Real fixtures and tv dates (if i have correct information) and results. All FIXTURES COMPATIBLE WITH 23.2 UPDATE. I have copied all fixtures into new files so any RULE CHANGES made in the 23.2 update work eg var in Scottish Prem. I have once again altered the CARABAO CUP to match this season one match on a thurs per round i have also split the 4th round up instead of all games been played on a Tue. All files have been tested over a full season and work as intended. In real results there maybe the odd random result because of any games postponed in real life i keep to the original date to prevent fixture congestion and to keep it real for anyone starting a full season. I cant do anything about games sometimes been switched because of European or Domestic cup games.
Instructions Download the file
extract the zip folder- place unzipped file/s here - documents - sports interactive -football manager 2023 -editor data
start a new save selecting the database+files you wish to load in your game
How to get files to work in game read here [where do I place files/mods I have downloaded]
Fixtures are for the following leagues[WIP-next update end of league seasons]
England prem to conference north/south
Bundesliga 1+2+3
La Liga 1+2
Serie A + B Juventus points reduction removed
Scottish Premier League to League 2
Croatia 1st Division
Portugal 1+2
Slovenia 1st Division
Netherlands 1st Division
Austria 1st Division
Belgium 1st Division
Poland 1st Division
Denmark 1st Division
France 1+2 [thanks to @deco-silva86 ]
Turkey[issues with rule changes so unable to add at this stage]so please do not ask.
No plans to update any other nations/leagues at this stage so please do not ask in the thread or by PM
current results are up to and including 4/6/23 Final update
NOTE : Results can not be done for cups, playoffs or league splits
All fixtures are provided by myself and @Toxzon joint effort.
Custom Start Date created by download HERE
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make sure the box do not use real fixtures is unticked it under were you select leagues if youve placed everything in the right folders and seleced your custom start date should work
Rob Palmer
Hi. Ive had an issue where loading this with custom start date has put random teams in the European competitions. I have checked its not just down to cup winners as well. Any ideas?
have you get any other league data files loaded? for leaguea you have loaded that are not part of the real fixtures there maybe random teams
Lucas Koopman
Just want to say, awesome mod!
We're planning on playing the first/second league of the netherlands.
It's not that big of a deal that the second league isn't made up of real fixtures but the promotion/degredation works with a playoff series. Which is never correct because it works like a ‘cup'
Any tips?
Thanks anyway!
no idea but if them rules have been made for future seasons maybe test it with out the file see if that works…when fm puts new rules in for future seasons somtimes it stays at default rules when making db changes eg fixtures
This is awesome, I've been trying to add the Dutch 2nd division results myself (doing a bit of an experimental save but it needs Heracles to get promoted with no players so you can see how that isn't happening)
For some reason the results are just not showing up in game at all, and I can't for the life of me figure out why.
I've gone to the “Show Rules for” dropdown and selected Keuken Kampioen Divisie, and then Fixture Times and Rules > League Fixtures > 2022,0,Opening Stage, Fixtures For Year - and then I've put in the results in the Fixtures for Year tab, using the same format you've used, and yet when I load the game up using these rules, nothing, Heracles dead last with 38 losses from 38 games.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated
to what you've said it seems right to me only thing i can suggest is go over your fixtures dates ect to make sure there correct. even though it suppose to the editor does not always pick up mistakes, had it happen to me a few times were i have put wrong team in or date
I finally managed to fix it, no real idea what I was doing wrong - dunno if you want me to send you over the file so you can include it in your DB for everyone else's benefit? (The only thing that isn't perfect is the exact dates of the fixtures)
thanks but im not adding leagues or updating this for fm23 now il be back for fm24 .glad you got it working 👍
Colin Deiner
Hi Mush7.
I understand that cup game results are not included but I have found an interesting problem that I hope can be clarified. I have installed the three necesarry files to start my new save in June 2024 (Data Update, Real Results and Custom Start Date). When I start a new save with Newcastle it shows that they (Newcastle) had actually played in the Champions League the previous season (22/23). I'm not sure how this happens as they finished in 10th place in 21-22. Is there anyway I can fix this?
Can you please update English Championship rules for subs. From 2023. its 9 subs.,in%20the%20second%20tier%20voted%20for%20the%20increase.
Hi, thanks a lot for this!! Have you included changes to the World Cup format? to 12 groups of 4? instead of 16 groups of 3?
When I start up the save with Liverpool it says they have already won the Europa League which means I have automatic Champions League qualification even though this season we are in Europa??
I had real fixtures loaded up perfectly in my Chelsea save, but when I got to September, Chelsea were in the Europa League along with Spurs. Chelsea didn’t win any cup competitions even on the save in the 22/23 season to qualify for continental football. Ruined my whole save..
world cups nothing to do with this file so no
start up a new save cup results are random theres othere files about were you can just start 23/24 season with correct cup winners ect
no idea about that one sorry
Transfer Sıcaklığı
There are not many rule changes, it better come for the turkish league
it may be lost in translation but that sounds like a threat
just to be clear this is just the real results/fixtures file, you want rules changes look elsewhere or do it yourself
also in big bold clear text in the opening post-
Turkey[issues with rule changes so unable to add at this stage]so please do not ask.No plans to update any other nations/leagues at this stage so please do not ask in the thread or by PM
Hi mate do you want to keep this open now?
several of the latest posts are not on topic and you clearly state you have finished this until FM24
think its best we close it as you say its going off topic now
just PM if you want to reopen
thanks for your work with this over the season it is appreciated😉