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Before you just used to be able to find the nation/league you wanted and download the logos you needed. I simply just want to download a few club logos (standard) for a some nations that I don't have anything for.
I have many, many logos already which work fine so I don't want to download an multi-part pack to complete what I need. Is there anyway I can simply download just the leagues I want???
I've tried searching and have had no luck - if there is, PLEASE can someone point me in the right direction. I'm 99.99% sure the packs exist but I just can't find the,
I simply want to get club logos for Norway, Denmark and Iceland - that's it.
If anyone can help, I would be EXTREMELY grateful.
Thank you.
I don't know why it's become so difficult just to get certain graphic packs here.
Personal opinion, but I by far preferred the previous format.
I can kind of see your point of view, but the raison d'etre behind megapacks is that they include everything produced to date, which defeats the whole purpose of individual packs per league/nation. I'd wager that there'd be a minuscule proportion of logos which you have but which are not in the Metallic Logo megapack, for example.
It's your game, so it's your decision on how to customise it, though