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Our Data Update is back up and running following the release of FM23.4. Each year SI only provide one major update to Football Manager after the January window. That leaves it up to the FM Community to continue keeping the game up to date with all the latest transfers, manager movements and promotions and relegations.


Fortunately it’s super easy for the FM community to do just that! We’ve created an amazing online system where anyone can easily submit a change and have it included in the game. It’s so easy that 5,351 people have already made 673,000 submissions. SI boast that they have over 1000 researchers working on the official game, which means our own research team is 5x bigger than theirs! No wonder our Data Update has been downloaded over 7 million times.


What’s great about our system is that it’s collaborative, thousands of people can contribute just a little bit to build something huge. If each of the 673,000 submissions took 1 minute that would be the equivalent of 12.8 years of work for one person. Or if they stuck to a normal 9-5 day it would take 53.9 years. Obviously that’s impossible. That’s why our update is guaranteed to be the best you can find, nobody else can compete with our army of passionate FM fans.


Now i’m going to demonstrate to you how easy it is for you to contribute to our Data Update, so if you’ve spotted something that’s out of date in the game you can join thousands of others in getting it fixed. If you prefer watching videos to reading, you might want to check out this Youtube Video instead.


If you're popping back to read this a second time and just want a reminder, here's the super simple summary:


  1. Find the person you want to edit by either searching or browsing
  2. When on the persons profile check the change you want to make hasn't already been submitted, if not click “Edit Data”
  3. Fill in the form and use a proper proof in English, no rumours or unreliable sources.
  4. Relax.

Okay here's the more detailed version, i'm going to be showing Steven Gerrard's move from Rangers to Aston Villa, obviously this is out of date, it's just an example.


When you visit the Data Update Page on the right hand side you'll see options to  "Search" or "Browse"

If you know what you're looking for you can easily search, e.g. here i'm searching for "Steven Gerrard". Simply click the result you want to be taken to the person's profile:


Alternative you can browse via nation, league and team. This way you can start at any nation and navigate down to Steven Gerrard by going to Europe > Scotland > Premiership > Rangers > Steven Gerrard.

Once on Steven Gerrard's profile you're going to want to find the “Edit Data” button



Click this and you'll be greeted with a form with lots of fields which you can edit.

In our case we're looking to change 3 fields:

  • Team Contracted To = Aston Villa
  • Date Contract Expires = 30/06/2025
  • Data Contract Signed = 11/11/2022


Simply use the team contracted to search box to search for “Aston Villa” and click the result and then type in the new dates in the Date Expires and Date Signed fields.


So you go from this:

To this:

Now we don't want to edit any of the fields (reserved for future transfers and loans and such) so just scroll past those until you find the “proof” field.

This field is very important. Here you need to provide a URL that proves that the change you've made reflects real life. Please use an official such as the official news article from Aston Villa. Alternatively places like transfermarkt.com are great because it's really easy to see the players basic details without having to read a wordy article.


Then put this in the proof section:


Now what you're going to want to do is hit the big blue “SUBMIT” button, to submit your change.


Now you should see something like this:

A description of your change has been automatically generated based on what you entered. Anyone can also click the “proof” link on the right hand side to check the link to proof you submitted.


The “pending” icon indicates that a moderator must come and approve your change before it's added, don't worry this usually happens within a few hours at most 🙂


And that's it! You're done.


Our Data Update is updated roughly once a day, it used to be automatic but unfortunately SI blocked that for FM23 and can't be bothered to reply to the people posting in the bug report about it so now you have to wait for one of our staff team to come online and update it manually, which is frustrating. We hate this, so if you're annoyed at waiting, please be patient we're not happy about it either.


Alternatively you could help out as a moderator yourself. It's even easier than submitting your own changes! Whenever a moderator sees a change labelled as pending they can quickly accept or reject it using a dropdown, it only takes a few seconds to read the proof and verify the change is correct. If you'd like to join our mod team send us an application although it's best if you have a history of submissions first so it's clear you know what you're doing.

Video Tutorial

Mert Yılmazzzz
2 years ago
3 months ago

türkiye süper lig hatalı


18 years ago
10 hours ago
By Mert Yılmazzzz 29 April 2023 - 10:48 AM UTC 

türkiye süper lig hatalı


Then tell us what's wrong, and submit the necessary changes yourself. And please post in English, as this is an English-language forum.

2 years ago
3 weeks ago

merhaba en son guncellemenizi indirdim ama beşiktaş kadrosunda vincent aboubakar yok ne yapmam lazım

2 years ago
3 weeks ago

Hello, I downloaded your latest update, but there is no vincent aboubakar in the team of Beşiktaş, what should I do? 

2 years ago
3 weeks ago

Due to the earthquake in the Turkish Super League, the January transfer period has been extended and there is no transfer in the update. Check out the sample Beşiktaş squad. 


18 years ago
8 hours ago

Are you playing with a legit copy of FM23 with the 23.4 update? Aboubakar is at Besitkas in the default version so it's not necessary for us to update him in our update. If you're not seeing him at Besiktas presumably you are not using 23.4 

2 years ago
3 weeks ago
By Footygamer 02 May 2023 - 01:41 AM UTC 

Are you playing with a legit copy of FM23 with the 23.4 update? Aboubakar is at Besitkas in the default version so it's not necessary for us to update him in our update. If you're not seeing him at Besiktas presumably you are not using 23.4 


no, i'm playing without updates can you help me

18 years ago
8 hours ago

That sounds like you're using a cracked version of the game rather than a legit copy. So no.

2 years ago
12 hours ago

Spavone nella primavera del napoli….risulta sempre essere un portiere……se nella schermata attitudini mettete valore 1 anziché 20 come impostato alla voce portiere…. diventa automaticamente un centrocampista…che in effetti è il suo ruolo!!

2 years ago
12 hours ago

sempre nel napoli….l allenatore under 18…. non risulta essere Tedesco….. che invece risulta essere un collaboratore tecnico 

4 years ago
1 year ago

Hi guys why after this update is problem with transfers , example Ronaldo in UTD or Bellingham still inBVB 


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