Hi all,
As it was irritating me that the Ajax staff and Hansi Flick doesn't have any faces, I decided to put some work on it to add those faces. Some Ajax staff are that kind of new that they don't even have a face in the Cut Out Megapack. I wasn't able to add them unfortunately, but the most important staff have their face back now, and Hansi Flick ofcourse.
- Unzip the 'Ajax + Hansi Flick missing faces' file. It will create a new folder.
- Put that folder into your 'C:\Users\<name>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\graphics\faces
- Open FM23 and go to preferences.
- Choose for ‘reload skin’ below to make the faces visibile.
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Good work, but people who download this need to be aware that these will only work if whoever uses this download has the exact same editor data files as the file creator. The UIDs for these people is not fixed (unlike those in the official database) and will vary depending on the editor data files in place.
what it means exactly how to make it work if i have already megapack cut out cause when you put these int he main folder of cut out all the faces disappear!
Good afternoon @matinio , who are these two elements, can you tell me their names please. Congrats on the Facepacks.
https://ibb.co/6JtFydv and https://ibb.co/xmBTQYB
sorry i don't know them
That is Marc Gosselink, Data analyst I believe
@DazS8 , thank you mate.
@DazS8, and this one can tell me who he is?
imgbox - fast, simple image host
Yes its sam feringa
If you download these I have collected for myself they are all named.
You just need to add your own id numbers to the config file as these differ for each save.
what it means exactly how to make it work if i have already megapack cut out cause when you put these int he main folder of cut out all the faces disappear!??
You shouldn't have put it in the faces folder, but in a separate folder.
Download the 2023.02 update pack, and use just the config from it.
@DazS8 … Thanks again for your help mate, I took the opportunity and got your facepacks that you shared with me .... Hugs!
you mean config.file from update 23.02 cut out copy and overwrite to ajax/flick folder. but when i do this and i put that folder no matter where in the graphic folder again all the faces disappear!
No, I mean that you should put the config.file from update 23.02 into the faces folder, overwriting whatever it is that you have there. You should also remove all the images from this download placed in the faces folder, and place the files from this download in a completely separate folder anywhere within the graphics folder.
@Bennyy, please provide installation instructions for this file to avoid situations like this happening.
I have already fresh new megapack with updates 23.01 and 23.02 nad everything works…now i have ajax/flick folder wit config.file inside…so i understand that's all i have to do is to put folder ajax/flick in to graphic folder yes?
You should have the megapack in one folder, and the files from this download in a separate folder.
yes i've done it and still hansi flick and ajax without images…i think the best way is to to copy faces from ajax/flick to megapack but without config.file
It will not work if you do that, and I've already told you several times you shouldn't do it.
Change your preferences to look like this:
If that still doesn't work, can I have screenshots of your faces folder, and of the folder where you've placed the files from this download? In both cases, I need to see clearly (a) the full path and (b) the amount of images in the folder.
Megapack - C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\graphics\players\faces ….386 207 images
Ajax/Flick - C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\graphics\Ajax Staff & Hansi Flick…48 images
There is a reason I ask for screenshots; please do so in the manner that I requested them.
Can I also see screenshots of your in-game preferences?
As asked twice already, can I see the contents of the folder in which you've placed the files from this download? I want to see the whole thing, please don't crop your screenshot.
Can you also use the add attachment function to upload the config file from your faces folder, as well as that in the folder in which you have the files from this download?
im not sure what you want send me an image what you need please
Can I see the contents of the folder in which you've placed the files from this download? I want to see the whole thing, please don't crop your screenshot.
Both config files seem fine.
I now want to also see a screenshot of the below. Again, please don't crop your screenshot.
Mate, I'm not being funny, but can you please pay a bit more attention? I asked for the below folder, not for the faces folder:
What exactly isn't working? Can I have an in-game screenshot of what you think the issue is? All seems fine so far.
yes you have it all already up there million times😉… i dont know too i have still black empty figures instead of image of flick dont know why
What you said is this:
This wasn't very clear. I understood this to mean that all the cut-out faces from the megapack disappear, not just the ones from this download.
The reason they're not showing is why I posted in the first place. You need to change the config file of this download to reflect the UIDs displayed in your save, by opening it with Notepad and changing the lines of code one by one. If you can't figure out how to do it, my suggestion would be to leave it alone, frankly.
you understood it right all the faces disappeared when i copied to the main folder faces