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FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
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You do know that you can add this file after you start a new game, don't you? Most graphics can be added in the middle of a save game, after all.
Just wait till later today when v1.0 of the FM21 is slated to be released and you'll have everything in one download 😉
Tommy Hughes
You can actually use the new adboards anytime you want, even on an older save. Starting a new save/career is not required.
Riccardo, the new up to date version is due for release tonight. It might be best to wait for that and follow the instructions that come with it.
Hi, sorry to bother but I sill have the black adboards in my FM21.
I've checked the location and it's ok.
I renamed the folder from HD to SD and still black…
My graphic settings are “Very High"
I really cannot understand what is happening.
Viet Dung Dang
So I just finished reinstalling your mod a total of 5 times (lol but seriously, great works Rab!). The static ads work every time, but the video adboards are black no matter if I left the name as “hd” or “sd”. I also made sure to follow the sequence of versions (1.0 → 1.0 update / 1.1 → 1.2 update → 1.2.1 / Dortmund fix → CL fix → 1.3 → 1.4), alternated between the XML files and played around with graphics (Medium to Very High) and it is still black
Attached are the folders as they are on my PC. What did I do wrong?
Bielsa is a legend
Your xml file is too small, it was 1600kb+ for clubs, lower for no clubs
Viet Dung Dang
Which is weird since, having just checked the original ZIP file for the 1.4 update, the Club XML clocks at 1105 KB only and the No Club one (which was on the screencap I provided) is 364 KB. And the older versions of those 2 are even smaller
Maybe the new versions for FM21 made those files bigger? ‘Cause I made sure not to modify any of the files after I downloaded it from here and they are still less than you said 😢
hariz zakwan
can this be used in FM23?
Ja kannst du 🙂
Machst du noch was ?
Danke dafür
Bielsa is a legend
Why not use the newer version?
Welche ist das ?
Bielsa is a legend
This newest Version ?
Bielsa is a legend
There was a 22 version, then some updates
i just moved the files from 22 to my 23 folders-works great
who find the Version ?
Thanks for Help🙂
Bielsa is a legend
It was taken down as a link
Hi guys! Ι was moving this file from fm to fm till FM2023. It worked perfect. At FM 2024 static adboards work properly but video ones,not. Any ideas?
Bielsa is a legend
you have to move all the files, ads, graphics and videos into steamapps
they work fine
Could you be more specific please?
Bielsa is a legend
cant say it clearer than attached
This is what I've done. Look at the image, but video ads not displaying. Static ones display though
Bielsa is a legend
have you high detail in pefs
This is my first purchase of FM in a while. Do the adboards install the same way on FM24 as in the past? I last used FM20.