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Anyone has this issue?
I cannot make the graphics work at all. I change the folder where I want to have the graphics, I reload the skin, clear catche, still the same.
Then if I restart the game, the setting go back to the original folder.
Is this common?
Changing the default folder works in the same way as it's done for the last however many years.
Here is a guide on how to change your user data folder for FM22. Works the same, just use the FM23 folder instead.
But sadly I've done that.
When I change the folder, when I restart it, the game does not generate the needed files in the new folder and when I go back to settings, it's the same default one.
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying. Can I have screenshots of the folders in question, and what you think should happen where?
Certainly. I went with two ways here
In both cases, when I restart the game somehow the default folder (the one in C🙂 is again the primary one.
Can I see (a) the full path of the folder shown in your screenshot (click on it and copy it, or maximise the window) and (b) where you've changed the user data folder (Steam or in-game preferences)?
Besides, there's nothing in that folder; what are you expecting to happen, exactly?
S:\Football Manager\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023
I tried in game.
Tried also in Steam (see my screenshot).
I was expecting this to happen: Once done click confirm, exit and reload the game and the game will automatically generate the needed subfolders (such as games and skins).
But, as I said, when I exit the game, the folder setting goes back to default. Cleaned chache, reloaded the skin, nothing.
You can right-click and create those folders yourself, however, no? Then populate them accordingly.
I did it A few times. No use.
Somehow only the Sports Interactive folder in the default location works.
Solved with the help of @mons
You can close the thread.
No need - can perhaps be used in the future by someone else who might have a similar query.
For any future help seeker, the issue was that there was a superfluous < at the start of the path, and probably a > at the end, in the Steam launch options text 🙂
This is how it should look like: