FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
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Yuto Nagatomo
Same like the PC just copy paste
cheers mate … nice work ! I’ll add you on discord . To be fair I’m only wanting the club badges for la
liga and the premier league .
Yuto Nagatomo
Can please any moderator fix this on top so everybody can see it. Thanks
Manuel Frembs
Thank you man!
Is this only for the Logos? Or can I add Faces too?
Do I have to create a pictures folder?
Or can I create a graphics folder?
Yuto Nagatomo
Not only for logos, you can add faces, kits, trophies…
Create a folder called Pictures and add inside subfolders like kits/logos/players/trophies
What packs do i need to add? Like the same as for the pc version or are there special packs for this?
Yuto Nagatomo
Same like the PC version. Add me on Discord so can gonna share my pack with you
Is this how you do it on Mac aswell, or only iPhone? If only iPhone - how can I do it on Mac?
And how do I add my graphics via iTunes and into the game?
Yuto Nagatomo
On Mac you don't need to add via iTunes.
Click Go on Finder
Open Library
Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager Touch 23/
If there is a folder called Pictures add your graphics in, if not create the Pictures folder by yourself
Add me on Discord if you get stuck
FFG SirinBaba#4121
Got faces and badges sorted. Couldn’t get the kits to work though, ah well.
Yuto Nagatomo
Kits are also working but you need to check the config file. If there is only one wrong command the whole kit pack is not working. In most kit packs are to much commands in the config file.
Example there is 2 Png files xxxhome and xxx_away, have seen in most packs 3 commands in config file.
<record from="xxx" to="graphics/pictures/kits/xxx/home"/>
<record from="xxx" to="graphics/pictures/kits/xxx/away"/>
<record from="xxx" to="graphics/pictures/kits/xxx/third"/>
So you must be compare to have same amount of commands like the png files.
And kits are not visible in player profiles. It's on Club Info screen.
I hope you did understand what I mean 😬
Is it possible to add more without having to copy everything over again?
Yuto Nagatomo
If you play on iphone actually not, because there is no reload skin option ingame.
Yuto Nagatomo
Check your pm buddy
Has anyone found a way to fix the “real name fix” (Example Man UFC to Manchester United) ive done it on mobile and PC version but can not find a way to change it on Apple Arcade FM23 Touch version
Bielsa is a legend
I did it on IOS 2 years ago, changed to to to the Leeds nickname for them
dont have arcade so not sure for 23 version, assume if you use as directions in this thread
thanks for that, this is on IPad so its unlike the PC or mac versions
Bielsa is a legend
Yes, just move files in iTunes into an editor data folder when you move graphics into a pictures folder
Yuto Nagatomo
Can you please check your pm.
Paul Mario
Is there a way to edit text In the files to make the unlockables unlocked straight away?
Paul Mario
Also I know In FM22 to get Germany national team I had to del game and nleague files but I can’t find these fines on fm23 touch. Is this possible?
Yuto Nagatomo
You need a jailbroken device to get access to database folder where nleague.inc is in.
Thanks @Yuto Nagatomo ! I'm having partial success here. I followed your instructions, deleted/reinstalled FM 23 Touch on my iPad, used iTunes to drag over my Picture folder, and then restarted the game. Within the Pictures folder I have a Kits folder and a Logos folder. All of the logos are showing correctly in the game but none of the kits. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Yuto Nagatomo
In most kits configs are more commands then png files. Example team-a-home.png team-a-away.png but in config file is also team-a-third command, because there is not such a kit, game stops loading the config file. Check your pm im gonna send you kits pack made by me.
Thanks @Yuto Nagatomo ! The kits I'm using are the ‘sortitoutsi Standard Kits Megapack 2023.02’, all .png format. Can't see a config file in the folder. Not sure why the game's not picking them up from the /Pictures/Kits folder.
Yuto Nagatomo
I downloaded the pack you mentioned. There is a config file buddy. copy the config file in to graphics folder. Rename the graphics folder in to kits and add it in to game via Itunes.
Hi friend,
What if I don't have the “Football Manager Touch 23” in Application Support. Could I create the entired folder or copy a Football Manager 2023 and rename Football Manager Touch 23? In purpose of adding a bigger league
Yuto Nagatomo
Can you may check for Library/Containers/com.sega.soccer.manager.23/Data/Library/Application Support
I don't have “Football Manager Touch 23” in Application Support too. And there is no such path as you wrote. Maybe there are any other options?
babak g
Hi everyone, great thread. Can someone link me to a working kits megapack which would load up?
Also, anyone figured out the name fix solution for Ipad Arcade FM 23 Touch?