Download the most comprehensive AFC Richmond FM23 database you're likely to find, dedicated to the TV show ‘Ted Lasso’.
This download pack includes all the players, staff, and additional characters, including West Ham owner Rupert Mannion, manager Nathan Shelley and even news reporter Trent Crimm. The download also includes a set of 2D and 3D kits for AFC Richmond, as well as faces and icons for all the players, and even a select number of player backgrounds (skin dependent).
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That's pretty cool!
I might have to give this a try, Excellent work Korky.
Jamie Tartt with only 9 finishing?
I haven't given them dedicated attributes, just ability ranges.
So do we lose access to Leeds when installing this mod?
Uri Sánchez
I'm new in this game. Could you tell me how to install this mod. Thanks.
No loss of Leeds. The only changes made are the teams that won each respective play-off in the leagues below, have not been promoted (i.e., Notts Forest still in the Championship, etc).
Hi Uri, I will be making a video this week to post on YouTube. It's pretty easy, you simply download the data file and add it into your “… Documents\Football Manager 2023\editor data" folder. When you go to start a new game, just select the database option in the top right of the first screen and then put a check beside which version you intend to use.
There will be a new version shortly also to coincide with the official database update.
Hello V1P3R-4K!! I added the files and the players icons aren't alright. Is the newest FM update having issues with the mod?
Out of curiosity, why did you ask about Leeds? If anything I'd suspect Palace, since the game sequences on the show are filmed at Palace's home ground (Selhurst Park).
wrong graphics for the players, staff etc.
Coach beard is showing at nate the great for example
It’s not working at all for me and the player faces and logos don’t show for example can you do a tutorial
Yeah this is very broken, i cant apply the kits and player pictures are not on the correct ones. I really like this idea so please can you reply once it's fixed
This looks a fantastic Database to give a go. Can anyone confirm if the graphics have been fixed as of yet?
Downloaded this today, and gave it ago. Graphics all over the place. Nothing works.
Shame really, as this has the potential to be a fantastic database.
Phily Brasier
so i gave this ago watching the youtube video, all works except for the kits, no bantr logo just the colours. Also used 3.3.0 not the newest for it to work well.
Como la instalo? porque la data base se instala bien, pero los kits, imagenes de jugadores, escudo no se instalan
You need to amie sure when you load, top right you select FOOTBALL MANAGER 2023 and not the update databases from SI. Then at bottom select Richmond with or without Lasso
Any news when we can expect to see Zava. I need goals 😂
George peristeri
the badge is not correct
how can i fix it
hemi goldstein
I downloaded it and extracted it to the editor data folder but when I’m starting a new save I don’t see afc Richmond anywhere jus the regular prem teams. I checked everywhere I can’t get it can u help plz
With the new winter updates new players had been added and it cause problem such as the logo don’t appear and the face are all messed up.
Omer Unal
Dude that's almost perfect job and thought but… You made it unplayable by making most of their potential 170-200..
how do i actually be ted lasso
Dennis Martin
Everything works apart from player faces loading to the correct person, I have tried FM 23 and the 2 updates .3 / .4 and every time there not correct 😢
This has now been updated (apologies for the delays). All kits, faces, etc will now line up correctly. Zava has also been included in the database.
I should note, this is only (correctly) compatible with the standard database update. If you're loading this database with any others that include new players, the images/faces will not map correctly to the players.
Hi Reedos, there are two versions of the database available; one includes Ted Lasso, so if you take over the Richmond job, he will get sacked. The second version does not have Ted included, so you can create your own character version and ‘be’ Ted.
Updated 6/5/2023
Matt Jenkins
The graphics look excellent. However, the editor file is missing in the latest download for me. Checked inside the all the folder and it isn't there either.
William Charles
no database?
Just downloaded the file and it looks like all the pictures are there but there is no database file. Anyone know of any work around? I know there is a database on the Steam workshop. Would it be possible to use the database from there with the files from here?
This has now been updated. I'm not sure what happened with the last iteration with the missing database, but the problem is now fixed.