FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
FM24 New Leagues
FM23 New Leagues
FM24 Tactics
FM24 Data Update
FM Database
FM Guides
FM Shortlists
FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
FM24/25 Update Free Players
FM24/25 Update Bargains
FM24/25 Update Players to avoid
FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
FM24/25 Update Club Facilities
Installation Guides
Prediction League
Fantasy Football
Bielsa is a legend
This is a brilliant addition
robmoore_396 2
My favourite ones so far are below, as it works even better for Extinct competitions, as a way of making notes or expanding on .. ‘why was this even a competition?’ - ‘why was this trophy awarded?', without altering the Comp name or short name in any way
Bielsa is a legend
Can you add for 1975 “robbed by a corrupt referee”🙂
great work mate
Bielsa is a legend
Rob, I’m not seeing the additional previous names and comments
is it something to do with the real name fix?
robmoore_396 2
Strange - it shouldn't be messed up by other files because the info is added within the History info for the competition, at Database level - unless one of the other files you use also has Database changes for the competitions
Is the real name fix you use a notepad that's put into the installation root Inc folder, or a .fmf database you load via Editor Data?
(also, make sure you don't have any older versions of my file in your Editor Data folder - and ofcourse make sure you have it ticked when starting a new game)
Bielsa is a legend
Hi Rob
i use Mons file, but added your file into it.
I only have 3.6 and delete others
i will send a snip of my editor data files later
cherrs mate
robmoore_396 2
Ah did you merge files within the Editor? Maybe caused a problem
Try running this, without any merges, and see if you can see my amendments -
(It's a WIP preview copy of 4.0)
Bielsa is a legend
works a treatg now mate
thanks so much
robmoore_396 2
just an FYI that my file doesn't actually include any competition or club name changes for any competition in the default database - so you can use it with any external Real Name file you want - just don't merge lol, merging is always a hazard 🙂
robmoore_396 2
v.5.00 uploaded to post #1
this will be the last major update before the January SI Games update inevitably introduces some new Competition UI changes which mess up my database haha
Hope you all enjoy x
robmoore_396 2
Re-uploaded because I noticed a small issue with the World Cup history, must have been caused by a recent patch and unseen until .. you know, AFTER I uploaded it ..
robmoore_396 2
v.7.00 Released - see post #1 for updated Mediafire links
- General tidying
- More, more, more historical information added to the game via Stage Names
- Mainly .. I decided to re-incorporate the old English divisions back into the pre-existing leagues, as per the below screenshots - a few people said they didn't like the split, and now I had a chance to do some history/descriptions via the Stage Names - so win win
I'm really happy with how this is progressing, it gives me old Champ Manager vibes with the historical info snippets
*Just a reminder that my History file does not include any name changes for the default competitions, any name changes in my screenshots are due to me also using my own Club/Comp/Award Name File whilst running the game
Optional -
*I would recommend re-downloading the Trophy pack
*I have also updated the Club/Comp/Award Name File that I made for personal use, should anyone be interested in a more traditional naming format for comps (no sponsor names)
I will most likely have to re-visit this next after the big SI Games update in Feb - as it usually introduces more Unique ID's which will push my trophy pack etc. out of sync
v.7.00 examples - just a few screenshots showing changes for v.7.00
This is incredible and adds so much more in terms of immersion. Played CM and FM for years and always try to source immersive content but had never seen this before. Thank you very much.
robmoore_396 2
Thanks Joe, I really appreciate your feedback
Initially I had reservations about sharing this work with other people, because I made it for myself originally and wasn't sure other people would be interested - I'm glad I was wrong!
I keep adding info bit by bit with each update, so hopefully for FM24 (presuming that we can keep loading old databases) it'll be in a really good place for v.1.00
Bielsa is a legend
I echo these sentiments, tremendous work Rob
robmoore_396 2
v.8.00 released
- Trophy pack updated with new Unique IDs post Winter Update
- History Update tinkered with since v7.00, adding new trophies, and even more competition information
(If you spot any issues, please let me know - sometimes the Winter Update can erase changes - fingers crossed)
Files -
01A Rob's History Update 2023 v8.00 - the Editor File, goes into Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2023 > Editor Data (remember to tick it when starting a new game and selecting which additional Database files you want to use) .. (and remember to delete any old versions you have)
1. Rob's History Update 2023 v.8.00 - Trophies - the trophy pack, goes into Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2023 > Graphics
robmoore_396 2
v.8.00 released
- Trophy pack updated with new Unique IDs post Winter Update
- History Update tinkered with since v7.00, adding new trophies, and even more competition information
(If you spot any issues, please let me know - sometimes the Winter Update can erase changes - fingers crossed)
Files -
01A Rob's History Update 2023 v8.00 - the Editor File, goes into Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2023 > Editor Data (remember to tick it when starting a new game and selecting which additional Database files you want to use) .. (and remember to delete any old versions you have)
1. Rob's History Update 2023 v.8.00 - Trophies - the trophy pack, goes into Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2023 > Graphics
Hey Master Rob, where's the files?
Bielsa is a legend
You have to scroll up all the way to………the post above yours
True, but the links do not contain the files anymore.
Bielsa is a legend
sorry, you are correct-when I get home later I will upload it for you, currently in deepest north York moors so will be around 6pm
Thanks, much appreciated.
Bielsa is a legend
Try this mate, apologies i forgot to do this on sunday
Thanks mate, much appreciated.
But ugh, the trophy image assets link is also dead. Can you please provide?
Bielsa is a legend
try these
robmoore_396 2
I've uploaded v.9.00 which I was working on before I stepped away from FM in May
apologies for not seeing your reply earlier, I've been out of the FM world a tad
here you go -
I'll update the main post as well for people
Not sure why but the extinct trophies (e.g. EFL First Div, Oberliga etc.) aren't showing in the clubs' trophy cabinet. For ones that do show, they have the wrong trophy image displayed. Any ideas what might be going on?
Also does anyone have Rob's custom file for comp name fix? Am using Mons one currently.
Filippo Garrone
are you gonna make this for fm24?
if you go in the editors hideaway forum fm23 on si forums somwere on page 2 its there for fm24…. i havent linked it because im unsure weather your allowed to share links on here to si forums