SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
England - English League Level 1-2 SS'22/23 by bolid74 New! (15/09/22)
See “Read Installation Instructions” below “Download” 👉👉
Enjoy 🙂
Any problem - please go to this thread - SS Help/Discussion Thread or PM hammer9.
Or if kits not showing or not add a third kit..please go to this thread -
Any problem - please go to this thread - SSKCC Thread for FM21 only or SSKCC Thread for FM22 only or SSKCC for SS'22/23 on FM22/23 in any packs or PM hammer9.
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New update to this pack. National north league has been included.
Editor color fixing file has been removed because I moved on to FM23. Last version of the file sorted colors for levels 1-5 so FM22 users will have to fix colors in editor by themselves for leagues in level 6.
Doncaster Rovers (646) - two different logos have been used for the home and away kit
But is seems like they are using a different special logo for both the home and away kit this year
Exeter City (651) - away kit base is in fact dark grey instead of black
Kalle Kutt
Any news on National League South (that is where I'll start so). You are doing an amazing job m8!
Last major update to this pack, National league south is now included.
There are some issues in FM23 beta with several third kits but there's nothing I can do without editor.
Fantastic work @bolid74 (as usual!), and thank you so much for sharing.
I am in awe at how quickly you make these, year after year. I remember “back in the day” when I was actively making kit packs that it would take me weeks and weeks just to do the one pack but you do the entire English (in game) pyramid, and more, in less time than it takes me just to kick Photoshop up!
Whatever you are on, can you sell me some?! 😂
My secret is Staropramen beer, my friend.
Hundreds of tidy templates and last season kits also help :-)
Huge huge respect to @bolid74 again! The details in the shirts are simply amazing. Your effort has encouraged me to get some work. I've been playing Dulwich Hamlet and just made a fantasy third kit. Hope it doesn't look too bad.
Jorge Iglésias
Hi guys! Any or preview English leagues level 7-8?!
Thank you!
Amazing work!
Level 7 is 80% done. Not sure about release date but not before 2 weeks.
If you need a particular team, ask in official SS kits topic. Perhaps I made it already
Jorge Iglésias
Thank you!
Again, amazing work!
England - English League Level 1-6 SS'22/23 Relink! (01/11/22)
(updated - full leagues level 1-6 now, but not kit change colour yet)
As soon as you get 1-6 done, St. Albans go and bring out a new away kit with a ridiculously complicated design, can't catch a break! Unbelievable work as always bolid
Hi Guys, what do the fmf files change? I assume these won't be ready yet as the editor has only just been released
1 adds missing third kits
2 removes third kits that should not be there
3 fixes UI colors for wrong kits (like Scarborough away that should be white)
4 correct number color on players back in 3D match
5 normalizes UI colors (no more many shades of same color, Leicester, Cardiff, Ipswich and others all have same blue)
6 in some rare cases custom kits won't show in some competitions for top 6 teams (infamous “why Arsenal shows no kits in cups”) - perhaps not in FM23, we'll see
First version of the file that covers points 1, 2, 3 and 6 will be available tomorrow
Thank you! Amazing work as ever, I've been lazy for a few years now and just added the kits rather than the editor change files
Does it also amend the kits on the home page? As in, when my team's kits are hung up in the dressing room in the menu they will appear properly?
To see those, you have to install 3D kits
I have question. If I use another kit pack and yours together for a certain club's missing kit cough Red devils cough Would they clash? And if I just carry the png from one to the other, would that work or do I have to bring the config also?
Hey guys, amazing work as always - just a quick q with regards to the fmf files.
I have uploaded them and placed them in the editor data file and when I go to load a new game they are advised as incompatible and wont load in with the new game.
Anything I am doing wrong? I've not played the beta in any way, didn't install the game until it was fully released (not sure if that is relevant or not)
Stop using FM22 editor fmf file in FM23!
A small but important update to this pack:
fmf editor file should be placed in Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\editor data folder and it should be automatically used by the game when starting a new career. Please make sure you removed FM22 version if you tried to use it by mistake.
It does the following:
1 adds missing third kits
2 removes third kits that should not be there
3 fixes UI colors for wrong kits (like Scarborough away that should be white)
4 correct number color on players back in 3D match
5 normalizes UI colors (no more many shades of same color, Leicester, Cardiff, Ipswich and others all have same blue)
6 in some rare cases custom kits won't show in some competitions for top 6 teams (infamous “why Arsenal shows no kits in cups”)
At this point, as I rushed to provide FM23 editor file as soon as possible, points 4 and 5 are valid only for Premier league.
Thanx for these brilliant kits! One minor issue though..Sheffield Wednesday 3rd kit needs to be removed.
England - English League Level 1-6 SS'22/23 Relink! (09/11/22)
(updated - see detail here & Added SSKCC for FM23)
Anyway to make the Fmf file work on an ongoing save? Or it is only for a new save? I started my save yesterday before the update.
You can edit stuff with in-game editor. That's the only way for careers in progress.
When you start new career with fmf file from the pack, some cool stuff will happen in your game. For example, third kits that should not be in game will be gone. Also, some third kits that are invisible will show up.
Reece middleton
hi for some reason when im using this kit pack its not adding kits to Lecester ,wolves,newcastle,everton,chelsea ,west ham
I'm not sure why that happens to you, but I checked all of them and work perfectly in my game.
Yeah I've got the same issue, did you find a fix for it?
Thorsten Jackisch
I have a problem, I can not understand!? The kits of the premier league do not work! The other leagues work perfect. Can anybody help?
@Reece middleton
@Thorsten Jackisch
It's all working fine, I'm sure you may put in folders that went wrong…
.fmf…make sure put in this - C:\Users\<name>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\editor data\put in there
unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' > click 'Reload Skin'
tick 'Allow licenced kits' then reload skin, and start a game.
then if not working, so can you show us your screenshot of editor data (.fmf) and England packs in folders, and then ill look at it?