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Hi all. Anyone else getting a really pixelated ‘Man vs Fat Football’ video ad? When I start a match (any match in any league from what I can see) I get a proper ad first (Prostate Cancer in the EFL, for example) and then it goes to this and only this for the remainder of the match.
The reason I’m curious whether anyone else has had it is that I’ve looked at a number of YouTubers recent videos and can’t find a single other example of it. I’ve logged this as a bug and I’ve had a reply from SI so hopefully they can resolve it. But I’m curious if anyone else has had it and if so, what did you do to fix it (I’ve searched through the ads graphics files using the Resource Archiver and can’t find any reference to this ad, either as a video or in the config).
Any help will be hugely appreciated - this is driving me mad and is a total immersion breaker for me at the moment. I’ve pulled apart the graphics files using the resource Archiver, checked all the Ads folders, deleted them one by one and still this ad appears, every single game for every single game/league. It’s driving me bonkers! Please help!!
Yeah I'm getting this, and also sometimes it seems it the only add in the match. Much too much of this add anyway. I've also got add boards downpoaded as well.
Bielsa is a legend
Have you tried reapplying bid stock after the last update?
I use the full adboards pack and have had this intermittently, but not really noticed all the time
i will check further later on
after a quick game against coventry, i am seeing different video ads all the time
Thanks for getting back to me - what do you mean by reapplying Bidstock? What is Bidstock and how do I reapply it!? (Apologies for asking what is presumably an obvious question!)
Yeah its the same ad all game for me. I’ve tried deleting all the ad graphics, downloading an ad mod, changing ad preferences… nothing works!
Bielsa is a legend
It’s a file in the ads in the game, the adboards file disabled it, but any new update will default it back
Okay, so what do I need to do? What do you mean by reapply? Sorry, I’m a bit of a noob, I need it explained in very simply terms!
Bielsa is a legend
apply bidstock in your games preferences
Bielsa is a legend
and this is steam ads
Okay, and where did you get the apply_bidstack XML file? I had a look in my own preferences folders and couldn‘t see anything.
Bielsa is a legend
It was part of the adboards pack, I will upload it in the morning for you
I see you have reported to SI here
so the matter is under review
Bielsa is a legend
Do SI ever respond?
man vs fat is an SI supported campaign
i wouldn’t mention you use adboards packs, they will send miles to your house!
Correct, but they haven't given me a workaround to solve the issue so I can go back to enjoying the game (not surprising as they are quite protective of their ads). Hence why I then came here to see if somebody had a fix. That's okay isn't it? I'm being careful not to infer tone from a couple of lines of text but it seems you are suggesting I have done something wrong.
Ha! I did think that! I seem to have stumbled on a fudged workaround - it seems that turning my WiFi off and playing offline stops the rogue ad from appearing. Not ideal but not the end of the world, at least I can go back to playing. Thanks again for all your help, it was the Bidstack stuff that made me think it might be something to do with being online as opposed to a rogue file buried deep within the resource archiver.