hours ago

The thumbnail generation bug is now fixed. It took 21 days to fix 😅

5 years ago
7 months ago

Not sure if you realise but you've changed Derby County's badge to Crystal Palaces in the latest pack, including in this websites database. Any other clubs have the wrong badge?

18 years ago
1 hour ago
By Yandere 29 July 2022 - 15:35 PM UTC 

Not sure if you realise but you've changed Derby County's badge to Crystal Palaces in the latest pack, including in this websites database. Any other clubs have the wrong badge?

Fix is here until next update


17 years ago
8 minutes ago
By Footygamer 29 July 2022 - 12:07 PM UTC 

The thumbnail generation bug is now fixed. It took 21 days to fix 😅


That is great news 😀 👍 

18 years ago
1 hour ago
By isLuke95 04 August 2022 - 16:06 PM UTC 

Hi, I hope I am writing in the right section.
In the last update of Metallic logos (version 2022.08), logo number 645 is Crystal Palace, but in game this number is associated with Derby County 😀

The fix is hidden 2 posts above yours 😉


5 years ago
2 weeks ago

This may be a stupid question as it may have been something that I have done accidentally, but in my logos folder, there is a folder called “team” in the “nations” folder. There are 253 items in there and they appear to be metallic, although some are different to the nation logos (England has a star instead of “the FA” for example). If this wasn't an accident on my part, what is the purpose of these logos as I haven't seen them appear in my game yet.


I also apologise if this has either been asked before or I have posted in the wrong place.

17 years ago
8 minutes ago
By EnigMattic1 05 August 2022 - 17:50 PM UTC 

This may be a stupid question as it may have been something that I have done accidentally, but in my logos folder, there is a folder called “team” in the “nations” folder. There are 253 items in there and they appear to be metallic, although some are different to the nation logos (England has a star instead of “the FA” for example). If this wasn't an accident on my part, what is the purpose of these logos as I haven't seen them appear in my game yet.


I also apologise if this has either been asked before or I have posted in the wrong place.

That is perfectly okay. It is not something you have done by accident, it is how it is supposed to be. The reason being that many nations have a “national team” logo. We use the different FA logos as the main ones but we have added all the “national team logos” or “shirt badges” in the “team” folder within the nations folder. They have a different xml and will show up when you look at the team page on a national team. Hope that answers your question.  


5 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Qvordrup 05 August 2022 - 18:17 PM UTC 

That is perfectly okay. It is not something you have done by accident, it is how it is supposed to be. The reason being that many nations have a “national team” logo. We use the different FA logo as the main ones but we have added all the “national team logos” or “shirt badges” in the “team” folder within the nations folder. They have a different xml and will show up when you look at the team page on a national team. Hope that answers your question.  

That does answer my question, thanks. I am assuming that it is something to do with my skin as the “team” logos don't show up on any page when looking at the national team.


15 years ago
3 months ago

Hi all!, this Megapack is an incredible piece of work! a huge thank you to all involved!

However, i have a question:
How far down into non-league does this pack go? and can using a custom database break logos? i have all the latest updates and i am currently playing in England level 10 (using the level 13 database) and notice that some clubs at this level have their logos and some do not.

I did notice that when trying out the England level 10 database, the club's ID had changed ever so slightly, causing me to rename my custom logo to make it visible. 

I removed the level 10 database and readded the level 13 and my added logo came back after renaming it again.

I am learning more about modding FM and i am sure everything is installed correctly and the file was not corrupt when i downloaded it.

Can anyone help me out?

Thank you for your time.

18 years ago
6 hours ago
By RevReese 06 August 2022 - 21:17 PM UTC 

Hi all!, this Megapack is an incredible piece of work! a huge thank you to all involved!

However, i have a question:
How far down into non-league does this pack go? and can using a custom database break logos? i have all the latest updates and i am currently playing in England level 10 (using the level 13 database) and notice that some clubs at this level have their logos and some do not.

I did notice that when trying out the England level 10 database, the club's ID had changed ever so slightly, causing me to rename my custom logo to make it visible. 

I removed the level 10 database and readded the level 13 and my added logo came back after renaming it again.

I am learning more about modding FM and i am sure everything is installed correctly and the file was not corrupt when i downloaded it.

Can anyone help me out?

Thank you for your time.


Megapacks work because the items in the default database have fixed UIDs, which are the same in your saved game, mine or in somebody in deepest and darkest Polynesia. You can in fact use the browse function on this site to check each country's division's to see which teams have a logo and which don't - this is England's page, for example. 1,179 out of the 1,184 clubs in the official database have a logo, for example. All of them, essentially. The config files for megapacks map a specific filename to a specific UID, for logos in this case.


Issues rear their head, however, when custom databases are used (via editor data files) which add items to the official database. Whether they're people, competitions or clubs, these will have random UIDs, which will differ depending on the amount and content of any other editor data file you have in place. If you and I have the exact same file setup, created items will have the same UIDs in our save games, but it is quite likely that different people have different editor data files, 


Since the combination of different editor data files might result in different UIDs for the same items, this will mean that graphics files for created items will not work the same for different setups because the UIDs will change, needing the config file to be manually changed for each different setup. This is mostly why most graphic megapacks do not include items not in the default database, as it's simply too difficult to explain and correct, and it may well differ for every single different user.


In short, for items not in the default database, you will need to change the config file manually after you start the save game, depending on the combination of editor data files you have in place.

15 years ago
3 months ago
By mons 07 August 2022 - 10:58 AM UTC 

Megapacks work because the items in the default database have fixed UIDs, which are the same in your saved game, mine or in somebody in deepest and darkest Polynesia. You can in fact use the browse function on this site to check each country's division's to see which teams have a logo and which don't - this is England's page, for example. 1,179 out of the 1,184 clubs in the official database have a logo, for example. All of them, essentially. The config files for megapacks map a specific filename to a specific UID, for logos in this case.


Issues rear their head, however, when custom databases are used (via editor data files) which add items to the official database. Whether they're people, competitions or clubs, these will have random UIDs, which will differ depending on the amount and content of any other editor data file you have in place. If you and I have the exact same file setup, created items will have the same UIDs in our save games, but it is quite likely that different people have different editor data files, 


Since the combination of different editor data files might result in different UIDs for the same items, this will mean that graphics files for created items will not work the same for different setups because the UIDs will change, needing the config file to be manually changed for each different setup. This is mostly why most graphic megapacks do not include items not in the default database, as it's simply too difficult to explain and correct, and it may well differ for every single different user.


In short, for items not in the default database, you will need to change the config file manually after you start the save game, depending on the combination of editor data files you have in place.


Hi mons, thank you for your detailed reply! that is what i thought was the case but needed clarification.

Can i use FMXml to fix this?

18 years ago
6 hours ago
By RevReese 07 August 2022 - 17:10 PM UTC 

Hi mons, thank you for your detailed reply! that is what i thought was the case but needed clarification.

Can i use FMXml to fix this?


Sure 👍

15 years ago
3 months ago
By mons 07 August 2022 - 17:30 PM UTC 

Sure 👍


Thank you, sorry to bother you again but would i need to run fmxml for each subfolder in turn to replace the configs? I have used fmxml a little and it is simple to use but i wonder how to go about it in the best way.



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