Stato_M Activity
This is panel>human>press conference panel
Please see previous posts in this thread on how to resolve these issues
Use the other skins then
Not sure what you mean as the age is clear to see on the player profiles, please see below.
If you have a play around with the player overview panel and look at the line with minimum hight edit that and you should be able to resize this to how you want <!-- Profile picture --> <widget class="picture" id="p...
Have you got a screen shot please buddy?
I believe that's hard coded this year, I'll have a tinker around though this weekend and see what I can come up with, will keep you posted.
Hey, Can you share a screenshot when you get the chance
Remove the match commentary file from the match folder, that should fix that!!
Click on the score inside the scoreboard, that will fix that issue.
Try zooming out to 95% in the interface settings, that should solve your issues and problems give me a shout
Hi mate, I have a 17" laptop, Have you tried adjusting your resolution? Otherwise I think it will be going down the road of playing on 85% zoomed
If you removes the Press Conference Panel in the Human folder this should sort that out for you, any issues give me a shout
Can you post a screenshot please, I think its just a removal of a panel….
That is Pre Match Briefing panel, can be found in the match folder.
@soulikah Thanks for the kind words, You can find the competition backgrounds here FM 2024 Misc Graphics | FM Scout Cheers again mate
Have you tried changing the transparency at all?
I have attached the side bar for you, you will need to replace the file that's in Stato Skin>Panels>Generic Next you will need to go in the folder below and change each individual file so that the red replacement is primary and not secondary&nb...
Hi mate, The picture I have is a JPG, If you send me the picture you want I can have a go my end and ten send across the file?
@Willyfever If you remove the Press Conference Panel from here Stato Skin>Panels>Human that should solve your issue. Give me a shout if it doesn't
@Willyfever I can't think off the top of my head, I'll take a look when I get home from work and let you know mate 🙂
Hi Alex, this would be because these are set to the colour competition and as the PL is white that's why they are white, If you look in the original post there is a way to change these to the correct colour competitions, Or you can remove the top two file...
@Willyfever If you unzip this file and place it in Stato Skin>Panels>Match and say yes when prompted, this should fix your issue, If not give me a shout.
Hi mate, if you look at the below snippet, follow the path and just change the picture there to something you want, Give me a shout if you have any issues
Hi mate, When I finish work I will send over a file to correct that for you.
That would be because of the competition colour you're playing in? What league are you playing and as i believe its the default.
That's because that panel is my own personal view I created, my views can be found in an earlier post.
I don't think it is vague at all, all the four database folders have a inc folder all you need to do is drag the colour competition file into each separate inc folder,So thats 4 times in the four inc files.
Hi, sorry for the delayed response, If you have a play around with that panel you suggested and look at the size of the player picture in the below snippet you might be able to make it more to you liking!! <!-- Profile picture -->&n...
Not sure what you want me to suggest? You're the first one with this problem out of over 11,000 downloads….
Then you have done something wrong, As there is nothing wrong with the download…
It is possible, you would need to download a flags pack and unzip it into your graphics folder.
Then you havent installed it correctly…
What league are you playing in at the moment?
Its in the post about the skin!!
Have you added the competition colour file?
Try setting the zoom to 95% in the interface settings, That should sort that out
Can you send a screen shot please.
@Robioto Really appreciate the kind feedback, thanks very much!!
I will look into this in more depth for you 🙂
You can change the views on the tactics screen, Try having a play with the views button pointed out here below
Try amending the settings to 95% zoom and that should fix your issue.
Hey pal, It is only a small update, If you're happy with the version you're using then I would suggest you stick with that, From my experience When I've edited, I never notice losing anything , i.e. views and panel layout.
Hey, I think if you look at the comments thread, I did share my views in one of the posts, pretty explanatory as to where you need to import them to, Let me know if you can't find them and I'll post them again.
Glad you managed to sort it, There are files that you can delete, let me know if you want me to let you know what they are 🙂
If you download the colour competition that would fix this, otherwise remove the match console quick tactics panel from the match folder.
I think you would need to download the competition backgrounds, they can be found here FM 2024 Misc Graphics | FM Scout Just add them to the graphics folder and remove anything that you have in there regards backgrounds.
Hi buddy, yes you need to add the file to each data base in the inc folders, also zoom to 95% in the settings, that should fix your issue not seeing the whole screen.
Have a look at the sidebar menu table in the generic folder, either remove it or adjust it to how you want.
Have a play around with the files, Sure you could implement what you are looking for!