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It's currently added to the Premier League, are there others which do not have it who should?
I just tested the latest build and in the Premier League rules it shows as 3 subs from 9 when you start a new game and also when you get to the new season starting
I’ll double check this tonight.
In the end it can be done @TheMinsterman
@TheMinsterman If you're interested in checking out the Europe thing, I'm now at the start of season 2 so the game is picking the teams.
Couple of issues:
Midtjylland and Copenhagen are both in the Champions path and Club Brugge and Antwerp are both in the League Path. Not sure if there are more countries that are switched around
This Kosovan team finished rock bottom in the league, but have somehow qualified for the Europa League. They also lost in the first round of the cup so that can't be it
I’ll run some more tests, it’s a persistent “quirk” each update for whatever reason that Europe causes some issues.
Another example: Feyenoord winning the Conference League and now having to play the Europa League play-off instead of getting a straight group stage ticket
issues like these have been around for years and they have been reported to SI many times they cant or are not interested in resolving it
the feedback I had several years ago from SI staff was a heavily edited DB[they wouldnt say how much that is, but I believe over 100k changes NB that includes all the files you are using not just the file with specific league/continental changes] will cause bugs like this to happen. So a combination of the ‘update’ files well exceedes that and that is the problem perhaps.
However as someone who has edited for years I have seen the issue you are highlighting with just doing some basic changes as @TheMinsterman [great work BTW] has done to Europe, and running a small edited DB, so whatever the reason the game gets bugged and SI are using the heavily edited DB as an excuse the game/editor is bugged
any word on this?
Romanian league updated, please. thanks
Please update Serie A/B/C from Brazil
Promotions/Relegations to A:
+Cruzeiro/Juventude -
+Grêmio/Avaí -
+Vasco/Atlético Goianiense -
+Bahia/Ceará -
Promotions/Relegations to B:
+ABC/Náutico -
+Botafogo-SP(Botafogo Ribeirão Preto)/Operário -
+Mirassol/Brusque -
+Vitória/CSA -
Yes please if was possible i think maybe update the brazilian leagues please
Is there a way to help you updating the leagues?
Davey Boy
where in the data update? i can't find it!
Here are the past updates for FM22, if you extract it all of the league updates will also be in there.
Davey Boy
Thank you
so leeds in championship in this ~?