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Hi guys,
After the last update FM23 is displaying on my MBP without wrapping the notch. Subsequently, the game is unplayable and it looks like shit.
Anybody has an idea how to get rid of that issue and bring the real full screen back? The option “scale to fit below built-in camera” is unavailable.
We got it. 100% efficiency. Thanks a lot to doubleluckstur from Reddit for the solution idea.
We have very easy steps.
1. Close steam and FM
2. Locate fm.app - my path is: /Users/myname/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2023 3. Right click on the fm.app - check the "open using Rosetta" box
4. Right click again - show package contents, open contents file
5. Locate info.plist and open it using TextEdit
6. On the very last line of the code "<key>NSPrefersDisplaySafeAreaCompatibilityMode</key>" change under it true to false and save it
7. The most important. Open Terminal
8. In terminal type: codesign --remove-signature (and here just drag the fm.app) and press enter
9. Open the steam and enjoy the full screen
Very important: while typing in the Terminal (point 8.) remember to put double - before remove-signature. Otherwise it won't work
I did all the steps correctly, and the game won’t open 😢
jamie mcaleenan10
Did it all and game won’t open!
edit! It will open but still in windowed screen