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For all Iphone Users here is the solution after many hours of experimentation.
You can do it once, means if you want to add more/another graphics later, you need to delete and reinstall the game again because there is no option to clear cache/reload skin on Iphone.
Actually I'm doing a graphic pack should be done in a few days I'm gonna share it if somebody wants.
Here are some screenshots I'm already done with South American Teams/Leagues/Competitions
Some European Club kits
Feel free to contact me via discord my id is
FFG SirinBaba#4121
Yuto Nagatomo
Bielsa is a legend
you can move PC graphics and files via itunes
Also, is there a way to pick a larger database?
But there is no option to reload my skin, i can move it via itunes but after that i cant see anything in the game
I think nobody knows yet, how to add Face / Logos pack for FM23 Touch (Apple Arcade).
We need to wait a little longer until someone finds a way to do it.
You can add files via iTunes. There is even a pictures folder already there. Hopefully someone makes a pack with the correct config file.
Bielsa is a legend
It’s the same every year, you need to add the skin for ios
Which skin?
All the above is for the version on an iPad. Am I right? That could work like the previous years.
I'm playing FM Touch via Apple Arcade on my Macbook. But there I couldn't find the graphics folder yet. I found the tactic, save games etc. Would be nice if someone figure this out. Would be a big plus to the game.
Is it not like on PC where you need to make the folder yourself?
But the problem is that there is no option to reload the skin in game
Can you show me the way to find the tactics folder?
I'm playing on my macbook and I couldn't find it...
Does anyone know where I can locate the folder of tactics, logos, etc on Apple Arcade - Macbook?
In general yes, but in the Apple Arcade version there is not Sports Interactive folder, at least not the one in the description of the logos/kits. But they must be somewhere
would be cool if someone figures it out
You have to go to the App and right click it (show package content).
than you’ll find some folders (activate that you see hidden folders) you have to click library/application support and some more. You’ll find it quite quick. I‘m just on the go. Therefore just like that. I’ll correct it later.
the way i found it: i clicked on browse in the game, when i was loading my last savegame. There was written the correct address.
As soon as you can, can you describe the process in more detail, or the folder path?
It is the following folder path:
/Users/username/Library/Containers/com.sega.soccer.manager.23/Data/Library/Application Support
the “com.sega.soccer.manager.23” part is a bit tricky. I'm from Germany and it was not written in the folder in the englisch way. In my folder path is was written “Football Manag23 2023 v 23. 1…” So with the title of the game, but the folder path is different.
I couldn't find the logos yet. But the save games and tactics are there. Maybe you are more lucky.
a little update and I don't know why I didn't think about that before.
The folder I mentioned in my post above is the correct folder for logos, kits etc. for the Apple Arcade version. Just create the folder graphics and it should work like it is written in the normal instructions. (reload skin and deactivate cache).
Have fun with the logos in the game.
You need to clear cache in preferences.
Where can I find this option? I dont have that
Would someone mind writing an idiots guide for adding kits/logos/facepacks for FM Touch on Apple Arcade please?
I've managed to import tactics (not a clue how, feel like I fluked it!) and would like to get the above added, however never had the “Touch” version before
If it helps I'm playing on both MacBook and iPad, thank you
In preference in the lower left corner. Then restart the game
But this what I get to see, there is nothing there for me
In reset to default
I could also use an idiots guide to this I’m on ipad and trying to go through iTunes on my pc and I can’t figure this out
I could also use an idiots guide to this I’m on ipad and trying to go through iTunes on my pc and I can’t figure this out
Hi guys so has anyone actually managed to get the logos on the touch Apple Arcade version ? I’ve also tried via iTunes , I managed to put the logos on my sons FmMobile , I tried just doing the exact Same with touch but hasn’t worked … so if anyone finally figures it out . help the lads out haha
Connor Franklin
I've managed to get the logos and league names on the Mac version of FM23 touch but I can't figure out how to get the real name fixes (Man Utd, Hansi flick, etc). I've copied the fmf files into the editor data folder but it doesn't give the option on a new game like it does in the main version of the game. I'm just wondering why it won't load those if there's an editor data folder.
No problems with logos/kits/faces in the graphics folder though
Yuto Nagatomo
For all Iphone Users here is the solution after many hours of experimentation.
You can do it once, means if you want to add more/another graphics later, you need to delete and reinstall the game again because there is no option to clear cache/reload skin on Iphone.
Actually I'm doing a graphic pack should be done in a few days I'm gonna share it if somebody wants.
Here are some screenshots I'm already done with South American Teams/Leagues/Competitions
Some European Club kits
Feel free to contact me via discord my id is
FFG SirinBaba#4121
Brilliant this! Thanks.
Are all the club and player ID’s the same as the full version, or does it need new config files?