Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 432,610
- 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025

Don't remove the nations logos folder. Just copy the all the files (flags) from the “normal” flags folder to the “team” folder in nation logos folder (important: minus the config file).
I needed to do it to the nation logos medium and small folders as well for it to completely work. Thank you for your help.
Hello, firstly thank you for this pack I have been using for many years.
So I just purchased FM23 and decided to fresh download all the files.
When extracting the FM23.01.partX packs it is showing 1 data error each time e.g. part04 says logos\clubs\back right\86061576.png.
Should I be worried about this as I've never seen before in all my years using the pack.
If that is all, then no. I doubt that you will ever notice if that one back right logo is missing 🙂
Well it was 7 different files, every part exept 01 had a different file error (it was only back right or back left).
I'm not familiar with the technical stuff so I didn't know if it would cause other errors or something but if not then thank you.
If others want to have Juventus Next Gen logo displayed just add these lines at the end of config files both in Normal and Small folders:
<record from="43457016" to="graphics/pictures/club/43457016/logo"/>
<record from="43457016" to="graphics/pictures/team/43457016/logo"/>
in normal
<record from="43457016" to="graphics/pictures/team/43457016/icon"/>
<record from="43457016" to="graphics/pictures/club/43457016/icon"/>
in small
No need to put in the “club” line in both folders…. it is already there 👍
I've downloaded all packs including changes, but my competitions have no logos and all the badges are missing from the league table minus Everton who strangely have theirs? Sorry if I'm asking a stupid question here
i have blackscreen when i run a game after adding this in to the graphics folder
Hi, I downloaded the latest updates for the Metallic Logos and now none of the logos appear at all and even my manager avatar doesn't look anything like how I designed him to look.
Any idea why this is happening? Here are a few screenshots of how things are looking for me.
Well… something has gone wrong, and I suspect that only the logos from the recent update are showing. Delete what you have and download and install the full pack that has all the latest updates included. That should solve your problem.
I've never heard of that before. Delete what you have and download and install the full pack again.
We have changed the folder structure of the pack and judging by your screenshot that is what is causing your problem when updating the pack. Delete what you have and download and install the full pack again.
Hi, I did this and it still won't work
EDIT: Nevermind, fixed the issue. Totally unbeknownst to me, the game had reticked Skin Caching
It seems I may have accidently deleted the ‘small’ logo for a club as this doesn't show in game in the player history or league table screen. I've checked the ‘small’ folder and it's definitely not there.
I've tried downloading the full pack again and pasting over my current ‘small’ folder to try and get it in place again but having no luck. Is there anything else I can do?
Sorted it!
Matthew Dennehey
hi, not posted on her before but i downloaded this pack in full, The PSG logos seems to have a problem, when I'm on the team page the logo changes.
is this known about, or is there a new update.
Well the PSG logo works well if the pack is downloaded and installed correct 👍. So something has gone wrong…. So try deleting what you have and then download the full pack again using chrome so you can resume any interruptions making sure you get the full file(s).
You can download the metallic logo pack here:
and you can check what is in the pack here :
We only use official logos in the pack and the five star logo is not the official logo of Bayern Munich:
I've made the five star logo in the alternative logo request thread:
Ivan Gullone
Hello good morning. For two days I have problems with the logos, suddenly they disappeared, I use the metallic ones. I've been playing FM for several years, always using downloaded graphics. The faces, flags, kits work perfectly, the problem is with the logos, I already tried to delete and download it twice but nothing works. Some help? Thank you so much. Attached image
Well somethings gone wrong. Please try removing everything related to logos once again (also any other packs than metallics including any flags pack) and be sure that no configs have been moved to other folders by accident. Then download the complete pack (not update), using chrome this time so you can resume any interruptions in your download making sure you get the full file.
Judging by your screenshot there are several problems: your missing small logos suggest there are a config somewhere in your graphics that point to no images. The default normal logos suggest you are missing a config and possibly also the images (but I cant tell that from the screenshot). only thing that is working is your small flags.
So best solution is to delete everything and start again. When a fresh start doesn't work is usually because something from the old/previous install is left behind (possible accidentally moved/copied to another folder, or another logopack is messing up the configs setup or you somehow did not download the full file and is missing stuff (configs or images).
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, danke erstmal für eure geniale Arbeit, Jahr für Jahr.
Ich bräuchte bitte das neue Logo von BFC Dynamo Berlin plus die aktuellen Trikots...
We (the metallic logo team) are on holiday right now until august 👍 this is not the place for kits 🙂
@Qvordrup Is it possible to add the option to submit national flags as well with this system? There are a few flags in the game that are either old (the first ones that come to mind are that of Portugal, Martinique or the Virgin Islands), or of a very low quality.
National flags are not the thing changing often so no need to implement them into the system. Post them here and problem solved 👍
This has already been implemented 👍but you are right it is not something I expect to be used very often 🙂
anthony buttaci
Hi There
Can you update a few logos as you have the old ones still?
thank you