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They're in the correct division in the update 🙂
Thanks mate!
I intend to start a save rebuilding the club from the lower leagues, it's just the update I needed.
Minor tweak to Turkey now uploaded, division composition is now correct.
Iceland and Sweden now added, this means there's a playable files for ALL EUROPEAN leagues that are in the vanilla version of the game. Some will still require tweaks to get structures correct where changes have happened and some lower leagues need to be edited when the exact team composition is decided.
Spain update included changes to lower divisions is now uploaded.
FM treq
Which is the files in the folder download do I need to use in the editor to give clubs a realistic budget for the first season? Even though I have transfer window on there's not much money kicking about
Cheers Treq (Matt)
Hi mate, I won't be making major changes to finances until the window closes, its almost impossible to keep track of what's going in and out accurately across thousands of clubs. It'll be released fairly rapidly once the window shuts.
Just noticed today when loading a new game an error about discipline rule groups. Last time I loaded a new game was circa 9th July. Not sure if related to one of the league files created since then. Could be nothing to do with these files but thought to say here in case it is.
I found the issue, it was because the Republic of Ireland league update file was renamed Ireland in the release on 10th July, so when I copied and pasted the new files, it didn't flag as a file that needed to be overwritten given the name change from Republic of Ireland to Ireland. Once I deleted the old one named ‘Republic of Ireland’ all was well. Thanks
Is there an update, how it stands?
Did you need help withe the promotions and relegations for the german lower division leagues?
Hi, any chance Anfield stadium extension could have the date completed changed, brought forward a year inline with the new season?
It should be in the next upload tomorrow morning, the Regionalliga are all accurate now.
It'll be in a different file at some stage but yes.
Uruguay now added, including expansion of second division to 14 teams.
Chile also added, including reduction of second division to 16 teams.
Colombia now added.
Brazil now also added, includes winners of the regional competitions all updated alongside the traditional leagues.
Nice one, can't wait to play the next season! 🙂
Means this, that the relegated teams from Regionaliga are in the right Oberliga?
That is correct, the file doesn’t make the leagues playable however but it may be compatible with a extra file that does, please let me know if that is the case!
I had an ingame look on it and it seems to be fine.
I used thge greatest german file of Meistertrainerforum in addition - it is fully compatible.
The file could be downloaded here: https://www.meistertrainerforum.de/index.php/topic,29210.0.html
Thank you! 🙂
Now i only need a file, to start after July 1st 2023. 😜
EDIT: Found a custom start date file with starting Date July 11th 2023 on steam.
If anyone want to play with: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2986079440
Thats a perfect fit with these files here!
I am glad to hear that its working for you (and anybody else who wants to try), I hope you have a good time with the update 🙂
Argentina and South America now added.
Peru also added, all playable South American leagues now updated.
China added.
Could you share the file here? I play with Game Pass so I can't download from the workshop
The file was fake. It starts on July 11th but still in 2022. Sorry. 😢
Could you guys update the Brasileirão (A and B) teams?
I am not referring to updating teams, but promotions and relegations of teams that have already taken place. I will send here the leagues with the corrected participants below.
Brasileirão Série A
Brasileirão Série B
I would be grateful if you could give me an answer on this
Brazil is included in the update, including promotions and relegations.
Hi mate. If you and @dncjndc are still looking for a way to start in July 2023, my suggestion is to load Indonesia when starting a new save, view only. The country has several options to start later on 2023, july and even august.
Thank you very much. Unfortunately the game simulates the 2022/2023 season as I suspected, even in non loaded leagues (you find 2 league champions in the same year). If only there was a way to prevent this…