Bringing to you version 2 of my Stato Skin. A few different panels and club colours title bar.
Thanks to all those that have helped along the way including the guys at DF11, Steve(for his amazing back grounds) and to the guys on The Sports Interactive Site.
I will not be adding or taking requests to amend this so please do not ask
09/08/2023 - A new file uploaded with a few minor tweaks to the transparency of panels, and small very small changes to the skin.
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Sorry Ian, just to check nothing has changed correct? This just the original version 2 download. Many thanks
Yeah Stuart, nothings changed(I don't think anyway), someone was questioning the version earlier so just reuploaded the skin again.
I don't understand?
How do i download the VERSION 2 of the skin from this site/page ??
When i click on the download button, it takes me to this sitepage: https://sortitoutsi.net/media/2464929/download
And since i'm not a premium member, i can only download it from getfiles.co.uk or dfiles.eu
These two links:
Both links is VERSION 1 and looks like these two links isn't updated - so my question is, how do i download the VERSION 2 for free (without premium membership). Please help. Thanks
THIS IS VERSION 2!!! You do not need premium to download it…I uploaded this from my skin i'm using and it is definitely VERSION 2.
As you can see from the below screenshot its downloadable for FREE
But why is my skin completly different from the skin-screenshots you have uploaded in this site?? I thought it was VERSION 1.
For example, my player screen dosen't look like this :
My playerscreen is not like exactly like this.
And also, the squad screen dosen't look like this at all:
I don't know what it is - can it be somethin related to zoom out?
Can you post screen shots of what you see at all?
bonjour , je voudrais bien télécharger ta tactique aurai tu un lien stp
Have added my tactic for you.
Great skin just 1 question Is there a way to remove the instant result from the files so it doesn't appear in game at all ?
Hey Ian, I hope you are well? Love your skin. Mt go to one this year. Just one thing. Would it be possible to add a filter that the player head pictires are visible on the squad page? Many thanks in advance.
Bizarrely on your screenshot, it shows the player pics. Mine (the second one) does not.
Hi @StuartNG Have you tried changing the width of where the info and name are in the picture you sent me? That might help, or try customising the view on that screen, Did the faces show on the previous versions of the skin
Hi Ian,
Great work with your skin! I'm using it since 3 weeks ago.
I have one doubt. How can I make this box or panel more transparent? It's from the staff meeting. I would like to see a bit of the background, since it has 100% of opacity, I can't. Could you help me?
Here's the print screen.