10 years ago
14 hours ago

I've been experimenting with adding nations to the game using existing or extinct nations but for some reason they keep reverting back to the original nation names in game.

Like “Raj or Sarawak”, “East Germany”, “Northern Mariana Islands”, etc.


To try to bypass this I was trying to see if there was a way to restore the once available feature of adding nations in the editor through the comp editor but so far I've not had any luck with that other than restoring the add button back to the nation's filter but when clicked, the change is not registered and the attempt to add a nation fails.



I was able to make it so I can add regions to the game and the change is registered by the editor.




Now I am wondering what other things are available in the comp editor to restore, that were available in previous editors. 

For example the population of a nation or the capital city, which were both available to add to a nation previously but no longer function.

10 years ago
14 hours ago


I have managed to restore the Capital City option for the nations panel in the editor.

Although I can't actually see if it functions in the game because it doesn't show up in the game or at least I can't find where it does.




The options exist in the code still but are just commented out.


You can see this in the 

nation.xml file


and the nation ui file


What would be interesting is if it might be possible to add a population tab to the UI for nations so that when you edit a nation it doesn't have to have the previous nation's population as it's default.


Like this for example, where it shows the population as 42 thousand.



This potentially could be done as the database reference for population must exists but I do not know it.

To call the nation data in the nation ui screen the code uses the term “nati” followed by the reference code to the data within the nation (e.g. name = “Nnam”, Hashtag = “TCht”, Capital City ="Ncpi").

In order to add the population tab the reference code for population is required but I am not sure how I would access the database to know this code.

I imagine it would include something like "Pop" in reference to population but I would just be guessing.

8 years ago
11 hours ago

You may find this useful if you are changing an extinct nation to a new nation. I used this method to activate Basque Country and created Catalonia. 


May I ask how you activate the capital city column in the editor? Not being able to set up the right capital city has been annoying me for a while. Thank you.



2 years ago
1 year ago

wait, how can you add add button in editor? I'm looking and nothing. I managed to put it now I have the same problem as you, as soon as I get something, I'll put it here

7 years ago
1 year ago

hi , can u teach me how to add button?

2 years ago
1 year ago
By zangelmi 24 March 2023 - 02:51 AM UTC 

hi , can u teach me how to add button?


need to have the FM Resources Pack and extract the files and then look for the file called "db record lists"

7 years ago
1 year ago
7 years ago
1 year ago

Hi another question , and to allow add local region how can i do this?

13 years ago
1 month ago
By EduG4M333 28 March 2023 - 23:53 PM UTC 

need to have the FM Resources Pack and extract the files and then look for the file called "db record lists"


Hi, I also have enjoyed being able to add local regions into my FL save on the past. I followed the method of extracting using the FM22 Resource Archiver, edited the “db record lists” file, set the add line to “true” where it had said false, re-archived.  After several attempts I was finally able to get the pre-game editor to allow the addition of new local regions. 


I am posting my edited comp editor.fmf here and hoping it can be of use to anyone who wants the ability to add local regions in the pre-game editor. This file should be placed in c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\footballmanager2022\data, replacing the exising comp editor.fmf file.


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